
yī xué ɡuān chá
  • medical observation
  1. 解除医学观察:

    be discharged from medical observation

  2. 按照要求,即使没有肺炎症状,此前去过武汉的人员也应进行14天的居家医学观察。

    People having traveled from China 's Wuhan are required to place themselves under medical observation at home for 14 days even without symptoms of pneumonia1 .

  3. 对甲型H1N1流感医学观察病例的管理与体会

    Nursing care of cases under medical observation of influenza A-H1N1

  4. 结论:SARS患者康复期仍有接受治疗及医学观察的必要。

    Conclusion : It is necessary to be treated and observed in recovering period in the patients with SARS .

  5. 方法对收治的45例严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)患者、发热门诊150例医学观察和1200例回家观察患者发病初期的临床资料进行回顾分析。

    Methods Clinical data of 45 SARS patients , 150 medical observation patients and 1200 home observation patients from fever-clinic were analyzed retrospectively .

  6. 虽然在他们中间目前没有人显示与H5N1感染相一致的症状,但是作为一项预防措施,已对他们全体进行医学观察。

    Although none of these people presently shows symptoms compatible with H5N1 infection , all have been placed under medical observation as a precaution .

  7. 甲型H1N1流感密切接触人员医学观察期间的防控措施(附550例病例)

    Preventive and control measures for people in close contact with influenza A ( H1N1 ) infected persons during medical observation period ( 550 cases )

  8. 目的对广州市甲型H1N1流感病例密切接触者进行调查,并对隔离医学观察情况进行分析,为制定甲型H1N1流感防控措施提供科学依据。

    Objective To analyze the situations of quarantine and management among H1N1 close contacts in Guangzhou city , in order to provide the scientific basis for the prevention and control of H1N1 .

  9. 在实验前、后监测心前区血流中的Doppler气泡音、脑电图、心电图、动态心电图、肺功能、尿液神经肽含量、临床医学观察和心理学测定。

    Precordial Doppler bubble detection , EEG , ECG , Holter ECG , pulmonary function , neuropeptide content in urine , were measured or tested before and after the experiment . And clinical observation and psychological assessment were also made in the process .

  10. 结果海南省2003年4月~2004年4月报告发热病例442792例,其中SARS医学观察病例78例,无死亡病例,经综合诊断后全部排除SARS。

    Results There were 442,792 pyrexia cases reported from April 2003 to April 2004 in Hainan province , in which 78 cases were medical observation cases and the case fatality rate was zero . SARS was eliminated by synthetic diagnosis in every case .

  11. 历经3次脑手术,3次术后组织病理研究,动态临床医学观察40个月。

    Dynamic medical observation with MRI was performed for 40 months .

  12. 对接触者进行了医学观察,未发现任何人发病。

    Contacts were placed under medical observation , where none developed illness .

  13. 约1000名无症状病例仍在医学观察中。

    Around 1000 asymptomatic cases are still under medical observation .

  14. 论体育教学与训练的医学观察

    On the Medical Observation of P.E Teaching and Training

  15. 被遗弃儿入福利院前医学观察306例分析

    Primary Medical Care of 306 Abandoned Children before Admission to the Welfare Organization

  16. 部分接触者已解除了医学观察。

    Some have already been removed from medical observation .

  17. 小剂量氚内照射13例临床医学观察

    13 Cases of Clinic Medical Observation About the Small Dosage Tritium Inside Irradiation Damage

  18. 所有接触者正在接受医学观察,目前均身体健康。

    All contacts have been placed under medical observation and remain healthy to date .

  19. 已对这些家庭成员和其他密切接触者进行医学观察。

    Members of these families and other close contacts have been placed under medical observation .

  20. 传染性非典型肺炎接触者隔离医学观察费用评价

    Cost Evaluation on the Fees of Medical Observation of Quarantining Contactors with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

  21. 所有新增无症状患者均在喀什进行隔离医学观察。

    All of the new asymptomatic cases are among those under isolated medical observation in Kashgar .

  22. 上述人员的密切接触者要在指定场所进行14天的集中医学观察。

    Their close contacts will be put under isolated medical observation in designated facilities for 14 days .

  23. 境外进京人员仍需进行医学观察和核酸检测。

    All personnel heading to the city from abroad still need medical observation and nucleic acid testing .

  24. 已对密切接触者进行医学观察,迄今无人显示感染症状。

    Close contacts have been placed under medical observation and none has shown symptoms of infection to date .

  25. 卫生部门报告,已置于医学观察之下的密切接触者未显示任何症状。

    Close contacts who have been placed under medical observation have not displayed any symptoms , health authorities report .

  26. 与此同时,在国内接受医学观察的无症状患者约1500名,其中包括境外输入205例。

    Meantime , around 1500 asymptomatic patients have been under medical observation in the country , including 205 cases originating abroad .

  27. 疏筋壮骨功提高人体机能的医学观察

    Medical Observation on Effects of Shujinzhuanggugong ( Exercise to Strengthen the Bone , Tendon and Muscle ) on Enhancing Human Function

  28. 武汉市最后3例无症状病例在核酸检测呈阴性后已结束医学观察。

    The last three asymptomatic cases in Wuhan have been released from medical observation after turning negative in nucleic acid tests .

  29. 国家卫生健康委员会的王斌表示,所有入境人员必须接受14天的隔离医学观察。

    Wang Bin with the National Health Commission says all people entering the country must undergo a 14-day quarantine and medical observation .

  30. 北京自九月初恢复国际直航以来,已启用34家酒店进行集中医学观察和检疫。

    Since Beijing resumed direct international flights in early September , the city has opened 34 hotels for concentrated medical observation and quarantine .