
  1. 回报:改善跑步经济性,提高周里程,奠定坚实的体能基础。

    PAYOFF : Improves running economy , boosts weekly mileage , and provides a good fitness base .

  2. 跑步经济性是衡量中长跑运动员竞技能力的重要标志之一,科学地发展跑步经济性是运动员成功的基础。

    Running economy is an important measure of the competitive ability of athletes , the scientific development of running economy is the foundation of the athletes ' success .

  3. 实验证明,发展全面的身体素质是有效提高跑步经济性的重要手段,对提高运动员竞技水平和夺取优异比赛成绩产生了积极的促进作用。

    Experiments show that , the development of comprehensive physical quality is effective in improving the running economy , to improve sports level and has a positive role in promoting win outstanding performance .

  4. 随着跑步人群逐渐壮大,跑步经济也随之发展起来。

    The number of runners is increasing , and the economics of running is growing with it .