
  • 网络Kant;kantian;Immanuel Kant;I. Kant;Kant, Immanuel
康德 [kāng dé]
  • [Kant] (1724-1804) 德国哲学家,德国古典唯心主义理论的创始人

  1. 康德与基督教神学

    Immanuel Kant and Christian Theology

  2. 道德明明不是指导人们怎样使自己幸福的教条,而是指导人们怎样配享有幸福的学说。(德国哲学家康德.I。)

    Morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are to be worthy of happiness . ( Immanuel Kant , German Philosopher )

  3. 康德关于经验的评论著作最终与本体论和形而上学混为一谈。

    Kant 's work on the critique of experience became ultimately indistinguishable from ontology and metaphysics .

  4. 康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。

    The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective .

  5. 康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。

    Kant and Hegel have developed idealism .

  6. 康德深以这一观点为是,但他最终相信目的论。

    Kant identifies with this view deeply , but he believes teleology finally .

  7. 本体(Noumena)是康德《纯粹理性批判》中的一个重要概念。

    Noumena is an important concept in Kant 's Critique of Pure Reason .

  8. 在本体论上,SSK仍然坚持康德式的自然与社会的二元论,而后SSK则打破了这种二分,认为自然与社会共同地建构了科学;

    From the ontology perspective , SSK claims the dualism between nature and society , however , Post-SSK break through this dualism and holds that both of nature and society construct science together ;

  9. 康德形而上学重建思想初探

    Primary Analysis On The Thought Of Kant ′ s Metaphysical Reconstruction

  10. 康德《未来形而上学导论》对《纯粹理性批判》的理论超越

    Theoretical Transcendence of Kant 's Prolegomena over Critique of Pure Reason

  11. 倾听关于启蒙的对话:康德与福柯

    Listening Attentively to the Dialogue about Enlightenment : Kant and Foucault

  12. 试论康德对知性本性的逻辑分析

    On Kant ′ s Logical Analysis of the Nature of Understanding

  13. 道德哲学在康德哲学体系中的地位和现实价值

    On Status and Realistic Values of Moral Philosophy in Kantianism System

  14. 康德绝对命令的存在论追问及超越

    Inquiry into Kant 's Imperative Order in Existence and Its Transcendence

  15. 康德时间观的困境和启示

    A Dilemma and Inspiration of Kant 's View on the Time

  16. 梁启超与康德趣味说之比较趣味有争辩&关于审美趣味的本体论阐释

    A Comparison between Kants and Liang Qichao 's Views of Taste

  17. 康德研究为什么经久不衰?

    Why is the study of Kant so popular and lasting ?

  18. 康德纯粹自我意识学说的贡献及其困境

    The Contribute And Predicament of Kants Pure Self - consciousness Theory

  19. 崇高:康德人类学哲学的有机元素

    Sublimeness : The Organic Element of the Kant 's Anthropology Philosophy

  20. 康德伦理学理论在《简·萨默斯的日记》中的表征

    Kant 's Ethical Theory Embodied in the Diaries of Jane Somers

  21. 这是康德道德哲学关注的首要问题。

    This is the primary question of kant 's moral philosophy .

  22. 比如黑格尔、谢林、费希特和后来的新康德主义。

    For instance Hegel , Schelling , Fichte and later New Kanteism .

  23. 康德哲学体系中的价值论命题

    The Propositions of the Theory of Value in the System of Kantian

  24. 康德哲学美学与中国心性哲学论近代美学与哲学的关系

    A Comparison Between Kant 's Philosophy-Aesthetics And Chinese Mind-Xing Philosophy

  25. 开放的康德哲学&重读物自体

    Kantian Philosophy as an Open System : Re-interpretation of " Thing-in-Itself "

  26. 康德哲学与洛克哲学的时空观之比较

    A Comparison to the Space-time View of the Kant and the Locke

  27. 二十世纪对康德哲学的两次批判及其意义

    Two Critiques to Kants Philosophy and Their Significance in the Twentieth Century

  28. 辩乎先验经验之际&康德伦理学与儒家道德哲学的一种比较阐释

    Debating on the Boundaries of the Transcendental and the Empirical

  29. 在康德的哲学中,逻辑有着极其重要的地位。

    The logic is important very much in Kantian philosophy .

  30. 他也反对义务论的康德伦理学的道德至上性预设。

    He also opposed deontological Kantian ethics of " moral superiority " .