
  • 网络hill-climbing;Hill Climbing;climbing method
  1. 基于爬山法的cDNA基因芯片图像自动划格算法

    An Automatic Gridding for cDNA Microarray Images Based on Hill-Climbing Algorithm

  2. 结果表明MCMC法要优于爬山法。

    Our analysis suggests that MCMC performed better than hill-climbing method .

  3. 通过比较,选择爬山法来实现优化,并将所选择的算法通过STEP-7编程实现。

    Hill climbing method is chosen to achieve the optimization by comparison . The programming of the algorithm is finished by STEP-7 .

  4. 此外,本文应用Goldfeld,Quandt,Trotter等人提出的二次爬山法对非线性非高斯状态空间的后验众数的估计问题作了简单的探讨。

    Further more , we discuss the posterior mode estimation for nonlinear and non-Gaussian state space models with the Quadratic Hill-climbing Method ( Goldfeld , Quandt , Trotter , 1966 ) .

  5. 用爬山法实现无中心式网格调度

    Implementation of de - centralized grid scheduling using hill climbing

  6. 随机技术在瞎子爬山法中的应用与实现

    Application and implementation of randomization in hill - climbing

  7. 基于爬山法和遗传算法的联合搜索算法

    Search Algorithm of Genetic Combined with Mountain Climbing Method

  8. 采用蚁群爬山法进行聚类分析的算法

    Algorithm for Clustering Analysis by Using Ants Climbing Hill

  9. 爬山法自适应光学波前校正系统

    Hill - climbing adaptive optics wavefront correction system

  10. 采用爬山法作为相位控制技术。

    The hill climbing method is employed to detect and lock the element phase .

  11. 一种改进的爬山法优化求解冗余机械手运动学逆解

    An ameliorative " mountain climbing " arithmetic to solve inverse kinematics of redundant manipulator

  12. 基于爬山法和模拟退火法相结合的混合算法,设计了器件的位相分布。

    Hybrid algorithm based on hill - climbing and stimulated annealing is utilized for phase design .

  13. 通过仿真与实验研究,与传统的爬山法进行对比。

    The comparison of simulation and experimental results between pattern search and hill-climbing method was presented .

  14. 对示教过程中进行曲线拟和所用的遗传算法进行了一定的研究,为了解决遗传算法在接近收敛点时收敛速度慢的缺点,使用爬山法对其进行改进。

    In the process of machine learning , use Genetic Algorithm to fit the curve of sensor 's output .

  15. 在执行遗传操作时与爬山法相结合,在群体更新时引进模拟退火更新机制,大大加强其寻优能力。

    Evolution inversion operation and simulated annealing technique for alternation of generations are introduced to enhance its ability of searching optimal solutions .

  16. 提出了一种基于主曲率爬山法对大脑皮层表面脑沟盆地进行分割的方法。

    This paper presented a hill climbing method based on the maximum principal curvatures to segment the sulcal basins on the cortical surface .

  17. 通过与传统的爬山法进行比较,提出将遗传单纯形混合算法应用到光纤对接中。

    Compared with conventional Hill-climbing algorithm , a novel method for optical fiber alignment using Simplex Genetic Algorithm Hybrid ( SGAH ) is presented .

  18. 在峰值功率搜索阶段,为克服各个自由度交叉耦合的影响,首次将模式搜索法应用到光纤对准多自由度搜索,在搜索速度和算法稳定性上都优于传统的基于爬山法的变量轮换法。

    For the purpose of overcoming inter-coupling between different degrees of freedom of motion , the pattern search method was applied to fiber-optic alignment automation in peak searching .

  19. 提出一种基于矢量控制的爬山法直驱式风机最大功率跟踪算法,搭建了模型,并验证了该算法的可行性。

    A method of maximum power tracking algorithm based on vector control method is put forward and a model to verify the feasibility of the present algorithm is established .

  20. 首先将爬山法应用于遗传算法,使得改进后的遗传算法不仅具有搜索速度快、鲁棒性强等优点,而且收敛迅速,精度高;

    Firstly , the hill climbing method ( HC ) is applied to the genetic algorithm , and the improved algorithm combines characteristics of fast search , strong robustness and easy convergence .

  21. 接着介绍了当前流行的叶尖速比法和变步长爬山法,提出额定风速下新的最大风能追踪方法:黄金分割法。

    It also introduces current Tip speed ratio method and Variable-step hill-climbing method and proposes a fixed wind speed as a new method of pursuing maximum wind power : the golden ratio method .

  22. 根据水下机械手运动学求逆的特点,对试探性爬山法的算法进行了改进,并编程实现了机械手运动学求逆;

    2 , Improved " probing mountain climbing " algorithm according to the character of the inverse kinematics of the manipulator , and wrote a program successfully solved the inverse kinematics of the manipulator ;

  23. 最后,为了准确搜索到管电压和管电流的最佳值,对传统爬山法进行了改进,提出了本文自动极值点搜索算法。

    Finally , in order to obtain the optimal value of tube voltage and current , the traditional climbing method is improved and the automatic extremum searching algorithm has been put forward in the dissertation .

  24. 结果表明,用混合遗传算法解决多连接查询优化问题,可以发挥遗传算法和爬山法的不同优势,从而得到较满意的查询优化性能。

    The results of simulation test show that the hybrid genetic algorithm can overcome the weakness of genetic algorithm and local search algorithm , so we can obtain the high quality solutions to the multi-join queries problems .

  25. 此外,为提高算法的寻优能力,在转移规则中引入了基于时间窗的紧迫性因子和匹配度因子,并与节约算法和爬山法有机结合。

    Moreover , to increase the ability of optimization and avoid the stagnation phenomenon , some approaches were introduced into the algorithm such as time-window-based urgency degree factor and match degree factor , C-W saving algorithm and 2-opt approach .

  26. 针对大脑皮层表面最大主曲率从脑沟到脑回由小变大,由负变正的分布规律,提出了一种最大主曲率爬山法来对大脑皮层脑沟盆地进行分割。

    According to distribution patterns of the maximum principal curvatures changing from small to large , from negative to positive , this paper proposed a maximum principal curvature hill climbing method for the sulcal basins segmentation of the cortical surface .

  27. 在试验平台上一步步分别实现了普通的变步长爬山法以及改进的基于休眠与唤醒机制的变步长爬山法,均取得了理想效果,且改进的算法明显优于普通的算法。

    Common climbing method and improved method based on the mechanism of sleep and wake up was implemented respectively step by step in the experimental platform , and ideal results have been achieved , and the improved algorithm is superior to the ordinary algorithm .

  28. 仿真结果表明,激光二极管与单模光纤五自由度对准时,模式搜索法只需20次迭代就可以找到最大点,收敛速度是爬山法的9倍。

    Simulation results indicate that the convergence of pattern search algorithm is nine times as fast as the hill-climbing method ; it converges to the maximum coupling efficiency within 20 iterations for the five degrees of freedom alignment between the laser diode and the single mode fiber .

  29. 理论上可以采用传统的动态规划、线性整数规划方法、爬山法、分枝定界法等排样算法;也可以采用禁忌搜索、模拟退火算法、遗传算法、神经网络算法等现代优化算法。

    In theory , both conventional layout algorithms , such as dynamic programming , integer programming , linear programming , hill-climbing approach , branch and bound approach , and modern optimization algorithms such as tabu search , simulated annealing , genetic algorithms and neural networks , may be adopted .

  30. 软件部分主要包括USB通信、数据采集处理、优化爬山搜索法和电机驱动等组成。

    The software in this system is basically made up of USB communication software , video signal sampling and processing , optimized HCS ( hill-climbing searching ) arithmetic and step motor driving software .