
  • 网络lilium;Lilium L;Lily
  1. 百合属由Linnaeus于1753年建立,是一个北温带的属,北半球广泛分布。

    The genus Lilium , established by Linnaeus in 1753 , was widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere .

  2. 百合属植物核型变异式样对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on Variation Patterns of Karyotype in Lilium

  3. 10种百合属植物的传粉生物学

    Study on pollination biology in 10 species of Lilium

  4. 百合属植物资源的保护与利用

    The conservation and utilization of lily plant resources

  5. 葱属和百合属是近亲。

    The onion is allied to the lily .

  6. 安徽百合属细胞学研究

    Study on Cytotaxonomy of Lilium from Anhui

  7. 四川百合属一新种

    One new species of Lilium from Sichuan

  8. 百合属植物,只有白色的一种生长在巴勒斯坦,又称圣母百合花。

    Only one of the lily family grows in Palestine , the white one of Madonna lily .

  9. (指开花植物)种子里只有一个子叶,例如禾本科和百合属植物。

    ( of a flowering plant ) having a single cotyledon in the seed as in grasses and lilies .

  10. 百合属植物具较高的药用和食用价值,同时也是园林中庭院栽植以及布置花坛、花境的著名花卉。

    Lilium plants have medicinal and edible value and also are famous for courtyard garden plant and flower of arrangement .

  11. 我国百合属植物野生资源丰富,崂山地区野生百合属植物资源分布广泛,园林应用前景广阔,然而其园林应用价值还未被充分开发和利用。

    The resources of our country are rich . The wild species resources of Laoshan distribute widely and have promising use in landscape .

  12. 该病毒是危害百合属和郁金香属作物的重要病毒病原,在水仙上未见报道。

    The virus is an important virus pathogens of crops which is harmful to lily and tulip , no reports on the Narcissus . 2 .

  13. 百合属植物的进化研究具有重要的理论意义,对汀发利用淡黄花百合花卉具有重要的现实意义。

    The study has important meaning of theory for evolutional study on plants in Lilium , and meaning of reality for development and utilization of the lily flower .

  14. 通过对贵州百合属植物种类、生境调查及引种栽培研究,并结合贵州自然条件情况,提出了保护野生资源、扩大种植地域、面积及深度开发的模式。

    The authors studied the species , habitat and introduction of Liliaceae in Guizhou . Based on the natural conditions of Guizhou , the ( authors ) put up some suggestion on wild resources protection , plant area enlargement , area and depth development .

  15. 百合是百合属(Lilium)植物的统称,为多年生球根花卉,在世界范围内广泛的被用在切花、盆栽、绿化、食用、药用等。

    Lily is referred to the genus Lilium , is a perennial bulbous flowers in the world within a wide range of use in cut flowers , potted plants , greening , edible plants , use in medicinal and others .

  16. 大百合与百合属间授粉后花粉管生长发育的观察

    Pollen Tube Behavior Following Pollination between Cardiocrinum giganteum and Lilium

  17. 大蒜,多年生草本植物,百合科葱属。

    Garlic is a perennial herb ; belong to Alliums of the lily family .

  18. 羊葱是百合科葱属的一种世界性的蔬菜,具有很高的营养价值和药用价值。

    Onion is a universal vegetable of allium sativum with high nutritional and medicinal value .

  19. 中国百合科天门冬属九种药用植物的药理作用筛选

    Pharmacological screening of 9 medicinal plants of the genus Asparagus ( liliaceae ) in China

  20. 重楼,是百合科重楼属植物的泛称,其在云南和四川分布最为集中。

    Paris polyphylla , a valuable medicinal plants mainly distributed in the Sichuan and Yunnan province of China .

  21. 芦笋雌雄异株,在自然生长条件下,雌雄植株数目大体相等。是百合科天门冬属多年生蔬菜,雌雄异株,雌雄株间存在显著的差异。

    Asparagus is by nature a dioecious species . is dioecious plants , and it belongs to the family Liliaceae .

  22. 研究表明,百合科葱属的植物能有效降低胆固醇含量,并具有抗凝血降血压的功效。

    Studies have linked this member of the onion family with lowering cholesterol levels , as well as providing anti-clotting activity and reductions in blood pressure .

  23. 属的地理分布特征分析表明,汉中地区百合科植物属的区系性质以温带成分占明显优势,有24属,占本地区百合科植物总属数的92.31%;

    The geographic distribution characteristic of genus indicated that the genus nature of the Liliaceae in Hanzhong area belongs to the north temperate type since there are 24 genus belong to the temperate area type ;

  24. 卡马夏一种百合科卡马夏属的植物,特别是生长在北美洲西部的卡马夏,长有草状叶子、由蓝色花朵组成的总状花序以及一种作为各种美洲土著人重要食物的球茎。

    Any of several plants of the genus Camassia in the lily family , especially C.quamash of western North america , having grasslike leaves , a raceme of blue flowers , and a bulb that was an important food for various Native American peoples .

  25. 大蒜是百合科葱属植物生蒜的地下鳞茎,多年的流行病学研究及临床实验发现大蒜具有抗癌防癌、抗动脉粥样硬化、降血压降血脂、抗菌和提高机体免疫力等多种药理作用。

    Garlic is the bulbs of Liliaceae allium sativum . Thousand years of epidemiological studies and clinical uses have shown that garlic possesses serious pharmacological effects such as tumor reduction , anti-atherosclerosis , blood lipids and sugar modulation , antifungal , antimicrobial , and stimulating immune system .

  26. 黄精(PolygonatumsibiricumRed.)为百合科黄精属多年生草本植物,集药用、食用、观赏和美容价值于一身。

    Polygonatum sibiricum Red . , which belongs to Polygonatum Liliaceae , is Perennial herb . It has the medicinal value , edible value and ornamental value in one .

  27. 麦冬是百合科山麦冬属和沿阶草属的部分植物的统称,药用和绿化价值高。

    Lilyturf is general designation of a part of Liriope and Ophiopogon genus in liliaceae .

  28. 玉竹为百合科黄精属多年生草本植物,以干燥根茎入药,具有养阴润燥、生津止渴之功能。

    Polygonatum odoratum is perennial herbs of the lily family , which uses dried roots as medicine , having the function of thirst , nourishing yin and moistening .

  29. 东方百合是百合科百合属多年生球根类花卉,花大美丽,色彩丰富,香味浓郁,具有较高的观赏价值和经济价值,是世界四大切花之一。

    Oriental lily is a perennial Liliaceae , lily bulbs like flowers , big beautiful , rich colors , rich flavor , has a high ornamental value and economic value , is one of the four in the world .

  30. 百合是重要的药食同源植物之一,我国作为百合属植物的原产大国,拥有极其丰富的种质资源,约有46种18个变种,占全世界百合总数的一半以上。

    Lilium is one of important plant of vegetable food or medicine , as the great original habitat country of Lilium , China possess of plenty resource - 46 genus and 18 varieties , and more than half species of the world occurred in China .