
  1. 相对而言,著名的崀山、万佛山等都是小型“红层”盆地形成的。

    However , the famous Danxia Landforms such as Langshan , Wanfoshan Nature Reserve are comparatively smaller .

  2. 所以万佛山是融知性旅游、科学考察、风景揽胜、避暑度假于一炉。

    So is the financial knowledge Foshan million tourism , scientific exploration , landscape Rover , summer vacation in a furnace .

  3. 高山有高山的性格,万佛山具备了雄峻、幽深、奇险的风景特征。

    There are mountains of alpine character , with a magnificent million Foshan , deep , odd-risk characteristics of the landscape .

  4. 人们常说,秋是荒凉萧煞的,可万佛山的秋却是火红热烈的。

    It is often said that autumn is the brains of wild Hsiao , Foshan million to the autumn is warm red .