
  • 网络automotive robots
  1. 在最近发布的这段视频里,一辆红色宝马M3从远处朝着摄像机驶来,与此同时,红色宝马开始变身为一个强大的汽车机器人。

    The recently-released footage shows a red BMW M3 being unveiled and remotely driven toward the camera , where it proceeds to transform into a mighty Autobot-like robot .

  2. ANTIMON的第一段视频中,汽车机器人可以根据口令移动手臂和脑袋,但目前尚未研发行走功能。该公司表示,如果能够为新的研发项目落实资金,行走功能是可以实现的。

    The first video of ANTIMON shows that it can move its arm and head on command and while walking functionality has not been developed yet , the company claims it 's doable if they can secure reasonable funding for a new research and development project .

  3. 该公司表示,制作乐创系列汽车机器人的想法来源于一次头脑风暴,当时是为了讨论一个独创且有前瞻性的项目。

    Letvision claims they came up with the idea for Letrons during a brainstorming session on a unique and futuristic project .

  4. 就像电影《变形金刚》,它使我们相信所有的汽车机器人都是真实存在的&也真的会说话。

    It takes movies like Transformers and makes us believe that all the car robots are really there – and really talking .

  5. 其他人则认为,世界已步入机器驱动的增长井喷时代,无人驾驶汽车和机器人将取代人类,BlueRiver之类的公司就是明证。

    But others say the world is on the cusp of a machine-driven growth spurt , where driverless cars and robots will replace people , and cite companies such as Blue River as evidence .

  6. 专注研发的公司Letvision(乐视野)最近在网上发布了他们的汽车变形机器人ANTIMON的雏形展示视频,惊呆了一众网友。

    The R & D-focused company , called Letvision , recently wowed the internet with a presentation video for their prototype car-transforming robot , ANTIMON .

  7. 汽车驾驶机器人换档机械手的优化设计

    Design Optimization of Gear Shifting Manipulator in Vehicle Driver Robot

  8. 汽车驾驶机器人车速跟踪控制策略研究

    Study on Speed Tracking Control Strategy for Robot Driver on Chassis Dynamometer

  9. 汽车驾驶机器人多机械手协调控制研究

    Coordinated control of multiple manipulators for vehicle robot driver

  10. 但是电脑、汽车、机器人真的能够证明我们多聪明吗?

    But do computers , cars , and factories really illustrate how intelligent we are ?

  11. 驾驶汽车的机器人

    Robot for Driving A Car

  12. 这辆汽车是机器人造的。

    Robot make the car .

  13. 基于遗传优化自抗扰控制器的机器人无标定手眼协调汽车驾驶机器人多机械手协调控制研究

    Uncalibrated Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination Based on Genetically Optimized ADRC Coordinated control of multiple manipulators for vehicle robot driver

  14. 他说,像货车运输这样的整个行业最终将被无人驾驶汽车等机器人技术进步所颠覆。

    Entire industries , such as trucking , will eventually be disrupted by robotic advances like self-driving cars , he said .

  15. 介绍了多品种汽车混流机器人喷漆自动线上的北京顶喷漆机器人的组成、工作过程。

    The composing and working process of Beijing top painting robot on many different kinds of motor mixed production automatic line were introduced .

  16. 现在来回答一直盘旋在大家脑中的那个问题:我们能为自己买一个现实版的汽车变形机器人吗?

    Now for the question that has probably been on your mind since you came on this page - Can you buy your very own real-life car-morphing robot ?

  17. 本文介绍汽车车身机器人点焊的工作流程,重点介绍了机器人点焊工作站的控制原理及工作站集成技术。

    This paper introduces work procedures of spot welding system in automotive industries . This paper is focused on the control principle and system integration techniques of robot spot welding workstation .

  18. 提出基于图像识别的车速和发动机转速的测量方法,并给出了在汽车驾驶机器人中的实际应用,讨论了图像识别的原理和具体处理方法。

    Measurement method of vehicle speed and engine speed based on image recognition and its application in the project of vehicle driver robot are discussed . The principle and real method of image recognition is described .

  19. 我发明了改进汽车工作的机器人。

    I have invented robots which improve the work of cars .

  20. 在此清单中,PHP代码表示变成一辆汽车的强大机器人的操作系统。

    In this listing , the PHP code represents the operating system for a powerful robot that turns into a car .

  21. 本田汽车公司的机器人Asimo被宣称是世界上最先进的机器人,然而在未来馆与观众见面时却犯了错误。

    Honda 's robot , Asimo , claimed to be one of the most advanced robots in the world , however it made some errors in its interactions .

  22. 汽车风挡玻璃机器人自动涂胶系统的设计

    The Design of an Automated Robotic Auto Windshield Gluing System

  23. 汽车前桥焊接机器人工作站的设计

    Design of Robot Welding Station for Front Bridge of Automobile

  24. 大家不妨把无人驾驶汽车看成是机器人。

    Think of a driverless car as a robot .

  25. 汽车玻璃涂胶机器人工作站

    Robot Station of Spray Glue for Car Glass

  26. 汽车座椅骨架机器人生产线

    The robot line of the car chair framework

  27. 这些汽车是由机器人制造的。

    These cars are built by robots .

  28. 现今,电脑亦用于像汽车发动机、机器人和微波炉等诸多不同机器的控制方面。

    Today , computers also control machines as diverse as automobile engines , robots , and microwave ovens .

  29. 因此,硅微陀螺仪在航空航天、地质勘探、医学、汽车工业以及机器人等领域具有广阔的应用价值和前景。

    Therefore it has a good application and prospect in the fields of aerospace , geological , medical , automotive , and robot .

  30. 该奥运会将包括9个竞赛项目,包括无人驾驶汽车竞速、机器人足球、机器人赛跑、机器人游泳、机器人兵乓球、机器人摔跤和无人机竞速等。

    It is billed to feature nine competitions , including driverless car racing , robotic soccer , robotic running , manned drones racing , robotic swimming , robotic table tennis , robotic wrestling , drone races .