
  • 网络Emotional Economy;affective economics
  1. 应该从疗愈过程开始,帮助国家重新找回“情感经济”的平衡。

    This will begin the process of healing , helping the nation rebalance its " emotional economy " .

  2. 但是在现在柯特·科夫曼自己也改变了,他曾说情感经济的时代已经来临。

    But now Curt Coffman change , he said that the " emotional economy " era has come .

  3. 这种界限不但产生知识与全球文化产品,而且也会对全球文学市场流通中的情感经济进行干预。

    This boundary work generates not only knowledge production and global cultural literacy but also interventions in affective economies as they circulate in a global literary market .

  4. BPD不但严重影响了患者的生活和正常发展,而且也给个人、家庭和社会带来了巨大的情感和经济负担。

    Not only has BPD brought the serious influence on the patients ' life and the normal development , but also brought great emotional and economic burden to the individuals , families and society .

  5. 他们害怕离婚所造成的社会、法律、情感和经济后果。

    They 're terrified of the social , legal , emotional , economic consequences of divorce .

  6. 毕竟,相爱是一回事,放弃情感及经济自由又是另一回事。

    It 's one thing to fall in love , another to surrender your emotional and economic freedom .

  7. 我个人感觉他们还都处在早期阶段,特别是在情感和经济方面。

    My own sense is that it 's relatively early days yet , especially with regard to the emotional and economic parts .

  8. 它们揭示了发生道路交通死亡和伤害后一段时间内给人们在身体、精神、情感和经济上所造成的毁灭性打击。

    They reveal the physical , psychological , emotional and economic devastation that occurs during the aftermath of road traffic deaths and injuries .

  9. 经济的迅猛发展,我们进入了以关注用户,关注人,以人为中心的情感化经济时代。

    The rapid development of the economy , we entered the to concern users care about people ," human-centered " emotional economy era .

  10. 这些紧张是由于不同的原因而导致,性格、行为、情感、经济、履行职责、日常生活等是其中的主要影响因素。

    These tensions is resulted from various reasons , character , behavior , emotion , economy , responsibility , daily life are the main influential factors .

  11. 《琥珀》是一部经典的女性小说,它对处于社会转型期的女性的婚姻、情感及经济意识作出了全新的诠释。

    Forever Amber is a classical feminine novel which gives a new explanation of the marriage , emotions and economic consciousness of women in the transitional period .

  12. 移民子女可能会面临许多特有的情感和经济挑战,特别是更容易被贩卖、沦为童工和遭受暴力侵害。

    Children of migrants can face a number of emotional and economic challenges unique to their circumstances , in particular a greater vulnerability to human trafficking , child labour and violence .

  13. 看我没有他行不行的机会来了,于是我想体验一把生活中没有他是什么样子,情感或经济方面。

    It was my chance to see how well I fared without him , and I wanted to get a real idea of what life would be like without his support , emotionally and financially .

  14. 对城市建筑环境的改造,应是在城市自身发展基础上的有机更新:既能延续过去,又能承接未来,同时在文化、情感、经济、社会等各方面都体现出不可忽视的价值。

    The reconstruction of architectural environment ought to be a self-renewal organism : tailing the past and connecting the future , at the same time , embodying a value not to be ignored on culture , emotion , economy and society .

  15. 它意味着过上一个你令你感到完整和快乐,能够从情感上和经济上照顾自己的生活。

    It means living a life in which you feel whole and happy , and can take care of yourself emotionally and financially .

  16. 我国体教专业大学生专业承诺心理结构由三个维度构成:情感承诺、经济承诺、规范承诺。

    The psychological structure of PC among Chinese college students of PE consists of three dimensions : affective commitment , economic commitment , and normative commitment ;

  17. 她们在生产劳作与家庭负担的双重挤压下、在情感眷恋与经济依附的双重困惑下生活着。

    The left-behind wife is living truly under the dual pressure of the producing work and family responsibilities , and under the dual puzzle of the emotion attachment and the economical attachment .

  18. 以英国社会为代表的19世纪欧洲社会,其婚姻完全是由物质因素主导的。尽管妇女始终不懈地追求自己的幸福,但是当时的社会关系和经济模式决定了主导婚姻的不是情感,而是经济。

    The 19th century marriages in the European society as represented by the English society exhibited the material nature of the marriages at the time and that marriage was determined more by economic factors than by emotions such as love and characters .

  19. 大学生被害,即在我国各级各类高校接受高等教育在读的学生因为犯罪、一般违法行为的侵害而导致的情感痛苦、经济损失、身心损失或基本权利的重大损害。

    The concept of college students victimized in China is that College students who receive higher education at various levels of college students suffers emotional pain , economic loss , physical loss or the major damage of the fundamental rights because of crimes .

  20. 另外,被试的生源性质、躯体状况、人际关系还会与年级、性别、文理、专业背景、情感架构、经济状况、家庭类型等因素相互作用共同影响到被试生活目的与意义的获得。

    Moreover , the interaction between main-effect contributors such as student category , body condition , social interaction and other factors such as grade , sex , literary style , profession background , emotion structure , economic condition and family style could also do contribution to scores on PIL .

  21. 情感智力是知识经济时代高校教师必备的素质。

    Emotional intelligence is the requisite quality that high school teachers should possess in the present times .

  22. 因此,头痛的身体、情感、社会和经济负担未得到普遍承认。

    As a result , the physical , emotional , social and economic burdens of headache are poorly acknowledged .

  23. 这种僵局充分展示了,在缺乏共同政治体制、强烈情感纽带或者高度经济相似性的主权国家中创建一个货币联盟是多么愚蠢。

    This impasse illustrates the folly of creating a currency union among sovereign states that lack common political institutions , powerful emotional bonds or strong economic similarities .

  24. 加强农村财富伦理建设必须认清农村财富伦理建设的认知、情感、信仰、经济发展、社会生活等特殊环境,消除认识上的误区;

    It is necessary to have a clear understanding about cognition , emotion , belief , economic development and social livelihood in the building of wealth ethics in rural area .

  25. 课题针对湘潭特产市场展开了大量调查研究,并从情感、文化、经济因素分析特产包装设计的需求。

    Aimed at xiangtan specialty market , we carried out a large number of investigation and study , and analyzed the design requirements of specialty packaging from the emotional , economic , and cultural .

  26. 情感情绪对我们的日常生活起着重要的作用,任何忽视情感经济的人都会为之付出相应的代价同时经给经济带来的损失也会无法预计。

    Emotional emotions play an important role in our daily life , any neglect of the emotional economy will all pay the appropriate price for the same time suffer huge economic losses .