
  • 网络Education Planning;educational planning;Education Planner
  1. 论中国英语教育规划中的问题与对策

    On the Problems and Strategies of English Education Planning in China

  2. 合理职业教育规划促进大学生就业

    Reasonable Vocational Education Planning Promotes Employment Opportunity for University Students

  3. 最近,我们研究了两个社区青少年写的超过400篇以“生活法则”为主题的文章,这是约翰·邓普顿基金会在宾夕法尼亚州拉德纳境内发起的一项教育规划中的部分内容。

    Recently , we examined more than 400 essays on the " laws of life " that teens from two communities had written as part of an educational program initiated by the John Templeton Foundation in Radnor , Pa.

  4. 基于CSCW的多级协同教育规划

    CSCW Based Multilevel Cooperative Educational Program

  5. 答:Endulen医院开展健康教育规划,包括在中学进行生殖卫生教育。

    A : Endulen Hospital runs health education programmes , which include reproductive health , in secondary schools .

  6. 本文认为EISP是与信息化规划、中小学信息技术教育规划有着密切关系,但又有不同内涵的概念。

    It is confirmed in the dissertation that EISP is different from ICT planning and ICT planning in primary and secondary school education , though they are closely related to each other .

  7. 推广教育规划课题成果操作模式的研究与实践

    Study and Practice of the Application Mode of Educational Programming Projects

  8. 应加强对这些学生的教育规划。

    The special intensive program need to be developed for these students .

  9. 谈成人高等教育规划教材的推广使用

    On Popularization and Usage of Textbook in the Adult Education PLANNING BOOKSTORE

  10. 协同教育规划中的多主体动态协调

    Multiagent Dynamic Coordination for Cooperative Educational Program On Design Program

  11. 高瞻远瞩,及早筹划,迎接挑战&关于制定2010年教育规划的思考

    Thoughts on Formulating the Educational Planning for the Year 2010

  12. 微电脑专门人材教育规划汇总统计系统

    A microcomputer statistical system applied to the educational plan of professional personnel

  13. 外语教育规划、外语教学与测试的动态互动模式研究

    The Dynamic Interaction of Foreign Language Planning , Language Teaching and Testing

  14. 专门人才预测是制定教育规划的基础。

    Specialized talent forecast provides the basis for formulation of the education programme .

  15. 基础教育规划决策支持系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Fundamental Education Planning

  16. 《学记》中的教育规划思想探析

    On the educational programming ideas presented in On Learning

  17. 高效的教育规划方案的制定需要全面的信息支持。

    Efficient education plan formulation need comprehensive information support .

  18. 教育规划中的人力需求法述评

    An overview on Manpower requirements approach to educational planning

  19. 对数字时代远程开放教育规划的再思考

    Rethinking Planning for Distance Education in the Digital Age

  20. 达喀尔(塞内加尔)区域教育规划中心

    Regional Centre for Educational Planning at Dakar , Senegal

  21. 美国低视力公共健康教育规划介绍及其对我国的借鉴

    Plan of America Low Vision Public Health Education and its Instruction for our Country

  22. 县级教育规划的数学模型

    Mathematical model of educational program of county level

  23. 教育规划是对教育发展的全局性、长远性和战略性的谋划。

    Educational planning is the strategy of an overall and long-term development of education .

  24. 我们会尽力为您的孩子提供一个全方位的,完美的教育规划。

    We all wish for our kids to get a well-rounded and complete education .

  25. 国际教育规划研究所-巴黎,法国[联合国教科文组织]

    International Institute for Educational Planning ( IIEP ) - Paris , France [ UNESCO ]

  26. 区域教育规划与区域经济的发展研究&以广西来宾市为例

    Regional Education Planning and Regional Economy Development & Take Laibin , Guangxi as an Example

  27. 亚洲教育规划和管理研究所

    Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration

  28. 高校网络教育规划浅析

    Analysis on College Network Education Program

  29. 对我国高校现代远程教育规划与管理的建议

    Some suggestions on the planning and management of modern distance education at universities in our country

  30. 新增教学点的布点问题是教育规划中典型问题之一。

    The allocation of new education points is one of the typical problems in education planning .