
  • 网络Medicated dressings;Medical dressing;wound dressings
  1. 新型医用敷料:几种典型的高科技医用敷料(Ⅱ)

    The New-Type Medical Dressings : Introduction of Some Typical High-Tech Medical Dressings (ⅱ)

  2. 壳聚糖纤维医用敷料的生产及应用

    Production and application of chitosan fiber medical dressings

  3. 目的:将甲壳质医用敷料用于糜烂型口腔扁平苔藓(OralLichenPlanus,OLP)的局部治疗,同时分析糜烂愈合延迟的影响因素。

    PURPOSE : To provide effective solution to accelerate healing of erosive oral lichen planus ( OLP ), the present study applied chitin to treat erosive OLP and analyzed the factors which leaded to delayed healing .

  4. 结论:甲壳质医用敷料治疗糜烂型OLP无效,可能与口腔环境湿润、甲壳质不易粘附于糜烂面等方面的原因有关。

    Conclusion : Medical dressing of chitin is of no effect on erosive OLP because of the moist environment in mouth , moreover , this kind of dressing is difficult to cling to the surface of oral mucosa .

  5. 医用敷料废物对环境的影响及防治对策

    Influence of Medical Dressing Waste on Environment and Its Preventive Countermeasures

  6. 甲壳素棉交织医用敷料的设计及性能测试

    Design and Property Test of Chitin Cotton Interweaving Medical Wound Dressing

  7. 结果:能保证与提高医用敷料的质量,杜绝伪劣产品在医药市场流通。

    RESULTS the quality of finished products was improved and controlled .

  8. 聚乳酸纤维制备医用敷料的可行性研究

    A feasible study of PLA fiber 's application to medical use

  9. 医用敷料质量控制的探讨

    Study on the quality control of the medical surgical products

  10. 黏胶长丝针织医用敷料

    Study of the medically used viscose filament yarn knitted wound dressing fabric

  11. 海藻酸钙医用敷料与普通棉纱布的性能比较

    Comparison of the properties of calcium alginate wound dressing and cotton gauze

  12. 医用敷料用海藻纤维国内外研究进展

    Review of alginate fiber for medical dressing research in domestic and overseas

  13. 医用敷料是一类用于各种创伤、创口表面进行临时覆盖的医用材料。

    Medical dressing is a kind of materials used to cover wound temporarily .

  14. 新型医用敷料&明胶基抗菌纳米纤维水凝胶的制备及其环境影响研究

    Study on the Preparation and Environmental Impact of New Wound Dressing-gelatin-based Antibacterial Nanofiber Hydrogels

  15. 新型医用敷料:伤口种类及其对敷料的要求(Ⅰ)

    The Requirements in Performance of the Wound Dressings for the Classifications of Wounds (ⅰ)

  16. 本文研究了羧甲基壳聚糖分子结构的设计、合成与表征及其在医用敷料膜和果蔬保鲜的应用。

    In this paper , molecular structure design , characterization of carboxymethyl chitosan was studied .

  17. 甲壳质医用敷料对兔深Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈合的影响

    The effect of chitin dressing on the deep second degree scalded wound healing of rabbits

  18. 海藻酸医用敷料吸湿机理分析

    Absorption mechanism analysis about alginate wound dressings

  19. 改善微循环和促进创伤愈合的新途径:功能型医用敷料

    A Novel Function Medical Dressing : A New Way to Improve Microcirculation and Promote Wound Healing

  20. 介绍了用于医用敷料的甲壳质水刺法非织造布的加工方法。

    Process method of chitin spunlaced nonwoven used for medical dressing is introduced in the paper .

  21. 纤维在抗菌纺织品、医用敷料等产品中得到广泛的应用。

    Chitosan fibers had in recent years found applications various niche end uses such as antimicrobial textiles and wound dressings .

  22. 当被加工成医用敷料后,这种具有高吸湿性的羧甲基纤维素纤维可以吸收大量的伤口渗出液。

    When made into wound dressings , these highly absorbent carboxymethyl fibers can absorb a large amount of wound fluid .

  23. 作为医用敷料载体时,两种载体膜可根据伤口炎症反应程度的不同分别使用。

    Two membranes can be used as the carrier of medical dressings , according to the different of the wound inflammation degree .

  24. 介绍了在海藻酸纤维中加入银离子的各种方法,并分析了含银海藻酸纤维和医用敷料的性能。

    This paper introduced various methods for adding silver into alginate fibers and analyzed the properties of silver-contained alginate fibers and wound dressings .

  25. 本文综述了甲壳质及其衍生物在医药领域的应用,包括在医用敷料、眼科材料及药物制剂方面的应用。

    This paper reviews the application of chitin and its derivatives in medicine , including medical dressing , ophthalmic materials and pharmaceutical preparations .

  26. 介绍了甲壳质的分子结构,甲壳质纤维的生产,医用敷料和甲壳质非织造医用敷料的性能要求和生产方法。

    The molecular structure of chitin , chitin fiber production and performance requirements and production processes of chitin nonwoven medical dressings were introduced .

  27. 研究用乙酸酐改性后甲壳胺纤维及医用敷料的吸湿性能、抗菌性能和拉伸强度。

    This paper studied the absorption and antimicrobial properties as well as the tensile strength of the acetylated chitosan fibers and wound dressings thereof .

  28. 生产成本较高,与传统医用敷料比较无明显价格优势;

    Second , production cost is high , and compare to traditional woven products , spun laced medical compresses have not obvious price advantage ;

  29. 高保湿性和抗菌性的功能医用敷料作为一种临时皮肤替代物在治疗过程中发挥着重要作用。

    Functional medical dressing which has high moisturizing effect and antibacterial activity plays a vital role during the course of treatment as a temporary skin substitute .

  30. 对天然或再生纤维素纤维和织物进行表面处理以提高其吸水性能成为了目前高性能医用敷料领域的研究热点。

    The surface of the natural and artificial fiber has been treated to improve the absorption , which is the hotspot in the field of high-performance medical dressings .