
  1. 大卫曾和他橄榄球俱乐部的朋友们一起串酒吧喝酒。

    David had been on a pub crawl with pals from his rugby club .

  2. 基本款的小黑裙更是百搭:无论是去罗马的Harry酒吧喝酒、在威尼斯的Cipriani餐厅用餐,还是在米兰的Cova餐厅享受美味的冰淇淋。

    You can go anywhere : from drinks at Harry 's Bar in Rome , dinner at Cipriani in Venice to a delicious ice cream at Cova in Milan .

  3. 有时候我和朋友去酒吧喝酒。

    Sometimes I go to the pub to drink with my friend .

  4. 我不想去酒吧喝酒。

    I don 't want to go to a pub and get drunk .

  5. 每次小张无聊的时候都会去酒吧喝酒。

    Everytime when Xiao Zhang gets bored , he goes to the bar .

  6. 他下班后经常在这间酒吧喝酒。

    He often drinks in he bar after work .

  7. 我们到那个酒吧喝酒去?

    Should we go that pub for a drink ?

  8. 不建议在酒吧喝酒时给小费。

    Yet , tipping for drinks at a bar is just not cricket !

  9. 就像有人会去酒吧喝酒一样。

    It 's like a guy who goes to a bar and drinks .

  10. 一天晚上,汤姆和麦克在村里的酒吧喝酒。

    One night , Tom and Mick were in the village pub having a drink .

  11. 但是,在伦敦深夜想找一家酒吧喝酒还是得花点力气。

    Alcohol licensing laws were relaxed in2003 , but finding a late-night drink still requires ingenuity .

  12. 回头来看,理查小时候在酒吧喝酒的场景。

    So think about the scene where Richard gets drinks in the saloon as a child .

  13. 就继续在酒吧喝酒聊天,没有继续看比赛。

    So they continue to chat in a bar to drink , not to see competition .

  14. 在英国,十八岁以下的人不准进酒吧喝酒。

    In England nobody under the age of eighteen is allowed to drink in a public bar .

  15. 在我回家的路上,我停下到一个酒吧喝酒,被给了一杯暖啤酒。

    On my way home , I stopped off at a bar and was handed a warm beer .

  16. 一位企业高管曾经在酒吧喝酒的时候问我:为什么记者那么傻呢?

    A corporate executive once asked me over a drink in a bar : Why are journalists so stupid ?

  17. 在该酒吧喝酒要付款,但咖啡和饮料是馈赠的。

    Liquor was paid for at the bar but coffee and soft drinks were served by courtesy of the management .

  18. 男性在酒吧喝酒以及在市镇广场踩着鸵鸟皮靴子经过时公然展示他们的武器。

    Men openly displayed their weapons as they drank in bars or had their ostrich-skinned boots shined in the town plaza .

  19. 客人可以预先在酒吧喝酒吃饭,后来在酒店餐厅用餐能显示出各种美味佳肴在热烈愉快的气氛。

    Guests can start their day with a wholesome breakfast and later , dine on delicious dishes in the on-site restaurant .

  20. 10.在青旅畅饮:哪怕你不住在那边,还是可以考虑去他们的酒吧喝酒哦。

    10 . Drink in hostels Even if you arent staying in hostels , you should still consider drinking at their bars .

  21. 我们先在莎拉的家里调配鸡尾酒,接着去镇上几家酒吧喝酒。

    We started out at Sarahs house and made some cocktails , then had some drinks at a couple of bars in town .

  22. 你是否有外出用餐或去酒吧喝酒,之后很晚才回家并感觉不适?

    Have you ever gone out to dinner or to a bar for a drink , and come home late at night feeling ill ?

  23. 他的最后一个实验是观察一个男人站在酒吧喝酒,会盯着一个独自坐在邻近桌边的女人多久。

    His final experiment involved watching how long it took men standing drinking in a bar to approach a woman sitting alone at a nearby table .

  24. 民间传说,一个万圣节时,一个叫尚.爱普的裁缝在一个地方酒吧喝酒时蔑视安吉尔斯特的想法。

    According to folklore , one Hallowe'en a tailor called Sh ? n ap Robert scorned the idea of Angelystor while drinking in a local pub .

  25. 而冲动版本就像去酒吧喝酒,在一轮酒刚倒上的时候就决定跟不跟着喝下一轮,他说。

    The hot version is like going out to a bar for a drink , then deciding with each new round whether to have another , he says .

  26. 他以前常常去他实验室附近的一个酒吧喝酒,但他从来不带他的儿子汤姆去,因为他年纪太小。

    He used to go to a bar near his lab quite often , but he never took his son , Tom , because he was too young .

  27. 而“冲动”版本就像去酒吧喝酒,在一轮酒刚倒上的时候就决定跟不跟着喝下一轮,他说。

    The hot version is like going out to a bar for a drink , then deciding with each new round whether to have another , he says . '

  28. 他们对生活和未来充满恐惧和疑虑,但他们没有试图去找解决这恐惧和忧虑的办法,而是去酒吧喝酒,使他们的恐惧远离他们。

    They have fears and doubts about life and their future , but instead of trying to talk about them , they go to the bars and drink away their fears .

  29. 她会常常抱怨说,你去酒吧喝酒的时候没有带她一起去,她会以各种理由指责你不带她一起去。

    She will often complain that you don 't take her when you go out to a bar and she will accuse you of not taking her because of various reasons 。 6 .

  30. 旅行快要结束时,他在一家酒吧喝酒,偶然被问到是否愿意拍电视广告,他答应了。从此,他的命运发生了改变。

    Close to the end of his trip , he was in a bar when he was randomly approached to be in a TV commercial . He said yes and it changed his life .