- Softening action;emolliate;mollification

Softening of NiAl alloy induced by phosphorous
The hardness and brittleness of ZrCr_2 Laves phase decrease , the fracture toughness is enhanced with the addition of alloying elements V , Nb and Mo , which implies that alloying has a softening effect on the mechanical properties of the ZrCr_2 Laves phase .
Analysis results show that BCC metal has a longer yield process and higher initial stress than FCC metal , and the soften effect on initial elastic modulus is more obvious in BCC metals because of its higher surface ratio .
The main deformation mechanism of superplasticity is the balance between strain hardening .
Cyclic softening effect of high current multiple pulses on strain controlled low cycle fatigue of α - ti
Calculation Method for Softening Action of Soft Clay Caused by Waves and Experiements on a Centrifugal Model Test
The landscape function of weeping plants included consummating , unifying , emphasizing , distinguishing , softening and eye-catching .
Phosphates soften water for detergents but contribute to algae blooms in our waterways , which can kill off fish populations .
This article discusses the role that information industry plays in softening the economic structures such as structures of industry , employment , consumption , investment and of trade .
Metal thermal softening and thermal conductivity offset each other at a certain extent , thus adiabatic shear occurs at low cutting speeds ; At high cutting speed , metal thermal softening dominates .
Second , by the role of its formidable " conditioning ", software industry seeps to nearly all aspects of the national economy and social life , which speeds up the upgrading of industries and the optimized function .
The occurrence of dynamic recrystallization in adiabatic shear band showed that adiabatic temperature rise in the shear band was very high , whose softening effect gave rise to steel cylinder fracturing preferentially along the adiabatic shear bands .
When the solution temperature is400 ℃, the solution heat treatment can get the best results ( 6 ) At high temperatures , the compressive properties of the magnesium matrix composites are mainly affected by the working hardening and the softening effect of the dynamic recrystallization .
This method can be used to multi-link flexible manipulator . Because of the second order coupling terms and the ' softer beam effect ' result from the added coupling terms in transversal displacement field , the dynamic model is different from the traditional dynamic model .
The result shows that B is beneficial to softening of the product . In addition to the primary result of systematic tests is given .
Gd additive had small influence on the recovery and recrystallization process of Ag .
The role and limitation of imaging investigation on metabolic and endocrine osteomalacia
Behaviour of enzyme bating in the technology of enzymatic unhairing
Contains a large number of chlorophyll and vascular effects of rutin have softened , increase the role of blood vessel elasticity .
World record is like is5 days this is normal , because water has , make the organization is loosened , the action of bate .
Treatments at 50 ℃ for 10 min or 15 min have no beneficial effects on delaying the senescence and softening of lightly processed Red Globe grapes .
Study on Regulation and Mechanism of Calcium on Ethylene-induced Muskmelon Softening
Effect of lron on the Work-softening of Al-Fe Alloy
Tallow mixed with oil ; used to make leather soft and waterproof .
The action of Ca2 + on inhibiting softening of tissue would conform to the law of hyperbola .
The evolution of blank hold pressure is determined by the effect of work hardening and softening during deep drawing process .
This , along with the softening action of the lemon juice , will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gall bladder .
To elucidate the softening mechanism of banana fruit ,β - D-xylosidase activities in peel and flesh , fruit firmness , respiration rate and ethylene release rate were assayed during banana softening .
The dislocation networks on the γ / γ′ phase interfaces could accommodate and slow down the process of dislocation shearing γ′ phase which is for the strain strengthening and recover softening during creep , therefore , in favor of improving the creep resistance of superalloys .
One of the reasons of increasing the activity of hydrolytic enzyme is that the new protein is synthesized .