
  • 网络Old shop
  1. 百年老店,正宗工艺,质量绝对可靠。

    The century-aged shop Boasts authentic technology , and its product quality is aBsolutely reliaBle .

  2. 百年老店,服务优良,信誉卓著,欢迎光临。

    A century-old shop , with the Best service and high reputation , warmly welcomes your patronage .

  3. 并确立了企业使命:致力成为卓越的国际化的现代服务业百年老店。

    And established company mission : to become a longevous enterprise in the international modern service excellence .

  4. 中国银行股改上市以来,全面提升核心竞争力就成为了摆在这家百年老店前最关键、最重要的事情。

    After IPO of Bank-of-China , promoting core competencies is the most important thing to this old store .

  5. 那家百年老店,素来不吝为客人订制有家族徽章或姓名缩写的纽扣。

    That hundred-year-old store is always willing to make buttons with family badges or abbreviations of names for customers .

  6. 因而注定不会长期成功,注定不能够成为做大,做强、做久的“百年老店”。

    And not meant to long-term success , doomed not to become bigger and stronger ," a hundred years " .

  7. 百年老店精制西服,令您顿显名人风采。

    Western-style clothes elaBorately made By this century-old shop will enaBle you to have the elegant demeanour of a celeBrity .

  8. 在对“煤油灯企业”与“百年老店”的比较研究中,我们发现了企业的终极使命,同时构建了企业价值观体系及其模型。

    By comparing the short - lived enterprises with the long - lived enterprises , we find out the final mission of enterprises .

  9. 许多演示都以企业背景信息开场,试图以此来建立信任(比如:本公司是百年老店!)。

    Many presentations begin with a corporate background that 's intended to build credibility . ( Example : Our company has 100 years of expertise !)

  10. 这家已有131年历史的“百年老店”曾在20世纪70年代控制了美国90%的胶片市场。

    The 131-year-old company once controlled 90 % of the U.S. film market in the 1970s , only to be displaced by the rise of digital cameras .

  11. 企业想打造百年老店、保持基业长青并实现大的发展,必须从自身实际出发,大力培育和增强企业的核心竞争力,以迎接经济全球化和各方面竞争的挑战。

    To keep constant and big development , enterprise needs to be based on its actual condition , develop and enhance its core competitive power to meet the challenge of economic globalization and fierce contest .

  12. 文章主要阐述家族企业的创业者,应当从企业宿命论的误区中走出来,采取切实可行的举措,抓住当前改革开放的大好时机,将企业做大做强,培育出百年老店。

    The article mainly described the family business , enterprise should from fatalism error come out , take practical step , seize the current opportunity of reforming and opening , do the business do greatly strong , breed the century-old shop .

  13. 通用汽车称,这家百年老店目前手头约有200亿美元现金,但需要至少110亿至140亿美元的营运资金才能继续支付各项开支。

    The100-year-old company has about $ 20 billion on hand today , but needs at least $ 11 billion to $ 14 billion worth of working capital at all times so it can keep paying its bills , GM has said .

  14. 众多华尔街百年老店的迅速消失以及次贷危机这场金融海啸的深入扩大,波及范围之广、影响幅度之深,实际上宣布了美国和华尔街过度虚拟经济的失败。

    Many Wall Street financial company disappeared as well as this " financial tsunami " . It ` s affected scope and impact of the deep , in fact announced the failure of the United States and Wall Street in virtual economy .

  15. 本文指出企业成为百年老店的关键是提高组织学习能力,进行五项修炼是企业成为学习型组织的基本前提。

    This paper points out that the key point for the enterprise to last for generations is to improve the capability of organizing study and the fundamental prerequisite for the enterprise to become a learning-pattern organization is to go on the five practices .

  16. 民营企业要讲全面协调可持续发展,打造“百年老店”,要实现此目标,构建优秀企业文化是重要途径。

    In order to realize this goal that is to make private enterprises coordinate in an all-round way and sustainable development , build " A Shop with a History of a Century ", it is an important way to structure the outstanding enterprise culture .

  17. 如何让家族企业健康发展,让家族企业做成百年老店;为了提升家族企业核心竞争力,获取独特的竞争优势,家族企业必须重视人才的战略储备和管理。

    How to make the healthy development of the family business , family business made a hundred years old ; to obtain a unique competitive advantage in order to enhance the core competitiveness of family businesses , family businesses must pay attention to the strategic reserve of talent and management .

  18. 这些文件如此空洞无力,以至于我都开始怀疑,是不是有人密谋把微软(Microsoft)Office兜售给百年新闻老店道琼斯(DowJones)。

    The rhetorical power of these documents are typically so underwhelming that I began to wonder if anyone had plotted sales of Microsoft office against the Dow Jones .

  19. 一方面,大部分老字号企业沉寂几十年之后,重新恢复了名称,悬挂起牌匾,以百年老厂、百年老店为主,为自己开辟出新的发展道路。

    On the one side , most Chinese historical brands have kept silence for decades , but now recover their names , hanging up their tablets . They open a new road for themselves with their one-hundred-year factories and stores .