- the Hundred Year's War

Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasn 't always as good as it sounds , how the Hundred Years ' War didn 't actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record .
They started referring to the English as " les goddems " during the Hundred Years War because of their frequent profanity , according to Geoffrey Hughes ' book , " A Social History of Foul8 Language , Oaths , and Profanity in English . " Hell
The victory marks a turning point in the Hundred Years'War .
How long did the Hundred Years War last ?
Hundred Years War and Development of British Capitalism
The Hundred Years ' War and the Italian War had tremendous influence on France .
It was the Hundred-Years'War that put the area on the historical map in the14th and15th centuries .
1419 – Hundred Years'War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .
Is the Hundred Years ' War , the Boer War , the Crimean War or American Revolution ?
King of France ( 1422-1461 ) . He ended the Hundred Years'War ( 1453 ) by driving the English from most of France .
Hundred Years ' War 1419 - Hundred Years ' War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .
Son of Edward III of England ; defeated the French at Crecy and Poitiers in the Hundred Years ' War ( 1330-1376 ) .
English archers used longbows in the Hundred Years'War , and the weapon played an important role in the Battles of Crecy , Poitiers , and Agincourt .
It was hard enough to understand the whole hundred 's year war dispute , but at least I could understand a whole war easily through that .
But after Hundred Years'War , England became completely severed from France , and the English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society .
A thirty years ' war or a hundred years ' war is highly improbable , because a long war is very much against the interests of the United States .
The " bon-ami " all ended when the English nation took their new warlike lingo of " armies "," navies " and " soldiers " and began the Hundred Years'War against France .
One theory of this is that during the Hundred Years War between France and England , archers would cross their fingers before pulling the bow string in order to grant them good luck .
While Britain , compared with other European countries , its economic development was relatively backward , particularly affected by Black Death and the hundred year war , the crises England encountered seemed even graver .
In addition , the different influences on the two countries of different political traditions and developing tendency in the later Middle Ages , of the Hundred-year War and of the reform of religions , etc , were the important factors leading to different destins .
Influenza Virus VS Influenza Vaccine : A Nonstop War Over the Last One Hundred Years
The wars between two countries lasted for as long as a century because of the political , economic and religious conflicts . And the border was finally fixed after the bilateral agreement .
From the Crimean War in 19th century to the Iraqi war , years of war have shaped the modern media system , enlightened communication scholars and promoted emergence of new concepts .
But100 years ago in the evening of the war , let it all disappear without a trace .
Hundred Years War brought about the great influence on both Britain and France .