
  • 网络A Wedding Invitation;new;DVDscr
  1. 但最近中韩联合出品的另一部影片——4月份上映的浪漫催泪片《分手合约》(AWeddingInvitation)却取得了不俗的票房成绩。艺恩咨询的数据显示,该片的票房达到了人民币1.922亿元。

    However , another recent Sino-Korean co-production , the romantic tearjerker ' A Wedding Invitation ' released in April , earned 192.2 million yuan ( $ 31.3 million ) , according to EntGroup .

  2. 在推出《分手合约》后,CJE&M的雄心壮志渐长,该公司专门为与中国搭档合作的影片《TheFist》制定了宏大的计划。

    CJ E & M has ratcheted up its ambitions following ' A Wedding Invitation , ' with big plans specifically for ' The Fist ' with its Chinese partners . '