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bǎi shēng
  • hectolitre;hl
百升[bǎi shēng]
  1. 百升公制液体或体积容量单位,等于100升。

    A metric unit of liquid capacity or volume equal to100 liters .

  2. 尤凯亚市在旧金山以北大约两个小时车程的地方。该公司2001年开始营业,目前每天生产大约3千7百升生物柴油。

    Kumar Plocher founded the company in 2001 , and it now produces about 3700 liters of biodiesel fuel every day .

  3. 该公司在华每百升整体收入小幅上升了2%,但营业利润率有所下降,主要是因为市场竞争加剧,导致产品在酒吧和商店的上架成本上升。

    Across China , group revenues per hectolitre nudged up 2 per cent . However , operating margins decreased on the back of intensifying competition , which raised the cost of securing shelf space in bars and shops .