
  • 网络Swastika
  1. 通过对太极图和万字符这两个具有代表性的吉祥符号的对比研究,我们可以深刻的了解这两个吉祥号的异同之处,在崇尚圆的同时,也能欣赏方的美

    By comparative study on the representative of auspicious symbol " Taiji diagram " and " swastika ", we can understand the similarities and differences between the two auspicious symbol deeply , in advocating " circle ", also can appreciate the beauty of the " square "

  2. 如果推特改成1万字符,那电邮就得改成140字符。

    If Twitter moves to 10000 characters , email must move to 140 characters .

  3. 就算给我1万字符,我也罄竹难书推特过去12个月虐待它用户的各项罪行。--

    Even with 10000 characters I wouldn 't be able to articulate all the ways Twitter has pissed off its users in the last twelve months . --

  4. 但是在推文中你不止可以使用这些字符,所有的Unicode字符你都可以使用,而这加起来有超过100万个不同的字符。

    But Twitter doesn 't limit you to those characters . You have all of Unicode to play with , which has room for over a million different characters .