
mō zhe shí tou guò hé
  • look before you leap;careful;move steadily;explore one's way carefully
摸着石头过河 [mō zhe shí tou guò hé]
  • [explore ones way carefully] 比喻办事谨慎,边干边摸索经验

摸着石头过河[mō zhe shí tou guò hé]
  1. 她感到抚养孩子就像是摸着石头过河。

    She feels that raising her children has been a matter of trial and error .

  2. 一切都在摸着石头过河。

    Everything in " feeling stone to cross a river " .

  3. 试论摸着石头过河在克服教条主义中的意义

    Probe on Overcoming Dogmatism in Crossing Rivers Via Stone Tangibility

  4. 医疗诊断应该更多运用数据演绎的方法,减少“摸着石头过河”的成分。

    Healthcare should become more about data-driven deduction and less about trial-and-error .

  5. 看起来董事会也是在“摸着石头过河”。

    It seems that the board is not so sure .

  6. 摸着石头过河的列车广播广告

    Train Broadcasting Ads Cross the River Stone by Stone

  7. 中国人说,人们应该“摸着石头过河”。

    The Chinese say one should " cross the river while feeling the stones " .

  8. 我国改革开放的基本思路是摸着石头过河,农业产业化的发展也主要依靠实践经验的总结改进不断强化。

    So the development of the agriculture industrialization also depends on what we learn from practice .

  9. 在没有明确政策指引的情况下,行业被迫“摸着石头过河”。

    The industry is forced to " feel the stones " in the absence of clear policy .

  10. 1996年我省开始对下实施过渡期财政转移支付,由于没有现成的模式可以照搬照抄,只能一切从实际出发,兼收并蓄,摸着石头过河。

    In 1996 , our provincial government began to implement transitional transfer payment to the lower governments .

  11. 改革和经济结构再平衡将按照有中国特色的方式推进:即摸着石头过河。

    Reform and rebalancing will be conducted Chinese style : crossing the river by feeling the stones .

  12. 然而,每一项新制度的推出,都可谓是一次全新的尝试,在摸着石头过河的过程中,也逐渐暴露出诸多问题。

    However , every new system is introduced as a new attempt , also gradually revealed many problems .

  13. 即便只是摸着石头过河,人工受精可能也是拯救这个物种的唯一途径。

    Even if it 's guesswork , artificial insemination may be the only chance to save the species .

  14. 他坚定地告诉我们,中国现在不再摸着石头过河了。

    His country is , he firmly told us , no longer crossing the river while feeling the stones .

  15. 而在没有任何手册指导翻修的情况下,我们猜房主只是在摸着石头过河。

    And without a manual to guide the renovations , we guess the homeowner 's just kind of winging it .

  16. 但由于在理论和实践上的准备并不充分,人们是在对内部市场化缺乏一种统一的和清晰的认识的情况下,抱着摸着石头过河的心理开始这种尝试性的改革。

    But lacking of theories and practice , there is no unitive and clear cognition , the reformation was tentative .

  17. 正如摸着石头过河这句中国谚语所言,中国经济和金融政策的改变是缓慢的。

    In line with the Chinese proverb about crossing the river by feeling the stones , economic and financial policies change slowly .

  18. 与所有初试海外并购的企业一样,中国资源企业一直在摸着石头过河。

    As with any companies doing overseas M & A for the first time , Chinese resources companies have been learning the ropes .

  19. 在证券市场的发展上,中国向来是摸着石头过河。

    When it comes to the development of its equity markets , China has always crossed the river by feeling for the stones .

  20. 医疗改革的滞后和摸着石头过河使得几次的医改方案无功而反。

    Health care reform lags behind and " those who feel our way across the river " to make several medical programs and anti-reactive .

  21. 它们可能仍然只是灵机一动或者是摸着石头过河,但确是在一定的理性支持下做出的。

    The may still be leaps of faith or steps into the dark , but they are made with a certain rationale supporting them .

  22. 当然,宪政的改革不是一蹴而就的,它也应像我国经济改革一样,需要采取一种循序渐进,摸着石头过河的渐进方式。

    Nevertheless , the constitutional reform in China is not easy , and it should also take a similar step-by-step and progressive progress as the economic reform .

  23. 黄猫黑猫,只要捉住老鼠就是好猫论和摸着石头过河论,生动地体现了这一观点和方法。

    The theories of " a good cat should be good at catching rats " and " fumbling the way to cross the river " vividly embody this methodology .

  24. 摸着石头过河的经验尝试并不能代替系统性的、综合配套的改革政策,更不能成为长期战略所应遵循的实施方式。

    The experience of " feeling the stones " is not a substitute for a systematic , comprehensive reform policy , and cannot be a long-term strategy to be followed .

  25. 1998年以后,中国的改革进入深水区,“摸着石头过河”已不切实际,正确的导向变得尤为重要,市场机制为经济发展注入了竞争活力,其作用日益凸显。

    China began to deepen its reform in 1998 , since then , correct orientation became extremely important , and market force has played an increasing role in economic development .

  26. 国企改革是个摸着石头过河的过程,是中央推动与地方实践上下结合的产物。

    The reform of state-owned enterprises is a conscience for stones to cross the river course , and a combination of the push of the central and practice of local .

  27. 摸着石头过河,将给经济转轨带来越来越严重的失败风险,中国的经济改革需要一种理性的系统思想的指引。

    Touching the rocks across the river will bring more and more severe risk of failure to the Chinese economy . The CER needs a kind of reasonable guide to lead .

  28. 说物联网是摸着石头过河,应该不过分。然而,物联网上升为国家战略,成为下一个经济增长点已经毋庸置疑。

    Development of this is trial and error . However , the internet of things has been established as national strategy and becomes the next economic growth , which has no doubt .

  29. 必须选择不同于常规决策的方法,如快速决策分析、专家紧急咨询法、摸着石头过河等方法。

    And some non-conventional methods should also be adopted such as the methods of quick analysis of decision-making , asking for urgent counseling , acting with caution in handling uncertain issues and so forth .

  30. 正如证券市场这个舶来品在我国的运作情况,绝大部分的创新在我国都是摸着石头过河中探索出来的。

    As the stock market of the imports in the operation of our country , the vast majority of innovation in our country are " feeling our way across the river " by exploring .