
  1. 在现代化规模养猪场中,PCV2与PRRSV往往混合感染,发病率呈上升趋势。

    In modern large-scale pig farms , the PRRSV and PCV2 usually co-infect the pigs , and increasing outbreak is observed .

  2. 仔猪黄白痢病常造成大批仔猪死亡或变成僵猪,是目前规模养猪场极为棘手的问题。

    Piglets Huang pullorum disease , which often caused a large number of pigs deaths or become stiff pigs , is a extremely difficult issue in large pig farms .

  3. 搞好养猪过程中的环境保护,做到规模养猪与环境保护协调发展,是当前亟待解决的重要课题。

    The important tasks waiting to be completed currently in raising pigs are to protect the environment and to keep a balanced development between intensive pig industry and environment protection .

  4. GIS在环保型养猪业区域规划中的应用规模化养猪场配套肉狗饲养的探索

    Regional planning of pig husbandry with environmental protection using GIS Study of Meat-dog Husbandry Attached to a Massive Pig Farm

  5. 第五部分以武汉市规模型养猪业为例,基于logistic模型,对养猪业生态产业链耦合的不同主体的各个影响因素进行了实证分析。

    The fifth part , taking scale pig-farming industry as an example , discusses the influence and effect of coupling of pig-farming eco-industrial chain by logistic model .

  6. 1月23日宣布经检测呈ERV抗体阳性的一人,据报告是来自法仁瑞拉城(大马尼拉区的一个城区)一个小规模家庭养猪场主。

    The person announced on23 January to have tested positive for ERV antibodies is reported to be a backyard pig farmer from Valenzuela City-a neighbourhood within Metro Manila .

  7. 规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的影响因素研究

    Study on Determinants of Biogas Engineering Development in Large-scale Pig Farms

  8. 规模化养猪场粪污水处理和利用的研究

    Study on Treatment and Utilization of Swine Waste in Large-scale Farm

  9. 规模化养猪场废水处理工艺的研究及应用

    Research and application of sewage disposal technics in large hoggery

  10. 海南省规模化养猪与污染物处理情况调研报告

    Large-scale Hog Farming and Excrement Treatment in Hainan Province

  11. 规模化养猪场猪瘟、猪生殖-呼吸综合征、猪伪狂犬病监测及原因分析

    Surveillance of Classical Swine Fever , Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome and Pseudorabies

  12. 规模化养猪场粪污处理工程设计

    Design of sewage treatment engineering on large-scale swine farm

  13. 针对大型规模化养猪场污水污染负荷高,行业利润水平低的特点,采用高级综合稳定塘工艺对广州市某养猪场的废水进行处理。

    Advanced integrated pond system was used to treat the large scale piggery wastewater .

  14. 规模化养猪场繁育体系与饲养管理配套技术的研究

    Studies on matching technology of breeding system and feeding management in Scaled Pig Farms

  15. 规模化养猪场粪污循环利用技术集成与模式构建研究

    Research on Recycling Model Construction and Technology Integration of Feces From Large-scale Pig Farm

  16. 规模化养猪场的环境控制研究

    Study on environmental control of a large-scale piggery

  17. 对9个规模化养猪场1518份血清进行了猪瘟免疫抗体检测。

    The serum samples from 9 intensive pig farms were tested for antibody against hog cholera .

  18. 规模化养猪场和养殖小区正成为生猪主产区养猪的新趋势。

    The large-scale pig farms and pig farming community is becoming the new trend of hog production .

  19. 仔猪早期断奶技术是国内外集约化和规模化养猪生产中普遍关注和采用的先进技术。

    The early Weaning technology is commonly concerned and used in tensive and large-scale domestic pig-production in advanced technologies .

  20. 2005&2009年,黄河口地区的规模化养猪场所饲养的猪有不同程度的猪链球菌病发生。

    There occurred swine streptococcosis at different degree in large-scale piggery in Huanghe River Mouth Area from 2005 to 2009 .

  21. 介绍了规模化养猪场的废水来源,废水产生量及污染物浓度。

    The article introduces the source of the wastewater of a large-scale piggery farms , wastewater production and the pollutants of the concentration .

  22. 近年来,养猪业在我国得到了快速发展,规模化养猪场的数量在不断增加。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of swine rising in our country , the number of large-scale hoggery is increasing .

  23. 随着规模化养猪所占比例迅猛增加,带来的环境污染成为一个亟待解决的新问题。

    With the rapid increase in the proportion of large-scale pig , the new problems that bring environmental pollution have become an urgent need to solve .

  24. 降低规模化养猪场对环境污染的营养措施典型铬渣污染场地的污染状况与综合整治对策

    Nutritional Measures of Reducing the Environment Pollution Caused by Large-scale Piggery Study on Pollution Situation at Typical Chrome Residue Contaminated Sites and Corresponding Integrated Remediation Plan

  25. 循环经济思想为缓解规模化养猪环境污染,实现规模化养猪产业的持续健康发展开辟了新的途径。

    The thought of circular economic opens up new avenues to alleviate the large-scale pig farming pollution , and achieve sustained and healthy development of large-scale pig farming industry .

  26. 近十几年来,随着规模化养猪迅速发展,废弃物处理和利用已成为规模养猪场健康发展亟待解决的问题。

    In recent ten years , developing with the large-scale pig farm , waste disposal and use become problems needed to be solved in order to make large-scale pig farm growth health .

  27. 大肠杆菌病是极为常见的畜禽传染病,经常引起地区性散发或小范围爆发,尤其是对规模化养猪场的危害较严重,经济损失较大。

    Colibacillosis is a very common disease of livestock diseases , often caused by the dissemination of local or small-scale outbreak , especially for large-scale pig farms , the more serious the harm , economic losses larger .

  28. 调查广西区内6个规模化养猪场及部分农户的生猪共315头,发现各生长阶段的猪均存在不同程度感染寄生虫(病)的现象。

    The number of 315 live pigs from 6 pig-farms in a large scale and some farmers in Guangxi were investigated . It was found that the pigs were infected with the parasitic disease to some extent in different growth period .

  29. 据农业部统计,截至2008年底,我国规模化养猪出栏数量所占比率已达到62%,规模化已经成为今后养猪业发展的趋势。

    According to the Ministry of Agriculture statistics , as the end of 2008 , the number of large-scale pig slaughter accounts for the total has reached 62 % . Large-scale has become the trend of swine industry in the future .

  30. 随着我国规模化养猪场迅速发展,排放的粪尿污水不断增加,导致严重的环境污染,成为规模化养猪可持续发展亟待解决的问题。

    With the rapid development of the large-scale pig farm in China , the feces waste water discharge continuously increased , and caused serious environmental pollution . It has become important issues that need to be resolved for large-scale pig sustainable development .