
pá pō nénɡ lì
  • Gradeability;climbing capacity;grade ability
  1. 垂直越障和爬坡能力是越障能力分析的重要指标。

    Perpendicular obstacle capability and grade ability are important indexes to analysis on obstacle capability .

  2. 新型蠕动式微型管道机器人的牵引力及爬坡能力研究

    Traction Force and Climbing Capacity of a Novel Creeping Micro In-pipe Robot

  3. FF汽车爬坡能力的研究

    A study on the slope climbing ability of FF automobiles

  4. 摩托车和轻便摩托车爬坡能力试验方法

    Method of climbing ability test for motorcycles and mopeds

  5. 全液压振动压路机的动力匹配及爬坡能力

    Gradeability and Anti-slippery Principles for Full-wheel Driving Vibratory Rollers

  6. 爬坡能力对电动自行车的影响

    Climbing power greatly to electrically operated bicycle influence

  7. 全液压振动压路机的爬坡能力与动力有关系,并受到附着系数的限制。

    The gradeability of full-wheel driving vibratory rollers is related to its power , and restricted by cohesive factor .

  8. 基于摩托车发动机原理的爬管机器人设计新型蠕动式微型管道机器人的牵引力及爬坡能力研究

    The Initialization of Pipeline Robot Based on Motor Engine Features Traction Force and Climbing Capacity of a Novel Creeping Micro In-pipe Robot

  9. 对六足机器人的全方位步态进行了探讨,分析其机身的稳定性,爬坡能力、越沟能力等运动性能。

    In this paper , the author explores the gait selection problem for a hexapod robot for analyzing its stability and its kinematics performance .

  10. 这种小排量正三轮摩托车结构紧凑,运行平稳、功能齐全,爬坡能力强。

    The transmission shaft and small exhaust amount positive motor tricycle has the advantages of compact structure , stable operation , complete function and strong climbing ability .

  11. 并模拟某一线路公交车的行驶情况,测试纯电动公交车在该线路的加速性能、爬坡能力、续驶里程和能力回收利用率。

    And the simulation of a bus line driving conditions , the test of pure electric bus in the line acceleration , climbing ability , mileage and capacity utilization rate .

  12. 论述了重庆市采用爬坡能力强、曲线半径小、噪声低、景观性好的跨坐式单轨制式的背景;

    This paper discusses the background of Chongqing monorail system which adopted the straddle type with the advantages of excellent climbing ability , smaller turning radius , lower noise and better outline .

  13. 作者通过调查、试验及反复论证,从理论上分析了槽角增大对托辊式皮带输送机防止跑偏、纠正跑偏及爬坡能力的影响。

    Through a lot of investigation test and argumentation , the author analyzed theoretically the affection of trough angle increase to the anti deviation , retrieving deviation and climbing capability of roller belt conveyor .

  14. 首先基于系统开环传递函数和通用的悬浮控制器模型,通过将其单实极点配置为闭环非主导极点,将爬坡能力与控制系统的频带和阻尼等参数对应起来;

    Firstly , based on the transform functions of the system and controller models , the relation between the grade climbing ability and frequency band and damp are corresponded by regulating the single-real pole to non-dominant pole .

  15. 紧接着介绍了轮撬式越障机器人在规整地形和非规整地形的运动原理并对非规整地形越障进行了分析;分析了机器人的爬坡能力并介绍了另外两种越障方式。

    Followed introduced the wheel-ski-style obstacle-surmounting mobile robot in structured terrain and non-structured terrain movement principle and analyzed its obstacle-surmounting performance in non-structured terrain ; Analyzed the climbing ability of the robot and introduced the other two obstacle-surmounting ways .

  16. 由于中低速磁浮列车具有噪声低、振动小、运行平稳、爬坡能力强和易于维护等优点,因此其在城市轨道交通中具有极大的应用前景。

    Medium and low speed maglev train system has the advantages as lower noise , fewer vibration , steadier running , greater ability to take slope and easier to maintain , so it has great potential in urban mass transit .

  17. 单轮振动压路机的爬坡能力与其牵引特性直接相关,并且与压路机的重量分布及前后轮的附着力密切相联,还可能受坡道稳定性的影响。

    The gradeability of single drum vibratory compactors is directly related to their traction characteristics and also closely connected to their weight distribution and adhesive abilities of front and rear drums , and also possibly influenced by the on-grade stability .

  18. 以此为基础,对多种复杂地形进行了仿真试验,该模型可高效控制各轮滑转率,增强了巡视器的爬坡能力、通过沟壑以及跨越障碍的能力,适用于巡视器的工程应用条件。

    On this basis , a variety of complex topography simulation test has been carried on , and each wheel slip rate can be efficiently controlled . The ability of climbing , cross obstacle and ravines have been strengthened effectively .

  19. 本试验让豫西脂尾羊与体型大、生长速度快、繁殖率高的小尾寒羊杂交,同时保留其产肉率高、爬坡能力强的优良特性。

    The subject is research on hybrid Yuxi Fat-tailed Hang-yang with Small-tailed Han-yang which is characterized by big in body size , fast-growing and high reproduction rate , and retain its good characteristics such as high meat yield , and good climbing capacity .

  20. 结果表明,机器人的爬坡能力依赖于机器人和运动表面间的摩擦系数,新型蠕动原理能提供较大的牵引力,合适的驱动频率下可以得到最大的运动速度。

    It is found that the ability of creeping up a slope depends on friction coefficients between the surface and the robot , the new creeping principle can provide larger locomotion force , and larger velocity can be got when frequency of the driving signals is appropriate .

  21. 与旋转感应电机相比,直线感应电机具有噪声小、爬坡能力强、非粘着驱动和通过曲线半径小等诸多优点,但是效率和功率因数低制约了其发展。

    Compared with the rotating induction motor , the linear induction motor has many advantages , such as : the low noise , the climbing ability , the non-adhesive drive and the small radius through curves . But the low efficiency and the low power factor restrict its development .

  22. 对移动式视频监测装置的力学与运动学进行分析,建立移动式视频监测装置的数学模型,分析其爬坡和越障能力,提出了转弯和定位的方案。

    Mechanics and kinematics of the traveling equipment for video inspection have been studied , and the model mathematics of the equipment has been founded , the ability of climbing slope has been studied , the scheme to swerve and orientation has been illuminated .