
  • 网络West Japan;western japan
  1. 从2015年3月14日开始,西日本铁路公司运营的北陆新干线将时间缩短了一半。与之前的慢车一样,新干线同样会在金泽站停靠,那里被誉为全世界最美丽的火车站之一。

    Starting March 14 , 2015 , the new , direct Hokuriku Shinkansen ( bullet train ) run by West Japan Railway Company cut the travel time in half.And like the slower trains , it arrives at Kanazawa Station , often listed as oneof the world 's most beautiful .

  2. 中、西日本铁路公司联合对下一代新干线列车进行开发,并将在1997年秋季进行300km/h的铁路运营。

    Central Japan Railway and West Japan Railway have agreed to pool their efforts to develop the next generation of Shinkansen train . Meanwhile , the first 300 km / h services in Japan will start in the autumn of 1997 .

  3. 鄂西日本柳杉栽培的生态环境条件

    Eco-environmental Conditions in West Hubei Autonomous Prefecture for the Cultivation of Japanese Cedar

  4. 中、西日本铁路公司新型高速列车的开发

    JR Central / JR West in New Train Venture

  5. 日本国土经历了从东、西日本相抗衡的两极结构发展成为目前以东京大都市圈为中心、以太平洋沿岸为主轴的结构。

    The territory has gone through two poles between east and west , and develops one center of Tokyo metropolis and one axis along the Pacific Ocean in Japan .

  6. 吃西(日本、朝鲜、俄式、广东、川)菜

    Eat european ( japanese , korean , russian , guangdong , sichuan ) food

  7. 产品适用于:星级宾馆酒店,西餐厅,日本料理店,东南亚风味餐厅及专业的西饼面包店,烘焙产品生产厂家等等。

    Products for : star-level hotel , restaurant Japanese restaurant , Southeast Asia and professional-style restaurant bakery cakes , baking factory .

  8. 雍容华贵的中、西餐厅、日本料理以及气派轩昂的多功能宴会厅,精湛的厨艺,细心体贴的服务,让您领略到不同的中、西方饮食文化;

    With Chinese and western restaurants , Japanese cooking and multifunctional banquet hall , the hotel provides exquisite cooking skills and considerate services for guests ;

  9. 印度-西太平洋:日本南部,东中国海与菲律宾,但是可能进入印度洋,澳洲与纽西兰之内延伸。

    Indo-West Pacific : southern Japan , East China Sea , and the Philippines , but may extend into Indian Ocean , Australia and New Zealand .

  10. 印度-西太平洋:日本与韩国,南至婆罗洲与澳洲东北方,西至安达曼海与印度洋,与在亚丁湾。

    Indo-West Pacific : Japan and Korea , south to Borneo and northeastern Australia , west to the Andaman Sea and Indian Ocean , and in the Gulf of Aden .

  11. 他曾是一艘军舰的舰长,经常行驶从美国西海岸到日本的航线。有时航线的海况很好,也有时风浪十分恶劣。

    He was the captain of a ship , and the routes that he tended to sail were from west coast of the U.S. towards Japan . Sometimes the routes were great , and sometimes the routes were very rough .

  12. 东南亚及西太平洋区的日本脑炎(英文)

    Japanese encephalitis in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific , with special reference to Taiwan Province and Korea .

  13. 中国东北西太平洋俯冲带位于欧亚板块与西太平洋板块的交界部位,西太平洋板块在日本海沟以约29°的角度俯冲到欧亚大陆下。

    The Western Pacific subduction zone in the northeast part of China is located at boundary of the Eurasia and the Western Pacific plate . The Western Pacific plate subducted beneath the northeast part of China with dip angle of 29 ° at Japan trench .