
jiǔ jīng yǐn liào
  • alcoholic beverage;liquor;Alcoholic Drinks;booze;drink
  1. 上周四,该公司宣布首次推出酒精饮料&唐(Tang),百加得相信这是同类饮料中的首款产品。

    On Thursday , it announced the debut of an alcoholic beverage called Tang , which Bacardi believes is the first of its kind .

  2. 聂帕榈果汁酒用这种植物的汁制得的一种酒精饮料。

    An alcoholic beverage made from the sap of this plant .

  3. 酒店的公共休息室出售酒精饮料。

    Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge .

  4. 酒精饮料对小孩犹如毒药。

    Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child .

  5. 那时候,古柯叶的萃取物与酒混合是一种常见的滋补品,而潘伯顿使用甜酒酿是一种规避当地法律棽售酒精饮料的方法。

    At the time , coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic , and Pemberton 's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol .

  6. 含酒精饮料的销售管理条例

    regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages

  7. “快乐饮料”是一种让人心情变好的有趣的烈性酒精饮料,比如玛格丽特鸡尾酒和莫吉托鸡尾酒。

    Happy drink is a fun , strong , alcoholic drink to put you in a happy mood , such as margeritas and mojitos .

  8. 研究团队还调查了特定的饮酒习惯、酒精饮料类型和本人健康状况是否会改变酒精对大脑健康的影响程度。

    The team also investigated whether certain drinking patterns , beverage5 types and other health conditions made a difference to the impact of alcohol on brain health .

  9. 罗杰斯发明的“零度之下”冰淇淋机采用独特的技术来冷冻酒精饮料,让你可以将啤酒、鸡尾酒甚至烈酒变成口感柔软的冰淇淋。

    The Below Zero ice cream machine uses a unique technique to freeze alcohol , which allows you to turn beers , cocktails and even spirits into delicious soft-serve ice cream .

  10. 在新规之下,百货商店等大型商业设施以及提供酒精饮料的餐厅、酒吧和K歌厅将会关门。不提供酒精饮料的餐厅必须提早关门,公司必须安排员工远程办公。

    Under the rules , major commercial facilities like department stores will close , as well as restaurants , bars , and karaoke parlours serving alcohol . Restaurants that do not serve alcohol are being told to close early , and companies are being asked to make arrangements for people to work remotely .

  11. n.酒,含酒精饮料;烈酒这家餐厅有卖酒的执照吗?

    liquor Does this restaurant have a license to serve liquor ?

  12. 恶劣天气使消费者不再光顾酒吧、餐馆以及卡拉OK场所,导致啤酒销售增速进一步下滑,消费者转而选择其他酒精饮料的趋势加速。

    Foul weather kept customers away from bars , restaurants and karaoke establishments and deepened a slowdown in sales growth and a shift toward other alcoholic beverages , according to the analyst .

  13. 我需要再来点mimosa(酒精饮料)。

    I think I 'm going to need another mimosa ...

  14. 禁止在MLB棒球发展中心内任何地方饮食含酒精饮料。

    Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on site at the MLB Development Center .

  15. 茶树(camelliasinensis)起源于中国西南部,是一种重要的经济作物。茶叶为世界三大无酒精饮料之一。

    Tea plant ( Camellia sinensis ) is an important cash crop which originates in southwestern China , and now has become one of the three largest non alcoholic beverages in the world .

  16. 上周末,我观看了安格尔在拉斯维加斯(lasvegas)一间酒吧向支持者发表的讲话,其间衣着清凉的女招待不断地给她的支持者送上格雷伯爵茶和酒精饮料。

    Over the weekend , I watched MS angle address supporters in a bar in Las Vegas , while scantily clad waitresses plied her supporters with Earl Grey tea and other stronger beverages .

  17. 因此Gi·k被迫去掉了Gi·k的葡萄酒标签,不得不改成“其他含酒精饮料”类别,以使产品适用于当前法规。

    So Gi · k have been forced to stop labeling Gi · k as a wine . Instead , they had to label it as " other alcoholic drinks " to adapt the product to the current legislation .

  18. 此外,这项由抗抑郁症组织Beyondblue开展的调查表明,30岁以下的人患抑郁症的比例最高,而且这一人群用药物和酒精饮料进行“自行治疗“的几率最大。

    The survey conducted by Beyondblue , an organizationdevoted to fighting depression , also showed that those under 30 had the highest rates of depression and were the most likely to " self-medicate " with drugs and alcohol .

  19. 通常是餐后饮用的烈性甜酒精饮料。

    Strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal .

  20. 啤酒是一种发酵麦芽形成的低度酒精饮料。

    Beer is a low-alcohol beverage obtained by fermentation of malt .

  21. 一直以来,人们认为伏特加是一种相对无味的酒精饮料。

    Vodkas an alcoholic beverage thats supposed to be relatively flavorless .

  22. 酒精饮料在人体内的代谢及适宜饮量

    Metabolism of Alcoholic Beverage in Human Body & Its Optimum Drink

  23. 如果要开车回家,大多数西方人喜欢喝不含酒精饮料。

    Most westerners like soft drinks if they will drive home .

  24. 在家里酿造的酒精饮料(尤指啤酒)。

    An alcoholic beverage ( especially beer ) made at home .

  25. 你的手提袋里有没有酒精饮料?

    Do you have any alcoholic drinks in your carry-on bag ?

  26. 国会正在考虑就含酒精饮料的广告举行听证会。

    Congress is contemplating hearings on the advertising of alcoholic beverages .

  27. 类似于啤酒但是比啤酒烈的发酵酒精饮料。

    Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer .

  28. 十八岁以下的孩子不准购买酒精饮料。

    Children under eighteen are not allowed to buy alcohol .

  29. 酒精饮料的广告受到自愿准则的约束。

    The advertising of alcoholic drinks is regulated by a voluntary code .

  30. 饮用大量的酒精饮料是产生肝硬化的最常见的因素。

    1 heavy alcohol use is the most common cause .