
  • 网络access rules
  1. 在乌拉圭回合谈判以前,各国关于农产品的市场准入规则一直游离于GATT规则之外,事实上导致GATT规则从未对农产品贸易中的市场准入问题形成有效约束。

    Before the negation of Uruguay Round , the market access rules of agricultural products of various nations are different from the GATT rule , which causes the ineffective regulation of GATT rules on agriculture trade .

  2. 主要介绍了马来西亚通讯设备市场准入规则。

    The paper mainly introduces Malaysia communication equipment market access rules .

  3. 完善市场准入规则,扩大对国内开放。

    Perfect the market entering rule , widen the open to civil .

  4. 然而,在未来几年里,市场准入规则预计将不断放宽。

    However , a loosening of market access rules is expected to occur in the coming years .

  5. 二是流通领域企业缺乏市场准入规则,造成过度竞争,流通秩序混乱;

    Second , the commercial firms still lack a perfect market entry regulation , Circulation order is often in chaos , this usually leads to over-competition .

  6. 同时,为了尽快与国际规则接轨,政府还应构建我国的市场准入规则,寻求合理的贸易保护。

    At the same time , in order to meet with international rules as quickly as we can , the government should compose China 's market-permitting rules to seek reasonable trade protection .

  7. 股指期货市场准入规则的建立不但有利于保护投资者的合法权益,同时有利于我国资本市场的持续繁荣打下坚实的基础。

    The establishment of Stock index futures market access rule is benefit to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors , and it is helpful to the Chinese capital market continued to prosper and lay a solid foundation .

  8. 中国作为一个刚刚作出重大市场准入和规则承诺的新成员,在多哈回合谈判中更多地是作为发展中国家和发达国家之间的桥梁,尽可能地推动WTO向着有利于促进发展的方向变化。

    As a new member that had just made a great deal of commitments , it is a logical strategy for China to act as a bridgebuilder between developed countries and developing countries and to promote the WTO more balanced and pro-poor .

  9. 电气产品在日本市场的准入规则(1)

    The Rules of Electronic Products into the Japanese Market ( Part One );

  10. 及时了解、研究美国市场的准入规则,有利于扩大我国纺织品的出口份额。

    Therefore , we should understand and study the admission rules of American market favorable to expand export share of homemade textiles .

  11. 所以不论是全民所有制企业,还是非全民所有制企业,不仅市场准入的规则一样,而且市场退出的规则也应一样。

    Therefore , rules for access to market and withdraw from market for both state-owned or non-state-owned enterprises alike should be same .

  12. 我们将认真研究国际上市场准入的通行规则,为所有赴华投资的外国企业提供公平竞争的市场和必要的便利服务。

    We will study the common rules on market access of other countries so as to provide a level playing field and facilitation to all foreign companies operating in China .

  13. 服务贸易的市场准入及进一步的规则完善是世界贸易组织多哈回合谈判中的重要议题。

    As one of the most significant topics in the Doha Development Agenda , the further market opening and elaboration of GATS rules have drawn unprecedented attentions .

  14. 公司作为市场经济的主体,在参与市场竞争时,不仅要遵循市场准入规则,也应遵循市场准出规则。

    The company , as the subject of market economy , when participate in the market competition , should follow not only the market access rule , but also the complete rule when withdrawing from the market .