
  • 网络runner;lead runner;speedster
  1. 作为一名有多年经验的马拉松跑者,哈特福德医院(HartfordHospital,位于康涅狄格州)的心脏科主任保罗·汤普森(PaulThompson)博士对这一问题特别感兴趣。

    Dr. Paul Thompson , the chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and for years a dedicated marathon runner , was particularly drawn to that issue .

  2. 她轻盈地滑开去了。跑者安全地滑入二垒。

    She is skimming away . The runner slid safely into second base .

  3. 户外跑者保持健康的最佳方式包括以下建议:

    The best ways for outdoor runners to stay healthy include the following running tips :

  4. 规律的拉伸是所有跑者和运动员训练的重要组成部分。

    For all runners and athletes , a regular stretching regimen is an important part of conditioning .

  5. 记住,在得州,特别是全日照和高湿度地区,跑者尤其容易中暑。

    Remember that in Texas , especially in full sun or in humid regions of the state , you 're particularly prone5 to heat stroke .

  6. 很多跑者之所以热爱越野跑及其姊妹运动——野外跑,正是因为这种跑步运动与公路跑不同。

    Many runners love cross country and its sister sport , trail running , precisely5 because running in this way is not the same as road running .

  7. 无论是中学生、大学生还是成年跑者,都需要了解越野跑会带来的伤病风险。

    High school runners , college runners , and adult runners all need to be aware of the risks of injury that come with running cross country .

  8. 同样需要注意的是,这些骨损伤和软组织损伤在女孩和成年女性中比在男孩和成年男性中更加常见,部分是由于女性跑者的“三症候群”——热量消耗、骨质疏松及激素和月经变化。

    Also note that in many cases , these bone and soft tissue injuries are more common in girls and women than in boys and men , due in part to the female athlete “ triad ” of calorie depletion1 , bone loss and hormonal2 and menstrual changes . Women also have a larger angle between the hips3 and ankles .

  9. 很多跑者在臀部会向前倾。

    A lot of runners lean forward at the hips .

  10. 一垒和二垒都有跑者。

    There are runners on first and second base .

  11. 他们紧跟在跑者之后。

    They closed on the heels of the runner .

  12. 约翰被其他的跑者追过去了。

    John was outstripped by all the other runners .

  13. 马拉松跑者用来弥补速度的不足。

    A marathon runner counterbalances lack of speed with .

  14. 中老年健身跑者心电运动试验五年纵向观察

    Longitudinal Observation of ECG Exercise Testing in Middle-aged and Elderly Joggers for 5 Years

  15. 它们是天生的跑者,需要常规训练来保持体型。

    They are runners and sprinters that need regular exercise to maintain their physique .

  16. 他是那么好的跑者,以致于轻易就获胜了。

    He is such a good runner that he won the race hands down .

  17. 跑者需要大量的呼吸。

    A runner needs plenty of wind .

  18. 裁判判定跑者出局。

    The umpire called the runner out .

  19. 我觉得大部份优秀的跑者倾向于用前脚掌着地。

    I think most good runners tend to land on the ball of their foot .

  20. 布朗逼近了前面的跑者。

    Brown gained on the runner ahead .

  21. 跑者放慢了脚步。

    The runners slackened their pace .

  22. 我长跑的速度自从我成为老练的跑者后就衰退。

    My speed in long races had been declining since I had become a masters runner .

  23. 侍者端上第二道菜。跑者安全地滑入二垒。

    The waiter brought the next dish on . The runner slid safely into second base .

  24. 有些人是速跑者。

    Some people are fast runners .

  25. 阿伯在第一局所敲出的安打是唯一一支在得点圈有跑者所出现的安打。

    Abreu 's hit in the first was their only one with runners in scoring position .

  26. 这样吧,马拉松跑者,我留给你们我的爱,我的信念,我的支持。

    So Marathoner , I leave you with my love , my faith , my support .

  27. 投手看了看跑者,球投出。

    Checks the runner and fires .

  28. 这位跑者跳越跨栏。

    The runner jump over hurdles .

  29. 伟大的跑者,靠的是有氧训练,而不是无氧训练。

    It 's your aerobic development that makes you a great runner , not the anaerobic development .

  30. 在第二局得分后,大都会队很难有跑者越过二垒。

    The Mets failed to get a runner past second base after scoring in the second inning .