
  • 网络scenario planning
  1. 听完那个例子,在座的CEO们都睁大了眼睛,他们肯定是在认真考虑自己的培训制度和情景规划。

    The CEOs in the room had wide eyes and were certainly thinking hard about their training regimens and scenario planning after that example .

  2. 第一,认知情景规划的价值优势和基本原理。

    First , realize the value advantage and basic principle of scenario planning .

  3. 基于情景规划的扬州港口物流园区发展战略

    On the development strategy of Yangzhou harbor logistics park ponder based on scenario planning

  4. 旅游情景规划与项目体验设计

    Tourism Situational Planning and Item Experience Design

  5. 应用于区域交通战略规划中的情景规划

    Scenario Planning for Strategic Regional Transportation Planning

  6. 城市规划中的情景规划方法研究

    Scenario Planning Studies of Urban Planning

  7. 研究情景规划、实物期权在现代生物技术动态投资决策中的应用。

    This paper studies the applications of scenario planning and real options in modern biological technology 's dynamic investment decision-making .

  8. 第二,本文在分析风险时,创造性地运用了情景规划的思维模式和分析方法。

    Secondly , this article uses the analysis method and thinking mode of scenarios created when we analyze the risk .

  9. 该文简要剖析了情景规划的概念及其实际应用,并采用扬中个案进行分析论证。

    This article briefly analyzes the concept and practical application of scenario planning , and demonstrates it with the case of Yangzhong .

  10. 介绍了情景规划产生的背景,解释了什么是情景规划,阐述了情景规划的组成部分,并重点剖析了城市发展与情景规划的联系。

    The author explains what is the scenario planning , the component of scenario planning , and analyzes the relation between urban development and scenario planning .

  11. 本文简要回顾了情景规划从商业战略规划活动中产生后的历史,对其目标与局限性进行了综述。

    The paper provides a brief history of scenario planning as it emerged from business strategic planning activities and gives an overview of its goals and limitations .

  12. 情景规划是通过了解影响未来的最不确定因素和最具影响驱动力的特性和作用力的了解来了解未来的一种方法。

    Scenario planning is a method for learning about the future by understanding the nature and impact of the most uncertain and important driving forces affecting our future .

  13. 旅游情景规划主要包括内容规划、功能规划、空间规划和时间规划等内容,项目体验设计存在从直接体验出发和从功能出发两个角度。

    The authors hold that tourism situational planning mainly involves content planning , functional planning , space planning and time planning . Item experience design stems from two angles-direct experience and function .

  14. 通过旅游情景规划与体验设计,规划设计者要全方位地为旅游者创造出全身心的感受,并追求差异,产生特色,最终达到提高项目和景区市场竞争力的目的。

    Planning designers should create sensational feeling for the tourists , seek for disparity and produce special features and finally achieve the aim of enhancing the market competitiveness of the item and scenic spot .

  15. 第三,通过对情景规划的研究,借鉴其优势逻辑与方法,并与城市设计工作相结合,构建新的城市设计逻辑系统和方法系统。

    Third , through the study of scenario planning , borrowing the advantage logic and methods to urban design in combination with practice , then construct a new urban design logical system and method system .

  16. 为了应对未来发展中不确定性和复杂性,西方战略研究领域有学者提出情景规划这一方法和理念,近年来更是被广泛地应用到空间规划领域。

    In order to dealing with the uncertainty and the complexity of the future , researchers in the west strategic domain proposed the method and concept of scenario planning which was widely applied in the spatial planning recently .

  17. 该协会经济顾问菲利普哈尔平(PhilipHalpin)表示:考虑到资产负债表可能受到的影响,出口企业迫切需要把欧元区解体的情景纳入战略规划流程。

    There is an urgent need for exporters to incorporate scenarios in which the euro collapses into their strategic planning process , given the potential balance sheet implications , says Philip Halpin , economic adviser to the association .

  18. 电力市场中基于情景分析的电网规划方案适应性评估

    Scenario Analysis Based Flexibility Evaluation of Power Grid Planning under Deregulation

  19. 为更有效地体现规划是一个学习过程之理念,本文采用情景分析法作为规划的研究方法;应用库兹涅茨曲线对临安市经济环境发展现状和十一五期间的发展趋势进行综合分析;

    Scenario Analysis is used in this planning as an applied method to analysis the actuality and development trend of Lin'an in the period of eleventh five years with Environmental Kuznets Curve .