
  • 网络Occidental College
  1. 现任美国总统奥巴马曾就读于加州的西方学院(OccidentalCollege)。

    President Obama went to Occidental College in the state of California .

  2. 彼得赖尔,一个西方学院政治学教授说,在他的社会组织类别里他通常有20至25名学生。

    Peter Dreier , a politics professor at Occidental College , says he usually has20 to25 students in his community organizing class .

  3. 在西方学院,奥巴马开始慢慢的不迷恋篮球和聚会了。

    At Occidental Obama began to slowly drift away from basketball and partying .

  4. 西方学院艺术理论经历了一个产生和发展的历史过程。

    The art theory of western academic has undergone a historical process of and development .

  5. 19世纪末20世纪初,首批归国的建筑学留学生受到西方学院派建筑思想的影响,以模仿西方古典建筑形式为主要设计手法。

    In the early 1900 's , some returned students who affected by architectual thoughs of academism began to imitate the west classical architecture .

  6. 徐悲鸿事实上将西方学院艺术与写实主义运动的精神混淆了,这就给写实绘画开辟了一个功利主义的方向。

    As a result , Xu had combined the Western institutionalized art with the realistic movement , thus starting a new direction of utilitarianism .

  7. 他放弃西方学院派的僵化写实,选择浪漫主义至立体派追求的新格局;

    For this purpose , he departed from the rigid portraits of traditional Western schools , and opted for a new mode of expression found in Romanticism and Cubism .

  8. 这种模式筑基于法国和苏联的西方学院式教育体系之上,其弊端已日趋明显,直接导致了中国画教育的迷失。

    The disadvantages of the model , which is base on the western academic education systems from France and Soviet Union , have become obvious and were responsible for the loss of the Chinese painting education .

  9. 本文从大学学院制的演变入手,概述了学院制的源起、现代西方学院制的实践及理论,以及我国大学学院制的历史。

    Starting from the evolution of college system in universities , the present research states the origin of college system , the theory and practice of college system in modern western society , and the history of college system in China .

  10. 1949年他进入洛杉矶西方学院学习时,几乎不会说英语,第一节课完全听不懂,所以他决定去上能上的所有绘画课。

    When he entered Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1949 with little command of English , he could not understand his first lecture , and decided , he said , to take every drawing class I could get my hands on .

  11. 长江商学院(CheungKongGraduateSchoolofBusiness)便是一个例子。2011年,它一转西方商学院在亚洲开设课程的盛行趋势,在伦敦开设了分院,这在当时引起了不小的轰动。

    One example is Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business , which made a splash in 2011 by opening facilities in London , reversing the prevailing trend in which western schools set up programmes in Asia .

  12. 越来越明显的是:EMBA这个原本在西方商学院界乏人问津的项目,如今正在变成一种奢侈品。

    It is increasingly clear that the EMBA , once the Cinderella programme of the western business school world , is becoming a luxury product .

  13. 现在,一流亚洲商学院的经历可以帮助你进入一流的西方商学院。

    Top Asian schools can now give you the support you get in a top western school .

  14. 中国经济的飞速发展为西方商学院带来了巨大商机,同时也带来了一些独特的挑战。

    China 's booming economy presents many opportunities to Western business schools , as well as some unique challenges .

  15. 在一般的西方商学院,教师的讲演不过是为了激起勤奋、好争辩的学生的兴趣。

    In typical western business schools a presentation merely whets the appetite of the argumentative and eager students watching .

  16. 近年来,西方商学院接收了大批野心勃勃的中国年青专业人士。

    In recent years , western business schools have played host to a large number of ambitious young Chinese professionals .

  17. 实际上,越来越多的西方商学院正在发展完整的商业伦理硕士项目。

    In fact , more and more Western business schools are developing entire masters programmes in the area of business ethics .

  18. 此外,在可行的情况下,商业伦理课程应当由经验丰富的西方商学院学者监督(如果不是由他们授课的话)。

    In addition , where feasible , business ethics courses should be overseen , if not taught , by experienced Western business school scholars .

  19. 中国大约有100所大学开设了商学院或管理学院,看起来几乎全都与西方商学院差别不大。

    Nearly all of the 100 or so universities in China appear to have a business or management school not too dissimilar to those of the west .

  20. 但其中只有排在前10%的院校在认真效仿西方商学院的学习经验及其更加现代的商学院课程。

    However , it is only the top 10 per cent of these institutions that have made serious attempts to replicate the western business school learning experience and its more modern business school curriculum .

  21. 商学院应该被要求开发并教授类似于大多数西方商学院提供的课程,并确保这些课程属于必修课,而非不受重视的选修课。

    They should be implored to develop and deliver similar courses to those offered at most Western business schools and ensure that these courses are made compulsory choices , not sidelined as optional electives .

  22. 考虑到西方商学院越来越多地开设商业伦理与社会责任课程,中国内地商学院在这方面的巨大差距就更加令人难以揣摸了。

    The yawning gap in business ethics and social responsibility courses across mainland Chinese business schools becomes even more difficult to fathom when considered alongside the continuing increase in such courses across Western business schools .

  23. 西方早期女子学院的创立与发展

    The Founding and Developing of Early Women 's Colleges in Western Countries

  24. 这对西方的商学院来说是个好消息。

    That 's good news for western business schools .

  25. 陈家乐表示,目标是将东、西方的商学院结合起来。

    The aim , says Prof Chan , is to bring together schools from the east and the west .

  26. 陈家乐表示,目标是“将东、西方的商学院结合起来”。

    The aim , says Prof Chan , is to " bring together schools from the east and the west . "

  27. 现担任新西兰新普利茅斯新西兰国立西方理工学院的视觉艺术学位的数码教师,研究兴趣是图画系统。

    He currently works as a digital tutor in the Visual Arts Degree at WITT , New Plymouth , New Zealand .

  28. 西方早期女子学院为不能进入传统大学学习的妇女提供了接受高等教育的机会。

    Early women 's colleges in Western countries provided an access to higher education to women who could not enter the traditional universities .

  29. 每一家中国商学院还应派出教员队伍中的主要成员,赴西方著名商学院学习西方教学模式。

    Every Chinese business school should also send leading members of staff to respected western business schools for training in the western approach .

  30. 他们中的很多人在西方最好的商学院里任教。

    Many teach in some of the West 's best business schools . C.