
tóu xiáng
  • surrender;capitulate;submission;submit
投降 [tóu xiáng]
  • [surrender;capitulate] 停止抵抗,放下武器,向对方屈服

  • 命令军队投降

投降[tóu xiáng]
  1. 巴黎被围困了四个月后被迫投降。

    Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender .

  2. 叛军被迫投降。

    The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender .

  3. 经过长时间的包围,这座孤城被迫投降。

    After a long siege , the town was forced to yield .

  4. 劫机者最终向警方投降。

    The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police .

  5. 这座城镇被围困三个星期后投降了。

    The town capitulated after a three-week siege .

  6. 别开枪——我投降。

    Don 't shoot ─ I surrender .

  7. 他们要求无条件投降。

    They demanded unconditional surrender .

  8. 最后库尔德人没有作任何抵抗就投降了。

    In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting up any resistance

  9. 叛乱者坚称这并不是投降。

    The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender

  10. 他们已经举起白旗投降。

    They had raised the white flag in surrender .

  11. 今天上午早些时候,反叛的首领无条件投降。

    The leader of the revolt made an unconditional surrender early this morning .

  12. 他们想让我做什么,宣战还是投降?

    Which do they want me to do ? declare war or surrender ?

  13. 马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。

    General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender

  14. 他们谴责这笔交易为毫无志气的投降行为。

    They condemned the deal as a craven surrender .

  15. 还不能确定反叛者是否会投降。

    It is arguable whether the rebels will knuckle under

  16. 经过10个小时的谈判,持枪歹徒终于投降了。

    Finally , after ten hours of negotiations , the gunman gave himself up .

  17. 军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。

    The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission .

  18. 那两个人乖乖地向他投降。

    The pair surrendered to him like lambs

  19. 总统承认据他所知迄今为止还没有反叛者投降。

    The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far

  20. 他们没有想过要投降。

    They had no thought of surrender

  21. 那些城市遭到日复一日的炮轰,目的显然是要逼他们投降。

    The cities are bombarded day after day in an evident effort to force their surrender .

  22. 经过一场激战,敌人向我军投降了。

    After a fierce fight , the enemy yielded to our army .

  23. 绝望之际,他们放弃抵抗投降了。

    In desperation , they gave up resistance and surrendered .

  24. 这场战争的结局就是敌人无条件投降。

    The outcome of the war is the unconditional surrender of the enemy .

  25. 叛乱者被迫投降。

    The rebels were forced to give in .

  26. 最后,人困马乏的部队投降了。

    Finally , the exhausted troops surrendered .

  27. 他面临两种选择--死亡或者投降。

    He was faced with two alternatives -- death or submission .

  28. 侵略军在守军投降后仍将多人屠杀了。

    The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation .

  29. 游击队员宁愿战斗到死,也不愿投降。

    The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered .

  30. 上尉不得不向我军投降。

    The captain had to surrender to our army .