
  1. 然而,这的确意味着,2015年几乎不会有什么改革红利。

    But it does , however , mean that there will be few reform dividends in 2015 .

  2. 但是为了释放改革红利,尤其是让广大人民受惠,我们义无反顾。

    But in order to further release the dividends of reform and bring greater benefits to our people , we will carry through the reform without hesitation .

  3. 中国将更加积极主动地扩大对外开放,与自贸区伙伴共同获取新时期的开放红利,共同释放更多的改革红利,共同分享更大的发展红利。

    China will be more active in opening to the outside world , and work with its FTA partners to reap the dividends of opening-up in the new era , unleash more reform dividends and share greater development dividends .

  4. 这有利于放宽市场准入,更好创造营商环境,鼓励公平竞争,建设法治经济,也会更多释放改革红利,激发社会创造活力,稳定市场预期。

    This will enable us to expand market access , foster a better business environment , encourage fair competition , develop a law-based economy , unleash greater dividends of reform , spark social creativity , and stabilize market expectations .

  5. 今后,中国随着工业化、信息化、新型城镇化和农业现代化的同步推进,将有条件保持经济长期持续健康发展,并且会持续释放改革红利、市场潜力和创新活力。

    In the future , with parallel advancement of industrialization , IT application , a new type of urbanization and modern agriculture , China stands a good chance of sustained and sound growth , and will continue to release reform dividends , market potential and innovative vitality .

  6. 尤其是中国的改革会带来巨大红利。

    In particular , reform in China will yield huge dividend .

  7. 中国的改革能够带来很大红利,必将进一步激发市场活力与经济的内生动力。

    Chinas reform will generate huge dividends , which will further boost market vitality and the internal growth momentum of the economy .

  8. 要以经济体制改革为重点,区别情况,分类推进,抓好牵一发而动全身的举措,力求取得实质性进展,更多释放改革红利。

    We will focus on economic structural reform , advance it on different fronts in a targeted way in light of different conditions , take key measures that will have an overall impact , strive to make substantive progress and reap more benefits reform .