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yún qì
  • thin, floating clouds;cloudy obscured haze
云气 [yún qì]
  • [cloudy obscured haze] 稀薄游动的云

云气[yún qì]
  1. N44内部炽热年轻亮星的恒星风和强烈辐射,激发四周的云气发出辉光,也雕塑出这些奇形怪状的云气丝。

    Winds and intense radiation from hot , young , luminous stars in N44 excite and sculpt filaments and streamers of the glowing nebular gas .

  2. 云气漫山,随风四散,恍如隔世。

    The mist was scattered over the mountain by the wind .

  3. 云和辐射&(I)云气侯学和云的辐射作用

    Cloud and Radiation ── I : Cloud Climatology and Radiative Effects of Clouds

  4. 在云气塑造方面更是有不少新的探索和变化。

    In the cloud was mad the aspect has many new explorations and the change .

  5. 每天,海风及阳光将不计其数的水份自海面吸走,形成云气,施洒各地。

    Everyday wind and sunlight take away countless water to form cloud that sprays water everywhere .

  6. 国际卫星云气候学项目

    International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project

  7. “云气”图是汉画像中的典型图像,以各种形式出现在汉画像中。

    The cloudy haze design as a typical image presents in various forms in Han stone reliefs .

  8. 考虑一团云气在自身重力的吸引影响下向内收缩。

    Consider a cloud of gas that is contracting inward under the attractive power of its own gravity .

  9. 宇宙中几乎所有的东西都或多或少地在旋转著,所以可假设此云气具有一些角动量。

    Almost everything in the universe rotates at some level , so suppose this cloud has some angular momentum .

  10. 现在,我们知道这道光这是恒星爆炸的结果,而且还残留下五颜六色的扩散云气,称为面纱星云。

    Today we know this light was an exploding star and record the colorful expanding cloud as the Veil Nebula .

  11. 祥云纹,寓意祥瑞之云气,表达了吉祥、喜庆、幸福的愿望以及对生命的美好向往。

    The auspicious cloud pattern , meaning auspicious clouds , expressed good luck , happiness and wishes for a better life .

  12. 说明:北天的仙王座内,到处散布著星团、辉光云气、及黝黑的尘埃云。

    Explanation : Star clusters , glowing nebulae and dark dust clouds abound in Cepheus , royal constellation of the northern hemisphere .

  13. 由尘埃与冷分子云气组成的黝黑遮光云气,并引领我们的视觉感官去体会各种卷曲与奇异的形状。

    Surrounding it , obscuring clouds of dust and cold molecular gas are also present and can suggest other convoluted and fantastic shapes .

  14. 与周围巨大分子云气的交互作用使得这团星云的形状更加复杂,形成弓形激震结构。

    Interactions with a nearby large molecular cloud are thought to have contributed to this nebula 's more complex shape and curved bow-shock structures .

  15. 本文利用建立的辐射模式研究了在一般天气和沙尘暴天气条件下,有云气溶胶大气的辐射加热特征。

    The radiative heating characteristics in the cloudy and aerosol-laden atmospheres under normal and duststorm conditions are studied using atmospheric radiative model in this paper .

  16. 并根据对云气纹的研究成果,尝试进行设计实践,初步分析其在现代设计中的应用。

    And a cloud pattern based on the results of research to try to design practice , a preliminary analysis of its application of modern design .

  17. 另外有一个被哈伯推翻的猜测,是因为环绕恒星的气盘深藏在其母云气之中,所以无从窥其究竟。

    Another expectation , which Hubble overturned , was that the circumstellar disks would be deeply embedded within their parent clouds and would therefore be impossible to see .

  18. 从深空的影像中显示,在猎户座分子云复合体之中,延展的云气丝藏了无数的黑暗星云到星团的补丁。

    A deep exposure shows everything from dark nebula to star clusters , all imbedded in an extended patch of gaseous wisps in the greater Orion Molecular Cloud Complex .

  19. 西汉早期柿园墓四神云气图壁画保护研究(一)&历史与现状调查孩子们在园里摘西红柿。

    Conservation and restoration of wall paintings of early Western Han Dynasty ( 1 ) & Investigation of conservation history and actuality ; The children were picking tomatoes in the garden .

  20. 这个星系对是红外光波段天空最亮的光源之一,它们喷出由恒星、云气和尘埃所组成的扭曲潮汐尾,而本内部也出现剧烈的恒星诞生活动。

    One of the brightest sources in the infrared sky , the merging galaxies spew distorted tidal tails of stars , gas , and dust and undergo frantic bursts of star formation .

  21. 说明:在不透光尘埃与云气的遮掩下,我们银河系的中心在普通可见光望远镜中是难以看见的。

    Explanation : The center of our Milky Way Galaxy is hidden from the prying eyes of optical telescopes by clouds of obscuring dust and gas . A planoconvex lens used to concentrate light .