
  • 网络CAR CUSHION;seat cushion
  1. 坐垫更新车内的坐垫可是与车主接触最亲密的“伙伴”了,因此在秋季到来时,首先应该更换的就是汽车坐垫。

    Cushion replaces the cushion inside car can be with the car advocate the contact is the most intimate " companionate ", because this is when autumn arrival , what should change above all is car cushion .

  2. 仓促间涂写的“shmily”会出现在汽车坐垫上,或是一张贴在方向盘轴心的小纸条上。

    Little notes with " shmily " scribbled hurriedly were found on dashboards and car seats , or taped to steering wheels .

  3. 高回弹双硬度汽车坐垫发泡生产线技术浅谈

    The Technical Discuss of Foaming Equipment for High Spring Double Rigidity Cushion of Automobile

  4. 根据规定,这种产品(汽车坐垫)最小额订单是1000打。

    According to the regulations , the minimum order for this kind of car seat is1,000 dozen .

  5. 适用于皮革制品,运动服,汽车坐垫,尼龙,帆布等材料的缝制。

    Suitable for sewing leather products , sportswear , automobile 's cushion , nylon and sailcloth materials .

  6. 我公司的主要产品是汽车坐垫,汽车脚垫,方向盘套和太阳挡等汽车用品。

    Our main products are car seat covers , car seat cushions , steering wheel covers , sun shades and etc.

  7. 这些硬币常常散落在各家的沙发缝、地毯下、抽屉角落、汽车坐垫下等地方。

    These coins were scattered everywhere in the house especially in the corners of sofa , blanket , drawer and the car mattress .

  8. 我司提供各种漂亮的居家,宠物坐垫,门垫以及汽车坐垫。

    The sisal mat can be used as the car mat and the door mat at home , or used for the pet clawing .

  9. 哈里森-迪拉德在八岁的时候就开始跨栏项目的训练,那时他用从废旧汽车坐垫下找来的弹簧作为障碍在跑道上训练。

    Harrison Dillard began hurdling at the age of eight , running in an alley and using the springs from abandoned car seats as barriers .

  10. 产品特性:纯天然环保汽车坐垫,手工编织汽车坐垫,标准五座汽车通用,透气、立体感,使坐乘旅途轻松。

    Features : natural green car seat , car seat weaving , standard five cars GM , breathable , three-dimensional , so easy to sit by the road .

  11. 最近的例子是,通过分析顾客在社交网络的反馈,这家公司确认了他们对某款汽车坐垫舒适度的不满,进而在新车型中引入了新式座椅。

    In one recent example , the company used analysis of customer feedback on social networks to corroborate evidence of dissatisfaction with the comfort of seats in one of its vehicles , before introducing new seats to future models .

  12. 借助市场调研的基本方法,结合自身的研究成果,为实际项目量身定做调研过程,在某品牌中国市场新型汽车坐垫研发这一案例上得到了很好的验证。

    Used the basic methods of market research , combined with my own research achievement , I tailored made the research progress for the project of the new automobile seat cover research for China market . This methodology has been well verified .

  13. 汽车座椅坐垫倾角对正面碰撞乘员保护影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence for the Protection on Frontal Impact by Vehicle Seat Cushion Obliquity

  14. 大型充气玩具、水上橡皮艇、充气床垫、汽车摩托车坐垫、遮阳板、侧门板等。

    Huge air inflated toy , rubber dinghy , air inflated cushion , automotive and motorbike seating cushion , sun-shading board , side board etc.

  15. 织制结果显示,所得八层板材织物具有一定厚度和足够的层间剪切应力,可以作为预制件用于汽车和飞机座椅坐垫等产业领域。

    Weaving manufacturing display , the result of eight layer plate material has specified thickness and enough shearing stress between two layers , and can used for industrial territorys such as motor vehicle , airplane cushion and so on .

  16. 亨利·莫雷洛饮用汽车车窗雨刷器中的水,抱着汽车坐垫取暖,靠一遍遍阅读汽车手册来打发时间。

    Henry Morello drank the windscreen washer fluid , used car mats to stay warm at night and read his car manual from cover to cover to pass the time .