
  • 网络Thunder River;Spray Lakes;Murray River;Lez River;Spray River
  1. Fame餐厅位于一间架空在施普雷河(Spree)之上,翻修自铁路仓库的建筑,是电子音乐俱乐部Bar25的经营团队最新开拓的又一项产业,目标瞄准了晚上8点以后的下班时间。

    Fame , a restaurant inside a repurposed railroad storage facility that juts over the Spree , is the newest venture from the collective behind the techno club Bar25 , which anchored the after-hours scene of the 2000s .

  2. 在这里,人们会记得被困在墙后的人们曾如何不畏枪林弹雨、翻越铁丝网、穿越雷区、挖掘隧道、跳下楼房、游渡施普雷河,来索求他们最基本的自由权利。

    And here , they will recall how people trapped behind a wall braved bullets , and jumped barbed wire , and dashed across minefields , and dug through tunnels , and leapt from buildings , and swam across the Spree to claim their most basic right of freedom .