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xī gōng
  • western palace;imperial concubine;concubines of the king or emperor
西宫 [xī gōng]
  • [western palace] 中国封建时代妃嫔住的地方。借指妃嫔

西宫[xī gōng]
  1. 东宫西宫:这不是贱,这是爱情。

    It is not baseness but love .

  2. 一般来说,皇后娘娘是不会住在西宫的。

    Generally speaking , the queen would never live in the western palace where the imperial concubines live .

  3. 冈崎补充说:“西宫君是一个非常沉稳、务实的人,因此他将会平稳把握局面。”

    Mr Okazaki added : " Mr nishimiya is a very calm , practical person , so he will be a steady pair of hands . "

  4. 西方七星奎、娄、胃、昂、毕、角、参形状如虎,称西宫为白虎;

    Western Seven-Kui , Lou , stomach , Ang , Bi , angle , shape parameters such as the tiger , called for the white tiger Nishinomiya ;