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fēn shēng
  • deciliter
分升[fēn shēng]
  1. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)建议成年男子将高密度脂蛋白保持在至少40毫克/分升的水平,成年女子则为50毫克/分升,最好比这个数值再高一些。

    The American Heart Association recommends adults maintain an HDL level of at least 40 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( mg / dL ) for men and 50 mg / dL for women , and preferably higher .

  2. 血清免疫球蛋白水平:IgA型,多发性骨髓瘤(MM)的IgA中位数为2200毫克/分升;

    The serum levels of immunoglobulin were : me-dian value of IgA > 2,000 mg dl ~ ( - 1 ) in IgA type of multiple myeloma ( MM );

  3. 从物种多样性指数上看,除优势度指标经择伐林分升高外,种数、丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数都稍低于对照林分。

    Species number , abundance index , Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index , Pielou uniformity index in the community are little lower than those of contrast forest .

  4. 有两个测量刻度:分升和品脱。

    Graduated in two measuring scales , DL and pint .

  5. 而成年人的甘油三酯水平则应低于150毫克/分升,数值再低些会更好。

    Triglycerides for adults should be below 150 mg / dL , with lower being better .

  6. 将血液酒精浓度设定为0.05克/每分升或者更低的法律,对于减少与酒精相关的撞车数量具有效果。

    Laws that establish BACs of0.05g/dl or below are effective at reducing the number of alcohol-related crashes .

  7. 结论股深动脉通常发旋股内、外侧动脉,旋股外侧动脉再分升支,横支和降支。

    Conclusion The branches of the deep femoral artery usually are the lateral and medial femoral circumflex arteries ;

  8. 不到一半的国家使用所推荐的每分升0.05克血液酒精浓度限制措施,以减少酒后驾车。

    Less than half of countries use the recommended blood alcohol concentration limit of0.05 grams per decilitre as a measure to reduce drink-driving .

  9. 当血液酒精浓度高于0.04克/每分升时,卷入撞车的风险就会大大增加。

    The risk of being involved in a crash increases significantly above a blood alcohol concentration ( BAC ) of0.04 g / dl .

  10. 然而,治疗组患者的初始生活质量评分是3.5分,在增加了调味料之后,平均分升到了8分。

    However , the treatment group had an initial quality of life score of3.5 , rising to an average of8 after the addition of flavoring .

  11. 至少有七个这类村庄存在需要进行螯合物治疗的儿童(血铅浓度>45微克/分升)。

    In at least seven of these villages there are children who need chelation therapy ( blood lead concentration > 45 μ g / dL ) .

  12. 她们的甘油三酯已骤降至200毫克/分升以下,虽然还没有达到低于150毫克/分升的目标值,但足以帮她们减掉25磅(约合11.3公斤)。

    Their triglycerides dipped below 200 mg / dL , still short of a goal of below 150 mg / dL , but enough to help them each lose at least 25 pounds .

  13. 周日发表的文章对两项研究都进行了详细的介绍:这两种药物将坏胆固醇从研究开始时的每分升约120毫克降到了约50毫克,降幅达60%左右。

    In the studies detailed on Sunday , both drugs reduced the bad cholesterol by about 60 percent , to about 50 milligrams per deciliter from about 120 at the start of the studies .

  14. 当地的疾控中心拒绝透露他的验血结果,因此他只能去另一家医院,结果被诊断出血铅含量极高,达到480微克/分升。

    After the local centre for Disease Control refused to give him his blood test results , he travelled to another hospital where he was diagnosed with extremely high lead levels of 480 microgrammes per decilitre .