
  • Disneyland;Disneyland Park;Disney World
  1. 香港迪士尼乐园将于周一晚些时候公布截至2013年9月这一财年的业绩。香港政府持有该主题公园52%的股份,其余为华特-迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.,DIS)持有。

    Hong Kong Disneyland , which is - owned by the city 's government , while Walt Disney Co. owns the rest , will announce financial results for the fiscal year ended September 2013 later Monday .

  2. 上海迪士尼乐园的门票本周一正式开始发售。

    Shanghai Disneyland , which opens June 16 , begins selling tickets Monday .

  3. 他们生活在幻想的世界里,相形之下连欧洲迪士尼乐园都显得毫无创意。

    They live in fantasy worlds which make Euro Disney seem uninventive

  4. 上海长江大桥连接上海市区和崇明岛。截至7月25日下午2点,上海迪士尼乐园、东方明珠塔以及上海科技馆等近130个旅游景点因安全原因关闭。

    As of 2 pm Sunday , nearly 130 tourists spots in Shanghai , including the Shanghai Disney Resort , the Oriental Pearl Tower , and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum , had closed over safety concerns .

  5. 许多人渴望去迪士尼乐园(Disneyland),在好莱坞标志以及旧金山的金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)等标志性建筑旁拍照。

    Many are eager to visit Disneyland and snap photographs at landmarks such as the Hollywood sign and San Francisco 's Golden Gate Bridge .

  6. 目前香港迪士尼乐园包括两家酒店――香港迪士尼乐园酒店(HongKongDisneylandHotel)和迪士尼好莱坞酒店(Disney'sHollywoodHotel),总计有1000个酒店房间。

    There are currently two hotels on site -- Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney 's Hollywood Hotel -- which provide a total of 1000 hotel rooms .

  7. 去年8月,来自新泽西州蛋港镇(EggHarborTownship)的凯茜&12539;博克(CathyBork)第18次游览迪士尼乐园。

    Last August , Cathy Bork from Egg Harbor Township , N.J. , visited Disney World for the 18th time .

  8. 我们在6月11日参观上海迪士尼乐园时,迪士尼首席执行官罗伯特·A·艾格(RobertA.Iger)提到了这种吸引力。

    Robert A. Iger , Disney 's chief executive , alluded to this fascination as we toured Shanghai Disneyland on June 11 .

  9. 香港迪士尼乐园(HongKongDisneyland)周一公布,将投资5.5亿美元兴建第三家酒店,因为创纪录高位的游客数量帮助香港迪士尼乐园实现了2005年开业以来的最高年度利润。

    Hong Kong 's Disney theme park on Monday said it is investing US $ 550 million on a third hotel resort after record attendance figures helped deliver the park 's biggest annual profit since opening in 2005 .

  10. 2010年,迪士尼乐园(WaltDisneyWorld)开始推出一小时高级肖像照服务,价格为350美元。

    Walt Disney World in 2010 started selling a $ 350 one-hour ' Enhanced Portrait Session . ' It includes retouching and flourishes such as black-and-white and sepia shots and a customized photo book ( prints cost extra ) .

  11. 已有30年历史的东京迪士尼乐园的运营方是OrientalLandCo.,该公司1月份公布,受本地经济好转提振,截至去年12月31日的九个月净利润增加34%,至630.2亿日圆(合6.202亿美元)。

    Oriental Land Co. , which operates the 30-year-old Tokyo resort under license from Disney , said in January that the company 's net profit for the nine months ended December 31 rose 34 % to 63.02 billion yen ( US $ 620.2 million ) , helped by a stronger local economy .

  12. 在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的迪士尼乐园和佛罗里达州海湾湖的沃尔特迪士尼乐园,撒骨灰的情况频繁发生,因此当工作人员发现任何有关骨灰的迹象时,就会发送特殊代码“HEPAcleanup”进行上报。

    At Disneyland park in Anaheim , California , and Walt Disney World in Bay Lake , Florida , it happens so frequently that staff have a special code to call in when they spot any sign of cremains : " HEPA cleanup . "

  13. 股东们向容光焕发的伊格提出各种老生常谈的问题,从主题公园的徽章交易到一个名叫Figment的小角色的消失——它是迪士尼乐园未来世界里的一条紫龙。

    Shareholders questioned a beaming Mr. Iger about perennial concerns ranging from pin trading at theme parks to the disappearance of an obscure character called Figment , a purple dragon from an Epcot ride at Walt Disney World .

  14. AECOM香港公司的副总裁兼休闲环球总裁吉井贵司表示,上海迪士尼乐园很可能会有每天游客数量的限制以确保安全。

    Chris Yoshii , vice-president and global director of leisure Asia at AECOM ( Hong Kong ) , said Shanghai Disneyland will likely have a daily limit of visitors to ensure safety .

  15. 香港迪士尼乐园在亚洲的旅游景点中处于领先位置。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is the leading family attraction in Asia .

  16. 上海迪士尼乐园已定于今年6月16日开园。

    Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16 .

  17. 圣淘沙是新加坡到达迪士尼乐园。

    Sentosa is the closest that Singapore gets to Disneyland .

  18. 上海迪士尼乐园是迪士尼全世界范围内的第六家游乐园。

    The Shanghai Disney Resort is Disneys sixth resort worldwide .

  19. 但上海的迪士尼乐园就不一样了。

    But Disneyland in Shanghai ? That would be different .

  20. 我正期盼着与我父母一起去迪士尼乐园。

    I am looking forward to going to Disneyland with my parents .

  21. 我正在期望和我的父母去迪士尼乐园。

    I 'm looking forward to going to Disneyland with my parents .

  22. 我的父母带我去迪士尼乐园和海洋公园玩耍。

    My parents took me to Disneyland and Ocean Park .

  23. 带着孩子的人们将会发现欧洲迪士尼乐园是一个游览的好去处。

    People with children will find EuoroDisney a good place to visit .

  24. 您到访过香港迪士尼乐园多少次?

    How many times have you visited Hong Kong Disneyland ?

  25. 自2011年以来,香港迪士尼乐园首次经历了年度亏损。

    Hong Kong Disneyland Resort has recorded its first annual loss since 2011 .

  26. 法国和罗马尼亚警方近日开展了一项整治巴黎迪士尼乐园的扒手的专项运动。

    French and Romanian police launched a crackdown on pickpockets at Disneyland Paris .

  27. 香港迪士尼乐园仍是全球面积最小的迪士尼主题公园。

    Hong Kong Disneyland remains the smallest of all Disney theme parks world-wide .

  28. 你像是吃百忧解的圣诞老人在迪士尼乐园被别人占便宜了!

    You are like Santa Clauseon Prozac , at Disneyland , getting laid !

  29. 第二天我们全都去了迪士尼乐园,玩得很开心。

    We all went to Disneyland the other day and had a blast .

  30. 爸爸,我想去上海迪士尼乐园玩!

    Lydia : Daddy , I want to go to the Shanghai Disneyland !