
  1. 云台山风景名胜区环境技术评价之我见

    The Technical Evaluation of Natural Environment on Mt. Yuntai Scenic Spot

  2. 认为云台山风景名胜区气候资源十分优越,海滨旅游资源优势非常突出。

    It is concluded that Mt. Yuntai Scenic Spot is endowed with a salubrious climate and rich coastal tourist resources .

  3. 这条1300英尺长(约合400米)的玻璃栈道刚刚完全对外开放两周,就在部分地方开裂,但河南省云台山风景名胜区管理局表示,不必为此惊慌。

    The fractures appeared on part of the 1300-foot-long see-through walkway just over two weeks after it fully opened , but they were no cause for alarm , said the administration of the Yuntai Mountain scenic park in Henan Province .

  4. 云台山,青天河风景区坐落在河南省,在那里可以观山,看水,欣赏河的两岸风景,是一个新兴的,热门的的旅游景点。

    Yuntai Mountain and Qingtian River Scenic Spot is located in Henan Province , it is a new popular scenic spot in China .