
  • Tomato sauce;tomato ketchup or catsup
  1. 农民们称他们遭受了巨大的损失,当地一家新建的价值2,000万美元的西红柿酱工厂也由于原材料短缺而停止生产。

    Farmers are reporting steep losses and a new $ 20 million tomato-paste factory has halted production due to the shortages .

  2. 我觉得桌布上有一点西红柿酱的渍斑。

    I think there 's a spot of tomato ketchup on the tablecloth .

  3. 新鲜的西红柿酱、热气腾腾的葱油拌面,上面还放着清炒的小甜瓜。

    Fresh tomato sauce , fried zucchini over steaming pasta in garlic and oil .

  4. 另外十名志愿者只吃橄榄油,不吃西红柿酱。

    Another ten had a daily dose of olive oil minus the tomato paste .

  5. 他们把西红柿酱浇在汉堡包上。

    They poured catsup on their hamburgers .

  6. 面食用沙司;含有蘑菇、火腿、剁碎的蔬菜、牛肉和西红柿酱。

    Sauce for pasta ; contains mushrooms and ham and chopped vegetables and beef and tomato paste .

  7. 在做西红柿酱或者煮咖啡的时候加一小啜可以减少酸度。

    A pinch added to tomato sauce while cooking , or coffee while brewing , will reduce acidity .

  8. 上次你去麦当劳吃薯条时蘸的西红柿酱一词,似乎是典型的美国词。

    The ketchup you may have put on your French fries the last time you visited McDonald 's seems quintessentially American .

  9. 每一种食物配给足以供一个五口之家一个月的生活,包括小麦面粉、面条和西红柿酱。

    Each food ration is enough to feed a family of five for one month and includes wheat flour , pasta and tomato paste .

  10. 我拿进一纸箱西红柿酱,把它打开,在已经卖空了的货架上摆上这些漂亮秀气的小罐头。

    I brought in a carton of tomato paste , slashed it open , and stacked the charming slender little cans on their depleted shelf .

  11. 最初的应用是水果汁和(橘子汁浓缩)蔬菜汁(西红柿酱和果泥)及乳制品(炼乳)的浓缩。

    A primary application is concentration of fruit juices ( orange juice concentrate ), vegetable juices ( tomato pastes and purees ), and dairy products ( condensed milk ) .

  12. 他们发现,与那些根本不吃西红柿酱的男性相比,每周吃西红柿酱两到四次的男性患前列腺癌的机率要低35%。

    They found that men who ate tomato sauce two to four times per week had a35 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than men who ate none .

  13. 但当卡车人员把这些可食用的炸弹从车上卸下时,广场和周围的街道刹那间被西红柿酱淹没了,把参加盛会的人群“炸”开了花。

    But as they unloaded the edible ammunition , the square and surrounding streets were suddenly awash in a sea of tomato sauce , covering the crowds of festival goers .

  14. 使用紫外线灯的检测结果显示,吃西红柿酱的那组研究对象的皮肤防晒能力在研究结束时比开始时增强了三分之一。该研究结果在英国皮肤病学研究学会的年度研讨会上公布。

    Tests using ultra-violet lamps showed the tomato-eaters were a third better protected against sunburn at the end of the study than at the start , the British Society for Investigative Dermatology 's annual conference heard .

  15. 食物搅拌器中,加入西红柿,西红柿酱膏和黄瓜,搅拌,直到成液体。

    In a food processor , liquefy the tomato , tomato paste and cucumber .

  16. 三片培根,生菜,西红柿,蛋黄酱,两片白吐司。

    Three slices of bacon , lettuce , tomato and mayonnaise on two slices of toasted white bread .

  17. 一天在我上班的便利店里,一位妇女进来要一只汉堡包外卖,我按照她的要求准备了带有生菜、西红柿和蛋黄酱的小圆面包。

    One day at the convenience store where I worked , a woman came in for a hamburger to go . I fixed the bun with lettuce , tomatoes and mayonnaise as she had requested .

  18. 他们种了许多西红柿,用这些西红柿又做了十二瓶西红柿酱,吃了大半个冬天。

    They had grown so many tomatoes that they were able to make a dozen bottles of tomato sauce to last most of the winter .

  19. 尽管作为非洲大陆第二大西红柿生产国,尼日利亚却依赖每年价值10亿美元的进口西红柿酱,由于缺乏合适的储存设施导致大约75%的当地产西红柿都被白白浪费掉。

    Despite being the continent 's second-largest producer of tomatoes , Nigeria is dependent on $ 1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports every year , as around 75 % of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities .

  20. 为了检验西红柿的护肤功效,研究人员让十位志愿者连续三个月每天食用五汤匙拌有橄榄油的西红柿酱。

    To test the fruit 's ability to protect the skin , ten volunteers were asked to eat five tablespoons of tomato paste mixed with olive oil every day for three months .