
  • 网络high school education
  1. 高中阶段教育的普及与高等职业教育的发展

    Popularization of High School Education and Development of Higher Vocational Education

  2. 我国现阶段教育发展的重要目标是普及高中阶段教育。

    The important goal of developing education at this stage is popularizing high school education .

  3. 综合高级中学(Comprehensivehighschool)是高中阶段教育的独立的学校类型(国外简称综合高中)。

    Comprehensive high school is an independent type of high schools .

  4. 高等职业教育(HigherVocationEducation)是指在高中阶段教育的基础上,为生产建设、管理、服务第一线培养高级技术应用型人才的专门教育。

    HVE ( Higher Vocation Education ) refers to a special education to foster advanced and applied talents of technology for production and construction , management , forefront in service trade on the basis of high-school education .

  5. 积极发展高中阶段教育。

    Senior secondary school education will be vigorously expanded .

  6. 云南省未来五年高中阶段教育发展目标研究

    The Goal for the Senior Middle-school Education of Yunnan in the Coming Five Years

  7. 玉溪高中阶段教育资源短缺与对策研究

    A Study on the Educational Resources Shortage in Senior High School Period and the Countermeasures

  8. 高中阶段教育和成人各类培训继续加强;

    Senior middle school education and various types of adult training have been further intensified .

  9. 大力发展中等职业教育成为普及高中阶段教育的一项极为重要的任务。

    Vigorously develop vocational education has become universal high school education , an extremely important task .

  10. 高中阶段教育得到加强。

    Senior secondary education was strengthened .

  11. 中等职业技术教育是职业教育和高中阶段教育的重要组成部分。

    While secondary vocational education is an important part of vocational education and high school education .

  12. 高中阶段教育成为我国人口质量问题的瓶颈,职业教育表面上轰轰烈烈事实上履步维艰;

    The education in the phase of high school has bottlenecked the improvement of population quality .

  13. 论高中阶段教育结构的优化

    Structure Optimization of High School Education

  14. 第四章主要研究结论和缩小不同社会阶层子女高中阶段教育入学机会差异的政策建议。

    The final part is mainly concerned with the suggestion of the policy of narrowing the differences .

  15. 上海市普及智力障碍儿童高中阶段教育的必要性与可行性

    On the Necessity and Feasibility of Popularization of High School Education for Mental Retarded Children in Shanghai

  16. 金融危机背景下我国高中阶段教育可持续发展的应对之策

    The Countermeasures of China 's High School Education for Sustainable Development under the Background of Financial Crisis

  17. 鲁西北地区基本普及高中阶段教育的制约因素与对策研究

    Research on the Restrictive Factors and Countermeasures with Popularization of Senior Middle School Education in Northwest of Shandong

  18. 这一数据充分显示出高中阶段教育升学竞争的激烈程度。

    This data reflects the intensity of competition to enter the higher school in junior middle school stage .

  19. 相对顺势发展的义务教育和普通高中阶段教育,职业教育的发展可谓困难重重。

    Relative homeopathy development of compulsory education and high school stage education , occupation education development is difficult .

  20. 世界各国的高中阶段教育结构呈现多样化格局,一般而言,各国的学制总是在不断适应着本国社会经济发展对人才的需求。

    Generally speaking , educational system adapts to the native economy and the need for the talented persons .

  21. 第二,广西产业结构调整则是高中阶段教育发展的大好机遇;

    Secondly , the adjustment of the industrial structure in Guangxi offers opportunity for the development of high school education ;

  22. 第二章对河南省不同社会阶层子女高中阶段教育入学机会差异状况的调查结果进行分析;

    Part Two offers an analysis of the survey made on the differences in access to secondary education in Henan province .

  23. 人口素质和健康水平全面提高,高中阶段教育和高等教育大众化。

    The population quality and health level would have an overall improvement , with senior middle school education and higher education popularized nationwide .

  24. 人民享有接受良好教育的机会,基本普及高中阶段教育,消除文盲。

    People will have access to better education . We will make senior secondary education basically universal in the country and eliminate illiteracy .

  25. 国家明确提出:要扩大高中阶段教育规模,重点建设千所国家级示范高中。

    China clear proposed : to expand the scale of senior middle education , with emphasis on 1000 national model senior middle school .

  26. 提高辽宁人力资源素质的根本出路在于大力发展教育事业,目前尤其要注重发展高中阶段教育。

    Developing education , especially the high middle-school period education is the best way to strengthen the quality of human resource in Liaoning province .

  27. 因此,能否快速、高质量地推动高中阶段教育的发展,对于广西整个社会、经济的进步有着举足轻重的影响。

    Thus the fast and high quality development of high school education is of decisive influence on the general social and economic advancement of Guangxi .

  28. 本部分分别对现阶段我国义务教育、高中阶段教育和高等教育供求矛盾产生的具体原因做了详细分析。

    This part analyses the education contradictions of supply and demand of compulsory education , high school stage education and higher education particularly and respectively .

  29. 我国高中阶段教育形成了单一普通高中与单一职业高中并行的双轨制教育体制。

    The educational system of the senior middle schools in our country has been a double-track one , general senior middle schools and secondary vocational schools .

  30. 这其中,高等教育的发展应当成为玉溪中心城市教育发展的重点;这将推动玉溪各层次教育的相对集中发展,加快普及高中阶段教育的进程,从而加快城市人口整体素质的提高。

    Higher education should take the lead in the all-leveled comprehensive developments including a quickened popularization of high-school education and the improvement of the quality of the whole population .