
  • 网络investment promotion;Investment Facilitation
  1. 今年早些时候,巴西政府骄傲地宣布,巴西出口和投资促进署(apex)在北京建立了办事处。

    Earlier this year , the Brazilian government proudly announced the establishment of a Beijing Office for the Brazilian export and Investment Promotion Agency ( APEX ) .

  2. MIGA说,MIGA与当地信息提供者(如投资促进和私有化机构以及商业信息提供者)结成合作伙伴关系,以保持网站内容的及时性与准确性。

    MIGA partners with local information providers such as investment promotion and privatization agencies and business information providers to keep website content fresh and accurate , says MIGA .

  3. Paul:WebsphereApplicationServer是市场的领先者,十多年的投资促进了无数次的革新。

    Paul : WebSphere Application Server is the market leader with over a decade of investments driving countless innovations .

  4. 引进风险投资促进IC设计业的发展

    Promoting the Growth of IC Designing Industry of China on Venture Capital

  5. 英国投资促进机构伦敦投资局(thinklondon)表示,尽管出现了全球经济低迷,但对于在伦敦设立办事处、并以此作为欧洲和非洲业务跳板的中国企业数量,比以往任何时候都要高。

    Think London , the inward investment agency , said the number of Chinese companies eager to set up an office in London as a stepping stone to Europe and Africa was higher than ever before in spite of the international economic downturn .

  6. 泰国投资促进委员会(BOI)的2011年博览会,本来是要展示投资泰国的种种好处。

    The 2011 Board of Investment Fair was supposed to showcase everything great about investing in Thailand .

  7. 但是需要工业许可证,而且提议项目需经外国投资促进局(FIPB)的批准。

    But an industrial licence is required and the proposals need to be approved by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board ( FIPB ) .

  8. 此交易完成了,绕过了外商投资促进局(FIPB),而且即使该领域的外商直接投资新禁令已经准备就绪了。

    The deal bypassed the Foreign Investment Promotion Board ( FIPB ) and took place even as a ban on new FDI in the sector was being readied .

  9. 激活民间投资促进西部大发展

    Stimulate Nongovernmental Investment and Promote Greater Development in the Western Region

  10. 提高大连市投资促进绩效研究

    The Research on Improvement of Investment Promotion Performance in Dalian

  11. 外商投资促进中国进出口贸易快速发展

    Foreign business investment promote rapidly developing China 's import and exports trade

  12. 创业投资促进创新,加速高科技产业和国民经济发展。

    Venture capital promotes innovation , hign-tech industry and national economic development .

  13. 发展风险投资促进林业高新技术产业化

    Develop Ventrue Capital to Improve the New & High-tech Industrialization in Forestry

  14. 利用外商直接投资促进我国对外贸易的可持续发展

    The Utilization of FDI to Promote the Sustainable Development of Chinese Foreign Trade

  15. 中日双方投资促进机构第十五次联席会议九月八日在厦门召开。

    On8th Sep.the15 Sino-Japan investment Promotion Joint Commission Meeting was held in Xiamen .

  16. 先进中程空对东导弹东加勒比投资促进处

    Advanced medium-range air-to-air missile Eastern Caribbean Investment Promotion Service

  17. 外商直接投资促进我国企业技术创新了么?

    Does FDI promote the innovation of domestic-funded enterprises ?

  18. 推广国际通行的规范化投资促进方法,提供投资促进专业培训。

    To recommend international normative investment promotion methods , and provide professional training .

  19. 加强对外直接投资促进国内经济发展

    Strengthen Direct Oversea Investment and Promote Domestic Economic Development

  20. 英国出口贸易与海外投资促进体系

    UK Systematic Supporting on Export and Overseas Investment

  21. 日本的对外直接投资促进体制及启示

    Foreign Direct Investment Promotion System and Its Enlightenment

  22. 推动科技风险投资促进经济社会发展

    Promoting Science and Technology Venture Capital as well as Boosting Economic and Social Development

  23. 外商直接投资促进福建省工业产业结构升级的实证分析

    An Analysis of Direct Foreign Investment on the Upgrading of Fujian 's Industrial Structure

  24. 朝阳:投资促进大格局&访北京市朝阳区投资促进局局长洪继元

    Chaoyang : A Grand Setup for Investment Promotion

  25. 拓展民间投资促进经济增长

    Attraction of Private Investment and Economic Growth

  26. 增加人力资本投资促进农村剩余劳动力的转移

    Strengthening Labor Capital Investment to Enhance the Transfer of Surplus Labor Force in Rural Areas

  27. 目前我国利用外商直接投资促进我国出口贸易方面存在的主要问题及相应的对策建议。

    And main problems or corresponding suggestions about FDI to accelerate export trade of China .

  28. 以风险投资促进生物技术产业发展

    Venture Capital Promotes the Biotech Industry

  29. 发展风险投资促进高科技产业化

    Venture Development to Promote High-tech Industrialization

  30. 世界投资促进机构协会

    World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies