
  • 网络medical library;NLM
  1. CIP对地方高校图书馆编目工作的作用医学图书馆编目人员如何正确看待在版编目

    On Effect of Cataloguing in Publication on Library Catalogue of ; How medical library catalogers correctly treat CIP in Chinese books

  2. 在信息技术高速发展时代,我国医学图书馆界必须有冷静的观念:Internet虽好,但各大权威数据库照常收费;

    In the era of rapidly developing information technology , China medical library community must be alert in idea . Internet is excellent , but authoritative databases whereon still charge without discount , free delivery of full text service from substantial journals is rarely available .

  3. 非业内人士难以进入医学图书馆。

    It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries

  4. 美国国立医学图书馆标准出版数据XML文件的制作

    Format of XML file for NLM standard data

  5. ISO9000族国际质量标准与医学图书馆质量管理

    ISO 9000 and quality management of medical libraries

  6. 应用PRA方法调研美国医学图书馆

    An investigation of USA medical libraries with PRA

  7. 美国国立医学图书馆因特网上免费MEDLINE及其实用检索

    Free MEDLINE of National Library of Medicine on INTERNET and Its Practical Retrieval

  8. MEDLINE是该馆编制的著名的生物医学文献数据库,隶属于美国国立医学图书馆的国家生物技术中心并且在因特网上提供免费数据库使用,该数据库在2000年进行了改版,提供了强大的检索功能。

    National center for biotechnology information provide free MEDLINE service on INTERNET and it has powerful function .

  9. 《公共医学图书馆摘要》:长期电位化(LTP)以前突触活动联对后突触除极化,增加突触讯号强度。

    PubMed abstract : Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) is an enhancement of synaptic strength that can be produced by pairing of presynaptic activity with postsynaptic depolarization .

  10. NCBISearchToolbar是美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)新近推出的专用搜索工具,本文介绍该工具的特点、使用方法等。

    This paper introduces the characters and application of the NCBI search toolbar , which is a medical search tool newly presented to the public by the National library of Medicine ( NLM ) of American .

  11. 据美国国家医学图书馆(NationalLibraryofMedicine)的MedlinePlus服务称,确保安全的关键在于泥土的量只有“一点点”,而且它们最好没有受到杀虫剂、化肥、铅涂料,特别是寄生虫的污染。

    The key to staying safe is " a little bit , " and preferably dirt that is not contaminated by things like insecticide , fertilizer , flakes of lead paint and especially parasites , according to Medline Plus , a service of the National Library of Medicine .

  12. 从建立质量管理体系,实施人本管理,树立顾客满意理念,重视科学管理方法的应用等方面论述了ISO9000国际质量标准对医学图书馆管理提出的要求。提出了更新观念,强化质量意识;

    The requirements of ISO 9000 for medical library management are discussed from the establishment of quality management system , implementation of people-oriented management , realization of sense of user satisfaction , and application of scientific management .

  13. 3名学生先从茶叶中提取DNA,进行扩增,送去测序,然后将测序结果与美国国家医学图书馆GenBank数据库中已有的序列进行对比。

    The high schoolers extracted and amplified the tea DNA and then sent it to a sequencing facility . They then compared the sequences they got back with known sequences listed in the GenBank database maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine .

  14. 美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)建立的医学文献分析和联机检索系统(MEDLINE)是全球最具影响力的生物医学数据库。

    Medical literature analysis and retrieval system online ( MEDLINE ) established by National Library of Medicine , USA ( NLM ) is the most important biomedical database all over the world .

  15. 介绍在实施基于问题学习(PBL)的试点教学改革中北京大学医学图书馆采用的一种新的信息素质教育方法,即将图书馆的信息素质教育内容整合到PBL教学课程中的方法;

    The Health Science Library of Peking University adopts a new method for library information literacy education in the problem - based learning ( PBL ) activities , which integrates the content of information literacy education to the course of the PBL teaching .

  16. 美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)拥有很多权威的医学数据库,本文回顾了国内检索这些数据库不同方式的几个阶段,并详细介绍了今年6月以来NLM在Internet网上向公众免费开放的数据库的最新情况。

    National Library of Medicine ( NLM ) Possesses many authoritative biomedical databases . In this paper , several different ways by which these databases are utilized in our country are reviewed , and their latest information on Internet is described in detail .

  17. 本文阐述了美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)的一体化医学语言系统语义网络的结构,重点探讨了该网络的语义学特点。

    Based on analyzing and introducing the semantic Network of UMLS Knowledge Sources , which is developed by NLM , the semantic character and structure of the Network are emphatically discussed in the paper .

  18. 基因库(GenBank)是由美国国立卫生研究院、美国国立医学图书馆以及美国国家生物技术信息中心建立发行的,所有已知核酸和蛋白质序列及其文献和生物学注释的公共数据库。

    GenBank is a public database of all known nucleotide and protein sequences with supporting bibliographic and biological annotation , built and distributed by the National Center for Biotechnology information ( NCBI ), the National Library of Medicine ( NLM ) and the National institute of Health ( NIH ), USA.

  19. 文章探讨了循证医学图书馆(中文光盘版)的特点和检索功能,同时讨论了该数据库存在的一些问题。

    Some problems existing in this database have also been discussed .

  20. 山东省医学图书馆信息技术应用调研

    Application of information technology in Shandong medical libraries : an investigation

  21. 医学图书馆与人文素质教育体育专业大学生人文素质教育分析

    The Humane Quality Education Analysis of College Student in Physical Speciality

  22. 谈医学图书馆数字资源利用教育课程的设计

    Design of the course of medical library digital resources utilization education

  23. 医学图书馆开展阅读疗法服务的探讨

    Probe into How to Develop the Reading-therapy-based Service in Medical Library

  24. 试论21世纪医学图书馆员的继续教育

    On the continuing education of medical librarians in the 21st Century

  25. 台湾医学图书馆联盟的发展与特色

    Development and Features of Medical Library Consortia in Taiwan Province

  26. 小型医学图书馆局域网建设

    Development of local area network in a small medical library

  27. 论现代医学图书馆&访问美国医学图书馆启示录

    On modern medical library * some enlightenments from visiting American medical libraries

  28. 浅谈年轻的医学图书馆员应具备的素质

    Talk about the diathesis which young medical librarian must possess

  29. 医学图书馆在医院整体素质建设中的职能作用

    The function of hospital library in hospital overall quality construction

  30. 网络时代医学图书馆的藏书建设

    Construction of Books Collection in Medical Libraries in Network Era