
guī fàn huà
  • standardization;normalization;normalize
规范化 [guī fàn huà]
  • [normalize] 使合于一定标准

  • 语言规范化

规范化[guī fàn huà]
  1. 基于约束的XML数据库模式规范化研究

    The Research on XML Database Schema Normalization Based on Constraints

  2. 消除结构冗余的XML数据库模式规范化设计

    Normalization Design of XML Database Schema Eliminating Structural Redundancies

  3. 随着世界变得日益复杂,某些事物确实理所当然地规范化和全球化了。

    As the world becomes more complex , some things do , of course , standardize and globalize

  4. “这种信息不应使不良行为规范化,而需要使它边缘化,例如‘即使一个人再多买一辆SUV,也会降低我们不依赖能源的能力’这样的声明。”

    " Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour , the message needs to marginalise it , for example , by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV , it reduces our ability to be energy-independent . "

  5. 替代产品应用水平明显提升,塑料等垃圾智慧化、规范化回收处理体系基本建立。

    Alternative products are more widely used , and a smart and standardized waste recycling and treatment system is basically established .

  6. 中国银监会主席尚福林近期在《中国金融》杂志上发表的文章上表示,我国将推进金融市场退出机制的常态化和,规范化,建立适合我国国情的法律体系。

    China will promote normalization1 and standardization2 of the financial market exit mechanism3 and the upcoming legal system will be in line with China 's conditions , Shang Fulin , chairman of the China Banking4 Regulatory Commission , said in a recent article to the fortnightly China Finance .

  7. 有一些按照连续编号排列的规则(也叫范式(form))可以用来很详细地定义规范化数据。

    There are a number of consecutively numbered rules , called normal forms that define normalized data in considerable detail .

  8. Windows应用软件菜单的规范化设计

    Standardized design of menu for Windows application software

  9. 在SOA中应用规范化建模模式的价值

    The value of applying the canonical modeling pattern in SOA

  10. 作者对Internet系统设计和一般解决方案进行了论述,在设计方法和设计规范化方面提出了一些自己的观点。

    The author discusses the design and normal resolving plan for the Internet System , advances his own viewpoint on the design method and design standardization .

  11. 每个消息被BC规范化,并移交到NMR。

    Each message is normalized by a BC and handed over to NMR .

  12. 引入ISO9000质量管理体系实施图书馆规范化服务

    Importing ISO9000 Quality Control System and Implementing Library Standardization Service

  13. SOX法案的实施对IT部门的规范化管理提出了直接的要求。

    The implementation of SOX Act requires correct IT management methodology .

  14. XML多值依赖的推理规则集问题是解决XML数据依赖的蕴涵问题的基础,是XML规范化理论的关键问题之一。

    The problem of inference rules for multivalued dependency is the key to solve implication problem between dependencies in XML and the key problem of XML normalization theory .

  15. WTO的争端解决机制比GATT时的争端解决机制更加强制化,规范化,合理化。

    Compared to GATT dispute settlement mechanism , WTO dispute settlement mechanism is more compulsory , regulatory , and rational .

  16. 论文利用HTML表格属性,在表格中插入冗余单元,使HTML表格规范化;

    In this paper , we normalize the HTML tables by inserting redundant cells into them according the attributes of HTML tables .

  17. 企业要在竞争中立于不败之地,采用规范化、现代化的管理手段,建立高效的MIS是企业的必然选择。

    If a steel enterprise want to be a success in the competition severely , the standardized and modern management is important .

  18. 所有JBIBC都理解规范化格式。

    All JBI BCs understand the normalized format .

  19. 将关系模式转换为XML模式往往不能保留数据库中原有的语义信息,针对这一问题本文提出利用逆规范化实现基于语义的关系模式到XML模式转换方法。

    To translate relational schema to XML schema , most of methods can 't remain intrinsic semantic information of relational database . This paper presents a semantic-based translating algorithm through denormalization .

  20. 结合大型关系型数据库SqlServer,实现数据的收集、存储和管理,使管理手段更趋规范化和科学化,为大规模生态治理和资源开发提供科学依据。

    Combined with SQL Server database , actualized the data collection , storage and management , made the management scientific and standard and provided scientific gist for the project .

  21. 将叠层橡胶支座和R/C柱的串联机构作为隔震系统的做法在实际工程中已有应用,但至今尚无规范化的设计计算方法。

    The serial isolation system consisting of laminated rubber bearing and R / C column has been applied in practical building , but without the corresponding codes for calculation and design yet .

  22. MPEG-7则对各种媒体对象进行统一和规范化的描述。

    MPEG-7 defines a universal and normalized description of various multimedia objects .

  23. 在一定程度上,由于使用DOM模型是实现规范化最简单的一种方法,因此XML安全性库都被设计为操作XML的DOM表示。

    Partly because canonicalization is most easily implemented using a DOM model , the XML security libraries are all written to work with DOM representations of XML .

  24. 反规范化不再是一个忌讳的字眼,相反,它是一个设计工具,您可以把它应用在AppEngineforJava应用程序的许多方面。

    De-normalization is no longer a dirty word ; instead , it is a design tool that you will apply in many aspects of your App Engine for Java applications .

  25. OPAC书目检索系统用户接口规范化的探讨

    Exploration of the User Interface Criteria of OPAC Bibliographic Retrieval System

  26. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库软件自主开发了一套用户管理系统,用于有线电视用户的管理,节约了大量的人力、物力,使有线电视管理工作更加规范化、科学化。

    Using Visual FoxPro database develop a customer management system . It can save a lot of manpower and resources and make customer-management normalization and be scientifically .

  27. 为了实现海域使用的规范化管理,引入了地理信息系统技术,在可视化开发环境Visualc++下,开发了江苏省海域管理信息系统。

    According to realize the standard management of marine uses , GIS technique and the maritime management information system of Jiangsu province based on Visual C ~ ( + + ) were introduced and developed .

  28. 目的通过对湖北省各艾滋病抗体筛查实验室室间质量评价工作,掌握全省各市州县HIV抗体筛查水平,发现存在的问题,以使各级筛查实验室工作逐步规范化,提高检测水平和质量。

    Objective Through the external quality assessment , to investigate the provincial testing level and find the source of problems in AIDS antibody screening labs and improve the testing level and quality .

  29. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库编程技术开发了高校毕业生就业指导管理信息系统,使毕业生就业指导工作更加规范化和科学化。

    This paper , the MIS of University graduates obtain employment coach has been developed by using Visual Foxpro Programming technigues , So as to made it more standard and scientific .

  30. 使用该规范化HRA技术能在现有条件下最大限度地消除HRA/PSA之不足。

    The standardized HRA technique can eliminate the defects of HRA / PSA to the greatest extent under nowadays conditions .