
bǎi nián zhàn zhēng
  • the Hundred Year's War
百年战争[bǎi nián zhàn zhēng]
  1. 穿越世界历史上最不可思议的100年,了解为什么当罗马皇帝没有听起来那么美好,百年战争实际上怎么没有持续100年,以及斯宾塞·珀西瓦尔的政治生涯为何如此倒霉。

    Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasn 't always as good as it sounds , how the Hundred Years ' War didn 't actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record .

  2. 根据杰弗里·休斯的著作《英国充斥粗言秽语、咒骂、亵渎”的社会历史》,他们在百年战争期间开始用“lesgoddems”形容英国人,因为他们经常亵渎神灵。

    They started referring to the English as " les goddems " during the Hundred Years War because of their frequent profanity , according to Geoffrey Hughes ' book , " A Social History of Foul8 Language , Oaths , and Profanity in English . " Hell

  3. 这次胜利是英法百年战争的转折点。

    The victory marks a turning point in the Hundred Years'War .

  4. 英法百年战争持续了多少年?

    How long did the Hundred Years War last ?

  5. 试论英法百年战争与英国资本主义萌芽的成长

    Hundred Years War and Development of British Capitalism

  6. 百年战争和意大利战争影响着不断崛起的法国。

    The Hundred Years ' War and the Italian War had tremendous influence on France .

  7. 发生在14世纪到15世纪之间的百年战争使这个地区闻名于世。

    It was the Hundred-Years'War that put the area on the historical map in the14th and15th centuries .

  8. 1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    1419 – Hundred Years'War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  9. 是百年战争,布尔战争,克里米亚战争还是美国革命?

    Is the Hundred Years ' War , the Boer War , the Crimean War or American Revolution ?

  10. 法兰西国王(1422-1461年),他结束了英法百年战争(1453年),将英军从法国大部分领土逐出。

    King of France ( 1422-1461 ) . He ended the Hundred Years'War ( 1453 ) by driving the English from most of France .

  11. 历史上的今天-百年战争1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    Hundred Years ' War 1419 - Hundred Years ' War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  12. 英国爱德华三世的儿子(1330-1376);在百年战争中的克力参和帕贴斯打败了法国。

    Son of Edward III of England ; defeated the French at Crecy and Poitiers in the Hundred Years ' War ( 1330-1376 ) .

  13. 在百年战争中,英格兰的弓箭手们使用长弓,在克雷西战役、普瓦捷战役和阿让库尔战役中都发挥了重要的作用。

    English archers used longbows in the Hundred Years'War , and the weapon played an important role in the Battles of Crecy , Poitiers , and Agincourt .

  14. 虽然百年战争的历史很难理解,但我起码能把那段历史大致读通。

    It was hard enough to understand the whole hundred 's year war dispute , but at least I could understand a whole war easily through that .

  15. 但百年战争之后,英国彻底和法国分离开了,英语也取代了法语在英国社会各阶层中的地位。

    But after Hundred Years'War , England became completely severed from France , and the English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society .

  16. 三十年战争、百年战争是不会有的,因为长期打下去对美国很不利。

    A thirty years ' war or a hundred years ' war is highly improbable , because a long war is very much against the interests of the United States .

  17. 当英国采用了新的军事行话,如“军队”、“海军”、“士兵”之时,英法两国的“好朋友关系”彻底结束,并开始了百年战争。

    The " bon-ami " all ended when the English nation took their new warlike lingo of " armies "," navies " and " soldiers " and began the Hundred Years'War against France .

  18. 一种说法是:在法英百年战争时,弓箭手在拉弓前会交叉手指以示好运。

    One theory of this is that during the Hundred Years War between France and England , archers would cross their fingers before pulling the bow string in order to grant them good luck .

  19. 其时,与欧洲其他国家相比,英格兰的经济发展水平相对落后,特别受黑死病和百年战争的影响,其封建危机更加深重。

    While Britain , compared with other European countries , its economic development was relatively backward , particularly affected by Black Death and the hundred year war , the crises England encountered seemed even graver .

  20. 此外,英法两国不同的政治传统、中世纪末期不同的政治发展趋向以及百年战争、宗教改革等重大历史事件对两国的不同影响也是导致两者不同命运的重要因素。

    In addition , the different influences on the two countries of different political traditions and developing tendency in the later Middle Ages , of the Hundred-year War and of the reform of religions , etc , were the important factors leading to different destins .

  21. 流感病毒VS流感疫苗&一场已经进行了百年的战争

    Influenza Virus VS Influenza Vaccine : A Nonstop War Over the Last One Hundred Years

  22. 两国因为政治、经济和宗教等冲突,进行了长达百年的战争,后经双边协定确立了两国间的边界。

    The wars between two countries lasted for as long as a century because of the political , economic and religious conflicts . And the border was finally fixed after the bilateral agreement .

  23. 一方面,从19世纪的克里米亚战争到21世纪的伊拉克战争,这百年来的战争塑造了现代传播的制度;

    From the Crimean War in 19th century to the Iraqi war , years of war have shaped the modern media system , enlightened communication scholars and promoted emergence of new concepts .

  24. 然而百年前的黄昏战争,让这一切消失无踪。

    But100 years ago in the evening of the war , let it all disappear without a trace .

  25. 长达百年的英法百年战争给英法两国带来了巨大影响。

    Hundred Years War brought about the great influence on both Britain and France .