- broom corn millet;prosomillet

[broom corn millet] 穄子,一种不粘的黍
Studies on the morphological and duration changes of differentiating panicles of broom corn millet ( panicummiliaceum ) and their relationship with the outer morphology of the plant
A study of relation of leaf water potential with resistance of stomatic diffusion and evapotranspiration rate of millet , broom corn millet , sorghum and corn
Due to its drought-enduring nature , glutinous millet became the most important crop on the loess plateau .
Simulation of corn , foxtail millet and pearl millet yields using ALMANAC model in the Loess Plateau
The PCR based molecular markers were used to detect the genetic diversity among the 38 landrace and cultivar collection from different ecological region of Northern China , as among 20 cultivars bred by Guyuan Institute of Agricultural Sciences as well .
Study on Run-off Planting Technology of Proso in Semi-arid and Drought-inclined Areas
Callus induction and Plantlet Regeneration from seeds of Panicum miliaceum
Discussion about P. miliaceum Breeding and Strategy on Industry Development
Effects of Deep Loosening and Minimum Tillage on Physiological Process of Panic
Ultrastructure of Tapetum and Male Gametophyte in Panicum miliaceum
The Microsporogenesis and Pollen Development in Broomcorn Millet
There are two types of glutinous millets , the hard and the soft .
It is still a major crop in arid and semi-arid area of northern China .
Proso millet seed were rich in starch , protein , fat , fiber and minerals .
Fried glutinous millet produces natural fragrance . That 's a recipe that Huang feels most proud of .
Effect of water Stress on Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency in Sorghum and Proso Millet Seedlings under Different Fertility Conditions
Emergy yield of sundry grains ( include millet , sundry wheat , bean and kaoliang , etc. ) decline much .
Huang firmly believes that the glutinous millet powdered by a machine lags far behind those ground up on his millstone .
On the basis of a general survey of the varieties , collet and col-late the germplasm resources of broomcorn millet in this region ;
Sown area accounts for 15 % of the whole area of cereal crops , the output accounts for 36 % of grain gross output .
The results of histological observation indicated that ( 1 ) callus was first formed from the subepidermal ceils near the hypocotyl and especially the radicle ;
The density has little effect on the content of protein and the starch , but the content of fat is lower with the higher of the density .
Stomatal conductance of the whole growing period shows bimodal curve , and the former peak is low and the later one is high which takes place at milk stage .
The results indicated that under higher fertil-ity condition , the photosynthesis in sorghum and proso millet was high , and the thresh-old values of photosynthsis declining were so low that water use efficiency was high .
The results showed that the rich polymorphic bands were detected with polymorphic frequency of 75 % and 90.38 % respectively . Therefore the introns splice junction primers and long random primers were suitable for the analysis on the genetic diversity of broomcorn millet .
Four kinds of ridge and furrow planting of proso in semi arid and drought inclined areas indicate that ridge and furrow planting can collect water , aid water permeation , improve root system 's moisture condition , and hence remarkably elevate proso production .
The crop has the advantages of drought resistance , grown well in barren soil and higher water usage efficiency ( WUE ), which make it a valuable gene resource to improve WUE of the staple crop , such as wheat , maize and rice .