
kāng xī zì diǎn
  • Kangxi Dictionary;a 42-volume Chinese dictionary compiled during the reign of Kang Xi in the Qing Dynasty;Kangxi Lexicon
康熙字典 [kāng xī zì diǎn]
  • [Kangxi Lexicon] 清朝康熙年间,张玉书、陈廷敬等奉皇帝命令编纂的一部字典

康熙字典[kāng xī zì diǎn]
  1. 中国清代的《康熙字典》是世界上最早、字数最多的字典。于康熙55年(公元1716年)发行,共收47035个字。

    The Kangxi Dictionary , completed in the Qing Dynasty ( 1644 A.D. - 1911 A.D. ) and released in the 55th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi ( 1716 A.D. ), was the world 's earliest and biggest dictionary with 47035 entries of Chinese characters .

  2. 同时也详细地阐述了COM/DCOM技术和基于COM/DCOM的ActiveX技术以及ActiveX技术在《e康熙字典》中的应用。

    At the same time , this article systematically introduces COM / DCOM technology , ActiveX technology based on COM / DCOM and application of ActiveX technology at 《 e-KangXi Dictionary 》 .

  3. 《康熙字典》对《字汇》、《正字通》有着紧密的传承关系。

    KangxiZidian has close relationship with Zihui and Zhengzitong .

  4. 《康熙字典》研究

    The Study on Kangxi Dictionary

  5. 《康熙字典》问世以后,先后有很多人封其进行校勘与研究。

    After the advent of the Kangxi , there have been a lot of its collation and research .

  6. 在他执政时期,出版发行了《明史》、《古今图书集成》、《全唐诗》、《全唐文》,以及《康熙字典》、《佩文韵府》和《四库全书》。

    During his reign the History of Ming Dynasty came off the press , along with , the illustrated encyclopedia Gujin Tushu Jicheng , the Collection of Tang Poetry and Tang Prose Writings , the character dictionary Kangxi Dictionary , the Rhyme Dictionary , and the collection Siku Quanshu ,

  7. 康熙命人编纂了许多书,其中有《康熙字典》和《明史》。

    He commissioned many books , including The Kangxi Dictionary and A History of The Ming Dynasty .