
bǎi mǐ
  • 100 meters;hectometer;hectometre;hm
百米 [bǎi mǐ]
  • [hectometer] 一种米制长度单位,等于100米

百米[bǎi mǐ]
  1. 卡尔·刘易斯已经打破了百米赛跑的世界纪录。

    Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres

  2. 他本该参加奥运会百米赛跑的选拔。

    He should have tried out for the Olympic 100 metres squad .

  3. 祝贺你获得百米赛跑第一名。

    Let me congratulate you on your winning first place in the 100 metre dash .

  4. 他跑了个百米头一名。

    He came in first in the100-metre dash .

  5. 这位百米赛冠军好不容易领先1/10秒到达终点。

    The hundred metres champion managed to get home by a tenth of a second .

  6. 田径运动的项目很多,例如跳高、跳远、百米赛跑等。

    There are many track-and-field events , such as the high jump , the long jump , the100-metre dash , etc.

  7. 西尔弗他们还在百米之后,我听见他在喊:吉姆,吉姆!

    Silver and the rest were a hundred me - tres behind , and I heard him shouting , Jim , Jim !

  8. Greg正在创百米赛跑的记录象女孩一样奔跑

    Greg Greg just set a record in the 100-meter run-like-a-girl .

  9. 在奥运会百米赛跑中SamGraddy获亚军仅次于冠军CarlLewis(CarlLewis美国著名运动员)

    Sam Graddy finished second behind Carl Lewis in the 100-meter dash at the Summer Olympics .

  10. 当测距系统偏差为10米时,Halo卫星的定轨精度在百米之内。

    When the ranging system bias is within 10 meters , the determination accuracy of Halo satellite orbit is within 100 meters . 6 .

  11. 这条长达百米的自行车道由普鲁什库夫的建筑公司TPAInstytutBadanTechnicznych设计,目前仍处于测试阶段。

    The 100-meter track , created by construction company TPA Instytut Badan Technicznych in Pruszkow , is still in test phase .

  12. 通过对百米跑现代技术和过去技术的研究,揭示了现代100m跑技术特点和理论依据,对今后短跑的教学、训练和研究提供参考价值。

    On studying this , we find out the technological features and theoretical foundations , which is valuable in teaching , training and researching in modern 100-meter race in the feature .

  13. 宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学(UniversityofScranton)的心理学教授约翰•诺克罗斯(JohnNorcross)说,实现新年决心不是百米冲刺,而是一场马拉松。

    ' Keeping a resolution isn 't a100-yard dash . It 's a marathon , 'says John Norcross , a psychology professor at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania .

  14. 认为造成中国男子百米成绩差距的主要原因是:起跑至10m的平均速度较慢,维持最大速度的能力差。

    The low average velocity of first 10m and low level maintenance of maximal speed are main reasons contributing to the differences between international elite runners and national elite runners .

  15. 在奥林匹克水上运动体育馆,一场百米蝶泳比赛之前,一个官员两次要求观众保持安静,参赛者当中包括巴西选手黛安妮•迪亚斯(DaieneDias)和戴纳拉•德•保拉(DaynaradePaula)。

    At the Olympic Aquatics Stadium , an official twice requested silence from the crowd before a 100-meter butterfly race that featured the Brazilians Daiene Dias and Daynara de Paula .

  16. 形象地说,尤塞恩·博尔特(UsainBolt,译注:奥运会冠军,男子100米、200米世界纪录保持者)百米冲刺的速度为每小时23.35英里,但他可没有200吨的体重。

    To put that into perspective , when Usain Bolt runs 100 m he runs it at an average of 23.35 miles per hour , and he definitely does not weigh 200 tons .

  17. 本文在多元回归分析的基础上,建立了世界水平百米跑成绩的控制系统,为世界100m跑优秀运动员的训练决策,提供了科学定量的依据。

    Based on the multivariate regression analysis the control system of world level 100m sprint result was established . It provided a scientific and quantitative basis for the training decision of the world level elite 100m sprinters .

  18. 以男子400m项目为例,应用灰色关联理论对每百米分段成绩进行分析,为男子400m运动员在训练和比赛中合理分配体能提供参考;

    Taking men 's 400m running for example , the paper analyses the result of every division of 100m , and provides some reference for men 's 400m running in their training and competition .

  19. 百米跑运动成绩与运动员ATP-CP无氧供能能力大小、专项运动素质和全程速度结构等体能因素密切相关。

    The result of 100m running depends on the ability which can properly utilize the ATP-CP , specific athletic fitness and the structure of the whole-course speed .

  20. 在美国普利茅斯大学的一件宿舍里,来自普利茅斯的15岁姑娘RutaMeilutyte在奥运会上赢得女子百米蝶泳项目金牌之后,宿舍同学发出一阵欢呼。

    Students at Plymouth College reacted with delight when 15-year-old Ruta Meilutyte won a gold medal in the final of the 100m breaststroke .

  21. 走了两个钟头,我们到了t9百米深的地方,那地方就是珊瑚在上面开始形成的最后边界。

    Finally , after two hours of walking , we reached a depth of about 300 meters , in other words , the lowermost limit at which coral can begin to form .

  22. 轨道外推15天,LMO定轨精度仍在米级,Halo卫星的定轨精度则在百米级。

    The orbit determination accuracy of LMO satellite is better than Halo satellite ' s. Track extrapolation 15 days , LMO orbit determination accuracy is in meter-scale , and Halo satellite orbit determination accuracy is in 100 m level . 5 .

  23. 琼斯百米决赛技术分析

    Analysis of Jones ' Skill in Women 's 100-meter Final Race

  24. 步兵战斗会在600百米开外的距离上进行吗?

    Will infantry battles possibly be fought at distances of over600m ?

  25. 百米钢轨矫前弯曲度与残余应力的研究

    Research of Curvature and Residual Stress before Straightening on 100-meter Rail

  26. 奥运会百米第二名是谁?

    Who came in second at the100-yand dash in the olympics ?

  27. 我国优秀男子百米跑运动员力量训练研究

    The Research of Chinese Male Elite 100-meters Athletes ' Strength Training

  28. 塑胶跑道对百米途中跑技术的影响

    Effect of Synthetic Surface Track on Technique of 100m Sprint

  29. 丝织品百米电耗折标系数计算程序介绍

    Calculation of the Reduced Factor of Power Consumption for Hundred-Meter Silk Fabric

  30. 比尔在百米赛跑中远远比我先到终点。

    Bill finished way ahead of me in the 100 metres sprint .