
  1. 他抨击官僚制度弊端,要求改革官制的思想与康有为等维新派志士改革官制的主张颇为相似。

    He attacked the malpractice by the bureaucratic system , and his thought on official system was similar to the claims of reform on official system raised by Kang Youwei and other reformists .

  2. 他任用了有才干的姚崇、宋景做宰相,改革官制和兵制,与此同时大力发展经济,改革税制,兴修水利,中国封建社会呈现前所未有的盛世景象,达到了中国封建社会的最高峰。

    He appointed talented Yao Chong and Song Jing as his chief ministers , reformed the government system and military system . Meantime , he effectively developed economy , reformed tax system , started irrigation construction . With these efforts , the feudal Chinese society presented unprecedented flourishing atmosphere , reaching the peak of feudal Chinese society .

  3. 进一步改革中央与地方官制,重订律令;

    Reforming center and local civil service system ;