
  • 网络Alcohol concentration;Bac;ABV;BRAC
  1. 它的酒精浓度很高,有时接近波尔图葡萄酒的浓度。

    It is very alcoholic , sometimes near the strength of port

  2. 藻蓝蛋白的稳定性实验表明,藻蓝蛋白在30℃以下,酒精浓度在10%以下,pH值在6~8的范围内比较稳定。

    And phycocyanin is stable under 30 ℃, 10 % alcohol concentration and pH6 ~ 8 .

  3. 随着酒精浓度的增高,HBsAg的表达随之降低。

    With increasing the concentration of alcohol , the HBsAg levels decreased .

  4. 钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白的稳定性试验研究从酒精浓度、温度和pH几个方面研究了外界因素对钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白稳定性的影响。

    This article studied the influences on the stability of the phycocyanin in Spirulina platensis from the outer factors , such as the alcohol concentration , the temperature and pH.

  5. 以小牛皱胃为原料,研究了食盐浓度、酒精浓度、提取温度和pH对小牛皱胃酶提取效果的影响。

    Using calf abomasum as material , the concentration of salt and alcohol , pH values of extraction solution and time of extraction on the effect of calf rennet extraction were studied .

  6. 孢子萌发和菌丝生长最适的起始pH范围为:4.0-6.5;而且其孢子耐酒精浓度能力较强,最高耐酒精浓度达14%。

    Its growth temperature was 25-35C , the optimum original pH of spore budding and mycelium growth was 4 . 0-6 . 5 , the resistance ability to ethanol was as high as 14 % .

  7. F组的血液中酒精浓度的峰值最高,平均值为(1603±0083)mg/ml,远远低于致死阈值。

    The maximum elevation of blood ethanol values occurred in group F. Its average value was ( 1.603 ± 0.083 ) mg / ml , which was much lower than that of death level .

  8. 以不同的培养温度、pH值、培养基、酒精浓度为富集条件,以柿果园土壤和数十种水果果皮为分离源,共分离得到122株酵母菌。

    The different temperatures , pH value , culture media and concentration of ethanol were chosen as the enrichment conditions . 122 yeasts had been isolated from soil in persimmon orchard and all kinds of fruit peel .

  9. 结果受试者一次饮酒后,血液中酒精浓度于0.5h后达到峰值,以后不断下降,至24h后恢复正常;

    Results After one drinking , alcohol concentration reached the peak at 0.5 h , then declined and returned to normal at 24h .

  10. 血清酒精浓度越高,ECG间期显著延长并可能出现潜在的传导紊乱或甚至SCD的发生率越高。

    The higher the blood alcohol concentration , the higher the occurrence of a significant extension of ECG intervals with possible manifestation of latent conduction disturbance or even SCD .

  11. 高倍镜下计数显示实验各组异常的细胞核明显多于对照组(P<0.01),且随着酒精浓度增加,固缩核细胞数逐渐增加。

    Counting under the high power microscope , we found that the number of abnormal nuclears increased in alcohol-treated group than control group ( P 0.01 ) . And that along with increasing of the alcohol concentration , the number of pycnosis cell were increasing gradually .

  12. LeiSeca(禁酒法)将驾驶时血液酒精浓度每升6分克或更高定为刑事犯罪。

    The Lei Seca ( Dry Law ) makes it a criminal offence to drive with a blood-alcohol concentration of6 decigrams per litre or higher .

  13. 实验得到最适醋酸发酵条件为:温度33℃~36℃,酒精浓度6.5%,pH值5.5,接种量10%,发酵时间144h。

    The optimum acetic acid fermentation conditions were : temperature 33 ℃ ~ 36 ℃, alcohol content 6.5 % , pH 5.5 , inoculum 10 % , fermentation time 144 h.

  14. 结果表明,酒精浓度对提取效果无明显影响;当提取液中食盐浓度为5%、pH为4、提取液与皱胃粉比例为20∶1时,提取羔羊皱胃酶凝乳活性最高。

    The results showed that the concentration of alcohol had no significant effect on the extracting effect of lamb rennet , and the milk-clotting activity reached the peak with the5 % salt concentration and20:1 ( v / w ) ratio of solution and abomasums power at pH4 .

  15. 适宜的醋酸发酵条件为温度33~36℃,酒精浓度6.0%,接种量6.0%,起始pH值6.0,在转速140r/min条件下振荡培养72h左右桑果保健醋酸度适宜,口感、风味良好。

    The optimum temperature for acetic acid fermentation is 33 ~ 36 ℃, alcohol density 6.0 % , inoculation amount 6 % , starting pH degree 6.0.The rotational speed is 140 r / min and the oscillation period is 72 h.

  16. 以苦瓜干为原料,筛选出浸泡型苦瓜酒最佳浸泡工艺参数为:温度40℃、粒度<80目、酒精浓度60%(V/V)、时间2天。

    Adopting dry Momordica charantia as material , the optimal soaking parameters of Momordica charantia liquor manufacturing involved 40 ℃ of soaking temperature , granularity of dry material < 80 mu , 60 % ( V / V ) of alcohol and soaking for 2 days .

  17. 主要观察指标包括:饮酒量、饮酒至开始治疗时间、开始治疗至神志及肢体运动恢复正常时间、用药前及用药后2h血液酒精浓度。

    The volume of drinking , the interval from drinking to treatment and from the beginning of treatment to full consciousness and normalization of extremities movement , the blood concentration of ethanol before and after 2 hours of treatment were compared between the two groups .

  18. 即果胶浸提液的酸度为pH2,反应时间2小时。沉淀果胶的酒精浓度为50%,其得率是12.6%。

    The best technological conditions are as follows : the acidity of extractant at pH2 the reaction time for 2 hrs , the concentration of alcohol for precipitating pectin at 50 % by volume , and the final fine rate of pectin is 12.6 % .

  19. 用红外吸收光谱法测量饮用酒的酒精浓度

    Determing Ethanol in Alcoholic Beverages With the Method or Infrared Absorption

  20. 白兰地的酒精浓度远远超过葡萄酒。

    The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds that of wine .

  21. 基于斜率计算的酒精浓度测试通道控制系统

    The Access Control System of Alcohol Concentration Based on Slope Calculation

  22. 高温和高酒精浓度下的酵母特性

    Characteristics of yeast at higher temperature and higher ethanol concentration

  23. 因为她拒绝接受血液酒精浓度测试。

    B : Because she refused to submit to a blood-alcohol test .

  24. 多层膜干片法测定血清酒精浓度的方法学探讨

    Multi-layer dry slides method in the determination of serum alcohol

  25. 气相色谱法测定大鼠在饮酒过程中不同时段血中酒精浓度。

    The ethanol concentration in blood was measured by headspace gas chromatography .

  26. 对不起!经过测试结果,你已超过法定酒精浓度。

    I 'm sorry , your test result exceeds the legal limit .

  27. 是的,烈酒的酒精浓度比啤酒更高。

    Yes , hard liquor has a higher alcohol content than beer .

  28. 测量呼出气中酒精浓度的电化学传感器

    An Electrochemical Sensor for the Measurement of Alcohol Concentration in the Breath

  29. [方法]采用多层膜干片法测定血清酒精浓度,并对其方法学进行初步研究。

    [ Methods ] Serum alcohol was determined by multi-lay dry slides method .

  30. 荧光偏振免疫法在血酒精浓度检测的应用

    The Application of Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Technology in Measurement of Serum Ethanol Concentration