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wàn suì
  • long live;viva;hail;hooray;emperor;banzai;Your Majesty
万岁 [wàn suì]
  • (1) [banzai;long live]∶千秋万代,永远存在(祝颂的话)

  • 皆呼万岁。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  • 民称万岁。--《战国策.齐策四》

  • (2) [Your Majesty;emperor]∶封建时代臣民对皇帝的称谓

万岁[wàn suì]
  1. 自由万岁!

    Long live freedom !

  2. 全世界人民大团结万岁!

    Long live the great unity of the people of the world !

  3. 他们挥舞着红旗高喊:“列宁,万岁!”

    They waved red flags and shouted , ' Lenin , yes '

  4. 浩浩荡荡的人群中有些人呼喊“和平万岁!万岁!”的口号。

    Some members of the huge crowd shouted ' Viva peace , viva . '

  5. 万岁!大学时代结束喽!

    Hallelujah ! College days are over !

  6. 魔王(亚巴顿)万岁!伟大的吞噬者。

    All hail Abaddon , the Great Devourer .

  7. NBA休赛期万岁!

    Long live the NBA offseason !

  8. 友谊万岁《黑衣人》的核心便是探员K和J的友情。在外星人与太空旅行这两个主题之间,讲述了一对搭档的故事——运用科幻来诠释出友谊、忠诚和天外来客这些永恒的主题。

    At the core of Men in Black is the relationship between agents K and J. Somewhere between the aliens and space travel there 's a story about two partners-a futuristic take on those timeless themes of friendship , loyalty and extraterrestrials .

  9. 在场的部队则向这名年仅20多岁、只是在4个月前其父金正日(KimJong-il)死后才上台的领导人呼喊万岁!

    The troops chanted back long life ! to the leader who is only in his late 20s and came to power four months ago after the death of his father , Kim Jong-il .

  10. 她将在《凯撒万岁》(Hail,Caesar!)中饰演一个粗俗的水上芭蕾明星,这是一部危险的好莱坞原创戏仿之作,于2月5日上映,是对系列大片风潮的一种抵抗。

    She will appear as a bawdy water ballet star in " Hail , Caesar ! " - a dangerously original Hollywood spoof that will buck the trend of sequels with its release on Feb. 5 .

  11. Weiss说:我们每天要管理生活中的不同,有时我们最能做的就是理解万岁。

    Conflict is inevitable and conflict is not bad , Weiss says . We need to manage differences every day . Sometimes the best we can do is build understanding .

  12. 让我们为这个新款、高音质又买得起的便携播放器高呼万岁!

    Hurray for a new high quality yet affordable portable player !

  13. 万岁,玛丽亚·凯莉单身,正在线寻人

    Hooray , Mariah Carey is single and seeking a man online

  14. 我很强壮,让我来帮你!万岁!

    I 'm strong , Let me help you ! Hooray !

  15. 独立自由幸福的新中国万岁!

    Long live New China , independent , happy and free !

  16. 共和国万岁!我也是一个。

    Long live the Republic ! I 'm one of them .

  17. 哦,我们喜欢假期,假期,万岁!

    Oh , we love holidays , holidays , hooray !

  18. 中国万岁,中国人民是最伟大的!

    China long live , the Chinese people are greatest !

  19. 伟大的中华人民共和国万岁!

    Long live the great People 's Republic of China !

  20. 猴子庞克是我们的国王!万岁!万岁!

    Monkey Punkey is our king ! Hurray ! Hurray !

  21. 文字处理器万岁!如果没有它们我们将怎么办?

    Long live word processors ! What would we do without them ?

  22. 中美人民的友谊万岁!祝你成功!

    Long live the friendship between American and Chinese people !

  23. 两国人民之间的友谊万岁!

    Long live the friendship between the peoples of the two countries !

  24. 现在老国王死了,国王万岁!

    Now the old king is dead ! Long live the king !

  25. 万岁!我们出发去见大法师吧!

    Hooray ! We 're off to see a wizard !

  26. 你们也要吹角,说,愿所罗门王万岁。

    Blow the trumpet and shout , 'Long live King Solomon ! '

  27. 拯救地球的唯一办法是万岁,银河煞星!

    The only way to save the Earth Hail Gallaxhar !

  28. 万岁!这是本学期在学校的最后一天了。

    Hooray ! It 's the last day of school .

  29. 感谢上帝给了我沃利斯,爱情万岁!

    ' Thank God for Wallis , and LONG LIVE LOVE ! '

  30. 进包房喊五声玛丽亚万岁。

    Go in the stall , say five hail marys .