
  • 网络Consumer led;Consumption leading
  1. 居民电能消费主导因素分析

    Analysis of The Predominant Factor in Resident Electric Power Consumption

  2. 冷冻食品流通的现代化实现零售业为中心的消费主导型流通的转变

    Modernization of Circulation for Frozen Food Realizing the Transformation of Retail-centered & Consumption-oriented Circulation

  3. 转变为以国内消费主导的发展模型。

    towards a model driven by domestic consumption .

  4. 他生活在美国从生产主导型社会向消费主导型社会转型的时期。

    He lived in a social transitional period when America was transformed from production-oriented society to consumption-oriented society .

  5. 然后到了某个时刻,就有必要重新投资于发展中国家和中国的消费主导型公司等高风险资产了。

    Then at some point , it makes sense to go back into the risky assets like developing countries and consumer orientated companies in China .

  6. 更重要的是,预期中国经济将实现再平衡,从投资主导转向消费主导,并从制造业向服务业转移&后者在一定程度上是前者的结果。

    More important , the economy is expected to rebalance from investment , towards consumption and , partly as a result , from manufacturing towards services .

  7. 随着中国从制造业和投资驱动型经济向服务业和个人消费主导型经济转变,一个促成这些机会的关键因素将是富裕家庭的迅速增多。

    As China makes the shift from being manufacturing - and investment-driven to seeing services and private consumption take over - a key factor driving these opportunities will be the sharp rise in affluent households .

  8. 本文认为国际金融体系下美元霸权和东亚地区内需不足导致了东亚地区的资金供给,美国消费主导型经济导致经常项目赤字进而引致资金的需求,供求之间能达到短期均衡。

    This paper held that East Asia becomes financial supplier because of dollar hegemony under current international financial system and insufficient domestic demand in East Asian countries , US becomes financial demander due to the consumption-led growth .

  9. 城市专家们指出,中国许多城市的人口密度不及新加坡、首尔或东京城区。而这几座国外城市已经完成了向消费主导的服务业中心的过渡,中国渴望自己的城市也能实现这种过渡。

    Urban specialists point out that many of China 's cities aren 't as densely populated as Singapore , Seoul or downtown Tokyo , which have made the transition to the consumer-led service-industry centers that China aspires to .

  10. 文章对我国投资主导经济增长的深层原因及不良后果进行了深入剖析,并分析了国际上一些国家经济增长从投资主导型向消费主导型转变的现实途径。

    It thoroughly analyses the deep-rooted factors result in mainly investment driven economic growth and its aftereffect , as well as the channel to realize the transition form mainly investment driven economic growth to mainly consumption driven economic growth .

  11. 消费主导型经济在我国是伴随着市场经济的发展而发展起来的,其特征主要表现在对经济的拉动作用加强、买方市场形成、消费者主权表现明显、消费方式呈现多样化等。

    Consume leading economy develops with the development of market economy in our country . Its characteristic mainly presents such aspects : strengthen economics'pulling function , form buyer 's market , obviously display consumer sovereignty , and present diversification in consumption pattern .

  12. 但这些行动将带来市场压力,进一步推动中国的政治和经济改革,使中国经济向更加依赖于市场力量的消费主导型经济转型,从而令中国民众和世界其他地方受益。

    But these actions will generate market pressures that will drive further political and economic reform in China , shifting it toward a more market-driven and consumer-focused economy to the benefit of its own citizens and those of rest of the world .

  13. 除去石油和一些机械及工具,消费主导型美国经济的特征是进口消费类商品,比如图书、玩具、汽车和自行车、艺术品、家具、地毯、化妆品、饮料和药品。

    Aside from oil and some machinery and tools , the consumption-led US economy is characterised by its imports of consumer goods such as books , toys , cars and bicycles , works of art , furniture , carpets , cosmetics , beverages and pharmaceuticals .

  14. 论消费需求主导经济增长

    On the Leading Role of Consumption Demand to Economic Growth

  15. 对我国消费文化主导趋势的研究

    Research On Dominant Trends Of Chinese Consumption Culture

  16. 随着中国经济的发展,房产和汽车必将成为国民消费的主导。

    With China 's economic development , real estate and automobiles will become the dominant national consumption .

  17. 但长期以来四川一直以煤炭能源消费占主导,使本来应该发挥优势的水能和天然气资源没有得到有效开发。

    However coal as the major consumption has hindered exploration of preponderant water energy and gas energy .

  18. 新华社引用一项最新的调查结果说,中国妇女已经成为家庭消费的主导者。

    Xinhua quoted a latest survey said that Chinese women have become the leader in household consumption .

  19. 随着社会经济的发展,以美国为首的西方资本主义国家相继进入以消费为主导的消费时代。

    With the development of social economy , the America as the leading western capitalist country has entered to the age of consumption .

  20. 首先,美国(和欧洲)需要的是新的长期增长源泉,而非短期凯恩斯主义措施构建的以消费为主导的增长。

    First , the US ( and Europe ) needs a new source of long-term growth , not a short-term Keynesian bridge to consumer-led growth .

  21. 我国目前的经济增长已经进入了以消费为主导的发展阶段,能否有效地启动消费,扩展需求空间,成为推动新一轮经济增长的决定性因素。

    Triggering off consumption in order to expand the demand becomes a key in a new round of economic growth when the customer-oriented market witnesses the current economic development .

  22. 贴有环境标志的绿色产品将成为21世纪国际市场消费的主导,意味着国际间的绿色营销、绿色贸易大潮的到来。

    It is the main trend in 21st century that the products labeled by green symbol , meaning that the international green marketing and green trade is coming to us .

  23. 从国家角度看,中国、美国、俄罗斯和日本是全球化石能源消费的主导力量,形成了空间上的极值点。

    From national perspective , China , the United States , Russia and Japan are the leading force of the global fossil energy consumption , forming the extreme points on the space .

  24. 随着工业化进程的深入,河北经济增长的动力结构将由投资主导转向投资与消费双主导。

    With the deepening of industrialization , the dynamic structure of economic increase in Hebei has transformed from investment as the main tendency to both investment and consumption as the main tendencies .

  25. 二十世纪五六十年代,随着科技和经济的迅猛发展,西方社会的基本结构发生了重大变迁,逐渐从以生产为主导的社会转向以消费为主导的社会。

    Twentieth century , the fifties or sixties , with the rapid development of technology and economy , the basic structure of Western society has undergone major changes , from production-oriented society to a consumption-oriented society .

  26. 此外,消费社会主导下的中国现代社会,设计脱离了日常生活的本质,在拜金主义的诱惑下盲目诉求奢华与多余的设计。

    Besides , as consumption society led the modern Chinese society , design was separated from the core of daily life , and people blindly pursued luxurious and unnecessary designs under the allurement of money worship .

  27. 以精神产品生产和消费为主导的精神经济反映了文化创意产业的经济属性,文化创意产业是新经济发展阶段的代表性行业。

    The spiritual economy that lies in the spiritual products ' production and consumption reflects the economic attributes of cultural-creative industries . Cultural-creative industries are the industrial practice in accordance with the arrival of the spiritual economy stage .

  28. 随着二战后国际经济的持续发展,世界进入了一个以消费为主导的时代,消费需求的多元化促使国旗色设计越来越明显的体现出后现代主义设计的理念。

    With the continued development of the international economy after World War II , the whole world entered a consumption-driven era . The flag color design involving the concept of post-modernist design with the diversification of consumer demand .

  29. 伴随着现代化潮流,中国正逐渐进入一个以消费为主导、由大众传媒支配、以实用精神为价值取向、以大众文化高速发展和普及为表现的多元文化时期。

    Along with the modern trend , China is gradually entering a multi-cultural period which is consumption-led , dominated by the mass media , of a value orientation of practical spirit and typical of the rapid development and popularization of the mass culture .

  30. 根据此三种因素对经济发展的作用不同,国际上有以美国为代表的高消费内需主导增长型和以日本为代表的低消费率、高出口依存度的出口主导增长型。

    According to the three kinds of factors on the economic development , there are high consumption of domestic demand-led growth , represented by the United States , and low consumption rate , high export dependence of the export-led growth , represented by Japan .