
  • 网络investment;finance;Investment and Financing
  1. 基于风险价值VAR的BOT项目投融资风险分析

    Risk Analyses of BOT Project Investment and Finance Based on VaR

  2. BOT投融资模式的风险管理

    Risk Management on the BOT Investment and Financing Mode

  3. 我国铁路投融资改革途径:政府主导的逆向BOT

    Method of China Railways Financing Reform : Government-dominated Inverse BOT

  4. 我国BOT投融资的风险管理研究

    Research on the Managerial Risks of BOT in China

  5. 政府在BOT投融资中应当发挥应有的作用。

    The government should play her due role in BOT investment and financing .

  6. 国内BT模式的研究多集中于投融资和风险两个方面。

    BT model of domestic studies focus on two aspects of investment and financing and risk .

  7. 基于PPP视角的城市公共基础设施投融资模式选择&兼论南京三桥的投融资模式

    The Selection of Urban Infrastructure Financing Modes Based on the Public Private Partnership

  8. BOT作为一种特殊的投融资方式对我国基础设施的建设有很大的促进作用。

    As a kind of special financing mode in China , BOT has promote the infrastructure construction greatly .

  9. 采用BOT投融资方式,会对我国目前基础设施建设起到积极作用。

    The mode of the BOT investment and financing will play a positive role in our current construction of infrastructure .

  10. BOT投融资方式是政府特许权制度与项目融资制度相结合的产物。

    The BOT investment and financing mode is a combined outcome of the systems of government concession and project investment and financing .

  11. 针对在线投融资服务过程中的信息不对称问题,本文首次使用来自中美两国的P2P市场的真实交易数据进行对比实证分析。

    We conduct an empirical study with real transactional data coming from both China and US P2P lending markets to investigate the information asymmetry problem for the first time .

  12. 本文所要研究的是农业上市公司的投融资效率问题,运用理论研究和实证分析的方法,采用全新的EVA评价指标对农业上市公司的投融资效率做出评价。

    This paper confers the study of the agricultural listed companies ' finance and investment efficiency . By the theoretical and empirical analysis on the newly EVA .

  13. 国际BOT投融资方式在陕西农业建设中的应用我国利用BOT投融资方式的法律问题研究

    Research on application of international BOT in the construction of agricultural in Shaanxi province ; Legal Issues of China 's Use of BOT Investment and Financing Mode

  14. 目前,我国对基础设施投融资模式的研究主要集中在BOT,TOT,ABS等方式的研究上。

    At present , the study on financing mode of public infrastructure are mainly concentrated in TOT , BOT , ABS and so on . And research .

  15. 目前,BOT投融资方式在我国还处于探索试点阶段,在我国的运用还存在着不少的问题。

    At present , as BOT operation is still in its testing period in China , and there are many questions in the procedure of the using of BOT in our country .

  16. 其次,介绍了城市基础设施投融资的创新方式BOT方式与城市基础设施融资方式的新发展市政债券融资,并分析了在我国发展这两种融资方式可行性与目前存在的问题。

    Based on the characters of the urban infrastructure projects and using overseas experience as a reference , this dissertation dissertates the basic operational process about the investment and financing way the BOT .

  17. HKW房地产项目投融资决策

    Decision-making of HKW Real Estate Project Investment and Financing

  18. 风险管理是BOT投融资的重要环节,科学高效地进行风险识别、分析、评价、处理是BOT成功的关键。

    Risk management is an important part of BOT investment and financing mode , and the key to successful BOT is to identify , analyze , evaluate , and deal with the risk in a scientific and effective way .

  19. 作为一种项目投融资方式和建设方式,BT模式被世界上的各个国家广泛关注,并在各个国家的基础设施建设领域当中开始发挥作用,推进了当地社会、经济的发展。

    As a good method of project investing 、 financing and construction , BT mode is widespread concern in various countries in the world , played an important role in the field of infrastructure construction and increased the local social and economic development .

  20. 论文通过对重庆市轨道交通PPP投融资模式研究,探讨了解决重庆市轨道交通建设资金短缺及运营亏损问题的相关办法,希望对重庆市轨道交通可持续发展提供一定借鉴意义。

    Paper on financing urban rail transit PPP model study to address the shortage of urban rail transit construction funds and operating losses related to the problem the way that sustainable development of urban rail transport to provide a reference .

  21. 随着我国现有的公用事业供给机制特别是投融资体制改革的不断深化,作为国际通行并最具代表性的BOT、TOT、PPP等项目融资模式已开始逐步引入国内。

    With the continuous progress made in the supply mechanism of public utility in China especially the system of investing and financing , the prevalent project financing models such as BOT , TOT and PPP have been introduced to China .

  22. 结合我国高速铁路建设投融资现状和PPP模式关于合作关系、风险管理等方面的突出特点,提出PPP为适合我国高速铁路建设融资方式。

    Combining the present situation of domestic high-speed railway development as well as the cooperation relationship , risk management etc. of PPP mode , to get the conclusion that the most suitable financing mode for our high-speed railway construction is PPP .

  23. 为了发挥BOT这种新型投融资方式的积极作用,我们有必要对BOT方式进行研究,将其引入到我国基础设施领域,转化为切实的经济效益与社会效益。

    In order to play the positive role of BOT way , it is necessary for us to carry out the research to BOT , to apply the investing way to the infrastructure field , turning it into the practical economic benefits and social benefits .

  24. 然后,从业主政府和投融资各方对高速公路BOT项目进行效益费用分析,指出在进行BOT项目经济评价时需注意的几个问题,并结合工程实际介绍了有关效益费用评价的基本方法。

    Afterwards , benefit and cost analysis of highway BOT project are made from multilateral views of the client , the government and the investor , pointing out some heeding problems during economical appraisal of BOT project and introducing basic methods for benefit and cost appraisal .

  25. 我国大型体育场馆投融资的策略选择

    The Strategy in Choosing the Chinese Financing Pattern of Stadium Building

  26. 第二章对与论文相关的一些投融资理论进行了阐述。

    The second chapter presents some theories on financing and investment .

  27. 中国农业投融资问题对策研究

    The Strategy Research of Rural Circulating Funds and Investment in China

  28. 论中国信息产业发展的投融资策略

    Strategy of Investment and Financing for China 's Information Industry Development

  29. 林业投融资信用平台构建的实践与探索

    Practices and Explorations of Establishing Forestry Investment and Financing Credit Platforms

  30. 地方政府投融资行为研究

    Study of Investing and Financing Behavior of Local Government in China