
  • 网络planning process
  1. 系统能够提供3D实时仿真,直观地显示路径规划过程。

    The real-time 3D simulation system visualizes the path planning process intuitively .

  2. 除去优先级,RUP的迭代规划过程也是基于风险的。

    By comparison , iteration planning in RUP is also based on risk in addition to priority .

  3. 创成式CAPP系统中工艺规划过程的建模

    Process optimization modeling in generative CAPP

  4. 借助GIS可实现规划过程更具交互性、规划结果更具直观性、方案调整更具灵活性。

    With GIS , the planning procedure can be more interactive , the planning result can be more visible , the planning update can be more flexible .

  5. 研究结果表明,借助GIS无需复杂的算法便可使规划过程更具交互性、规划结果更直观、方案调整更灵活。

    The research result shows that by means of GIS the planning process will be interactive , the result of planning will be intuitive and the adjustment of the planning will be more flexible .

  6. 在SOA战略和规划过程中,每个组织都应该考虑为SOA程序和SOA服务开发生命周期建立一套标准和策略。

    Each organization , as part of the strategy and planning process for SOA , should think about and create its set of standards and policies for its SOA program and the SOA service development lifecycle .

  7. 通过协同地工作,IBM和Galorath提供了一个无缝的解决方案,它能够使得软件开发公司自动实现它们的规划过程

    Working in concert , IBM and Galorath solutions provide a seamless solution which enables software development organizations to automate and fulfill their planning processes

  8. 本文介绍了位于韩国汉城新千年城中的数字媒体城市项目(以下简称DMC)的规划过程、规划概念,并分析其规划控制与城市设计。

    The essay introduces the urban planning progress and design concepts of the Digital Media City in Millenarian City at Seoul , and analysises the key issues controlling the design .

  9. 而在Agent的路径规划过程中,采用改进的粒子群优化(PSO)算法计算个体的移动方向与位置,并根据不同的环境调用不同的目标函数,有利于实现更复杂的人群行为。

    We adopt modified particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm as the path finding algorithm to compute the direction and position of an agent . Based on different environment situation , PSO choose a suitable Objective Function to more complex human behavior .

  10. 把基本Petri网和一个改进的可变弧权Petri网通过一个界面结合起来模拟规划过程,这个多层的Petri网模型能够很好地协调电力系统负荷需求和电力供应能力之间的关系。

    Via a communication interface the author combines a basic Petri net with an extension of continuous Petri nets called a Variable Arc Weighting Petri net ( VAWPN ) . The model can describe the process of the power system planning .

  11. 在物流仿真的AGV路径规划过程中,我们采用了一种基于划分的平面编码视图算法,并应用于物流仿真软件Simulate中,取得了较好的效果。

    We use a type of planar coding view arithmetic based on partition in the process of AGV route planning of material handling simulation . It also has been used to our computer software Simulate and has good effects .

  12. 可以描述森林生长过程和规划过程。

    It can describe forest growth process and the planning process .

  13. 基于操作项的敌意规划过程的分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research of Adversarial Plan Processing Basing on Operator

  14. 大学生在职业生涯规划过程中,很多人存在决策困难。

    Many graduates have career decision - making difficulties in career planning .

  15. 我国城市规划过程中的公众参与体系构建

    The Research on Public Participation in the Urban Planning Process

  16. 与分形规划过程相反,自组织过程是一个自下而上的过程。

    Contrary to fractal planning process , self-organized process is a bottom-up process .

  17. 然而,传统的风景名胜区植被规划过程往往缺乏定量的科学分析和先进的科技手段,运用定量分析的方法对风景名胜区植被规划从整体上进行全面和系统的研究较少。

    Nevertheless , traditional vegetative planning process often lacks quantitative analysis and advanced science .

  18. 在这样大规模的规划过程中,需要科学的理论做指导。

    It is necessary that urban logistics planning should be guided by scientific theory .

  19. 本文探讨了城市快速轨道交通网的规划过程和方法。

    This paper discusses the planning process and method of urban high-speed track transportation network .

  20. 因此论文试图探讨我国城市规划过程中的公众参与机制问题。

    Therefore this paper attempts to explore the city planning process of public participation mechanisms .

  21. 一种面向产品规划过程的组合质量屋

    Combined house of quality oriented product planning

  22. 提出了把基于典型事例推理的智能方法应用到路径规划过程中。

    A method that applies this intelligent typical case-based reasoning to path planning is put forward .

  23. 作为规划过程的一部分,您应了解清楚具体的策略。

    As part of the planning process , you should find out what your policy is .

  24. 并在该信息模型的基础上,分析了基于产品模块制造特征信息模型的工艺规划过程,研究了模块制造特征的加工方案选择数学模型和优化工艺的选择方案。

    Based on this model , analysis the manufacture plan selection and optimization of process planning .

  25. 为了在规划过程中考虑负荷的不确定性,提出了一种基于改进最小生成树算法的多阶段不确定性规划方法。

    A multi-stage planning approach considering uncertainty is put forward based on improved minimum-cost spanning tree algorithm .

  26. 在讨论冗余度机器人的最优轨迹规划过程中,提出了扩展雅可比矩阵法。

    A method using extended Jacobian matrices to find the optimal path of a redundant robot is presented .

  27. 该模型直接计及了规划过程中所存在的模糊、随机因素对网络结构优化的影响。

    In this model the effects of fuzzy and stochastic factors pertaining in the planning process are considered directly .

  28. 另外,规划过程中的中间产出和最终产出能够有效指导A公司进行信息化建设。

    And the intermediate outputs and ultimate outputs can effectively guide the IT construction of A company . 3 .

  29. 概述了黄河上游规划过程,主要成果及开发现状;

    The planning process of upstream Yellow River , main achievements and developing status are summarized in this paper .

  30. 规划过程组有助于从完整和把握程度不一的多种来源中收集信息。

    The Planning Process Group helps gather information from many sources with each having varying levels of completeness and confidence .