
  • 网络market participants;market player
  1. 知情的市场参与者(informedmarketparticipants),主要指证券分析师,机构投资者,公司内部人等掌握市场信息的参与者。

    Informed market participants primarily refer to securities analysts , institutional investors and insiders , who master firm-specific information .

  2. 许多市场参与者似乎正寄望于美联储(Fed)很快就能创造奇迹,终止市场动荡。

    Many market participants seem to be hoping for a short-term miracle from the Federal Reserve to end the turmoil .

  3. 新的市场参与者,比如我担任董事的大都会银行(MetroBank),正迫使已有的参与者更为努力地提供服务。

    New players such as Metro Bank , where I serve as a director , are forcing the incumbents to work harder .

  4. 较高的IPO抑价率主要来自市场参与者的行为。

    The high level of IPO underpricing is due to the behavior of market and participators .

  5. 电力系统区域间电网的可用输电能力(ATC)是所有电力市场参与者进行交易活动所必须了解的一项重要参数。

    Available transfer capability ( ATC ) of interconnected power systems is important information for all the participants in power markets .

  6. 从这个月开始,美联储将就无风险利率加紧开展与市场参与者团体(MarketParticipantsGroup)的磋商。该团体由银行、资产管理公司、交易集团及其他机构组成,旨在应对基准指标改革的问题。

    Starting this month , the Fed will ramp up its risk-free rates discussions with the Market Participants Group , which was formed to address benchmark reforms and is made up of banks , asset managers , trade groups and others .

  7. 在线社交网络服务吸引着成百上千万希望获得更快“实时”功能的新用户,这种趋势将谷歌(google)和微软(microsoft)等老牌市场参与者抛在了身后。

    Online social networking services are attracting millions of new users seeking faster " real-time " functionality in a trend that is leaving established players , such as Google and Microsoft , behind .

  8. 但在这种狂热的活动中,一种特定的股票指令引发了市场参与者、各交易所、美国国会议员、如今还有美国证券交易委员会(sec)的担忧。

    But amid all this hectic activity , a certain type of stock order has raised anxiety among market participants , competing exchanges , members of Congress and now the securities and Exchange Commission .

  9. 此举使CFTC能够监控英国西德克萨斯石油期货市场参与者的行动,并将其与纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange,另一种西德克萨斯中质油期货合约在该交易所交易)提供的类似报告结合起来。

    This allows the CFTC to see what a participant in the UK West Texas oil futures market is doing , and put it together with similar reports provided by New York Mercantile Exchange , with its rival West Texas contract .

  10. 虽然修正数据的发布出人意料,令一些市场参与者感到不安,但它们没有超出日本GDP预测值通常的误差范围。杰瑟普在一份研究报告中写道:我们不会过多解读这些数据。

    While the revisions were a surprise that had unnerved some market participants , they were within the usual margin of error of Japanese GDP estimates and we would not read too much into them , Mr Jessop wrote in a research note .

  11. 市场参与者表示,在债务抵押债券(CDO)市场正出现清算潮。CDO是指由抵押贷款、企业贷款和其它债务支付支持的复杂证券。

    Market participants say the unwinding is occurring in the market for collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ), complex securities backed by the payments on mortgages , corporate loans and other debt .

  12. 信用衍生品行业正面临一场大变革(bigbang)。昨天,市场参与者争相签署了一份新协议,该协议旨在回应政界和监管层指责该行业导致了市场危机的激烈批评。

    The credit derivatives industry faces a Big Bang today and yesterday participants were rushing to sign up to a new protocol designed to counter the intense criticism that has emanated from political and regulatory quarters over the industry 's alleged role in contributing to the market crisis .

  13. 第二章则切入信用衍生产品交易的法律层面上,从市场参与者最广泛使用的ISDA主协议入手,介绍和分析相关的问题。

    In Chapter 2 , focused on the legal concerns of the credit derivatives transactions , ISDA Master Agreement which is widely used by traders is introduced and discussed .

  14. 许多市场参与者一直将目光投向LNG的潜在供应方北美,但来自该地区的首批LNG船货在2015年之前不太可能交货,且迄今为止北美地区LNG出口设施匮乏。

    Many market participants have also been looking to North America as a potential source of LNG , though first delivery of cargoes from the region , which so far has a dearth of LNG export facilities , won 't likely materialize before 2015 .

  15. 在5月5日历史性地下挫后,以美元计值的WTI原油价格创下了第二大当日跌幅,由于市场参与者正在探寻油价方向,原油价格继而走稳。

    Following the epic May5th collapse which saw WTI record its2nd largest USD denominated daily loss , crude oil prices have stabilized as market participants have been in search of direction .

  16. 当市场参与者提到收益率曲线的升或者降,或者曲线的长端或者短端有所移动的时候,主要指的是各个基准(benchmarks)的收益率在变化。

    When market participants mention that the yield curve has moved up or down , or the long end or short end of the curved has moved , it simply points to the changes in yield of the various benchmarks .

  17. 市场参与者相信房价总是会上涨;基于次级抵押贷款的晦涩难解的金融工具,确实配得上3A评级,这些信念创造了一个新的现实。

    Rather , the beliefs of market participants – that house prices would always rise , that an arcane financial instrument based on a subprime mortgage really could merit a triple-A rating – created a new reality .

  18. 股票投资机构BreyerCapital首席执行官吉米o布雷耶指出,以前人们总是认为这些公司的风投部门并不是真正的风投市场参与者,但现在它们“正在非常有效地展开竞争”。这给风险投资者带来了更大的竞争风险。

    Jim Breyer , CEO of Breyer Capital , noted that these corporate venture arms , which weren 't always viewed as serious players in the VC game , are now " competing very effectively . " That has increased the competitive risks to venture investors , Breyer added .

  19. 第二,多纳休提出,拥有雷曼风险敞口的买方市场参与者的经历,可能会促使他们成为dtcc和其他清算机构的会员。

    Second , Mr Donahue suggests the experience of Buyside market participants with Lehman exposures could lead to them becoming members of DTCC and other clearing houses .

  20. 将越来越多的信贷转出银行资产负债表外,脱离市场参与者的视线,是惠誉近年在中国银行业察觉到的最令人不安的趋势,惠誉高级分析师朱夏莲(CharleneChu)表示。

    The transfer of a growing amount of credit off banks ' balance sheets and out of the purview of market participants is the most disconcerting trend Fitch has observed in China 's banking sector in recent years , according to Charlene Chu , a senior analyst at Fitch Ratings .

  21. ACGA的报告建立在该协会会员反馈的基础上,这些会员包括全球机构投资者和印度本地的市场参与者。报告将提交给印度证券监管机构、证交所和政府官员。

    The report , which will be presented to India 's securities regulator and stock exchange and government officials , is based on feedback from association members , which include global institutional investors and local market participants .

  22. 本文分别建立了基于DC-OPF和AC-OPF的电能交易数学模型,推导了节点电价及其各分量计算公式,分析了节点电价特性和基于节点电价的市场参与者收支情况。

    The result shows the feasibility and practicality of this approach . ( 3 ) The DC-OPF and AC-OPF based mathematical model for power transaction are established respectively . The formula for calculating node price and its individual components is proposed .

  23. 货币危机中的远期外汇市场参与者行为分析

    Analysis on the Behavior of Participants of Forward Foreign Exchange Market

  24. 一切都取决于市场参与者如何调整自身的预期。

    It all depends on how market participants co-ordinate their expectations .

  25. 市场参与者对市场化的第三方发行有更高的认可度。

    Market participants . Market-oriented industrial acquisitions get higher recognition .

  26. 市场参与者明白这一切,因此丝毫没有装作是在进行价值投资。

    Knowing all this , participants make little pretence towards value investing .

  27. 一些市场参与者利用它们来接手房地产风险。

    Some market participants used them to take on real estate risk .

  28. 非对称信息条件下股票市场参与者的行为分析

    An Analysis of the Behaviors of Stock Market Participants under Information Asymmetry

  29. 这意味着,市场参与者有择时提交竞价的动机。

    That means that market participants have an incentive to time their bids .

  30. 这种替代交易系统与其他市场参与者交易同样的公众股票。

    These systems trade the same public stocks as other market players do .